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RE: How much Steem Power makes an upvote worth $1.00?

in #steemit8 years ago

Hello thanks for the post, I need some help and it seems like you understand the STEEMIT system wel, so what do I do if the money next to my post doesn't convert into my wallet? My first post has made over $1000 but in my wallet it says: steem= 0 , steempower = 3.042, steem Dollar=0, estimated value= 11.05 ? I don't understand this can somone explain? I tried to power down and then this Pops up: account registered by another account requires 10xaccount creation fee worth of Steem Power before it can Power down. What is going on? Someone please explain, thank you!


Post rewards are not paid instantly , about 24hours after, sometimes more. By looking at your wallet right now, you did get paid for that big post, 3 hours ago, or 14 hours after you posted this .... The power down feature, is converting Steem Power back into Steem (which can be traded and sold) slowly over the course of two years, in 104 equal weekly payments.

If you need the cash, sell some of your 911 Steem Back Dollars to an exchange for Bitcoins, and you can then sell those for your local currency . (I would suggest trading some for Bitcoins, and some for Steem ... doing SBD -> Steem -> Steem Power is alot faster than using the internal function, which takes 1 week)

@mrs.steemit Just wait until it completes a total of about 24 hours from when you posted. Then it will show in your wallet. You will see also an entry in the History section of your wallet. You will likely receive some Steem Power and some Steem Dollars. Steem Power is more like an Account in the bank that you can't touch for 2 yrs (sort of) but it gains alot of Interest (or you could say 'Steem) And Steem dollars can be worth about 1 U.S. Dollars or a little more. You can convert Steem Dollars to Bitcoin, then to Cash. Anyway , enough for now. Let m know if you need any more questions answered.