There's this rumor floating around Steemit that simply being in possession of breasts is enough to garner you a $1000 payout per post.
Screen caps or it didn't happen.
(Image source:
There's this rumor floating around Steemit that simply being in possession of breasts is enough to garner you a $1000 payout per post.
Screen caps or it didn't happen.
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yeah i know what bullshit!! hahah great post!!! lol !!
Your boobs must be amazing to get you 3,000 followers 😂
You've come a long way from that first 'test' post. :-)
It is interesting to see the payouts over the entire history of your content. You've gone from the heady days of ludicrous payouts to the sorrow filled days of depressed prices and now to the pheonix-like rise from the ashes.
All the way you just kept putting out those posts and building your audience. Well done.
Lol. I just noticed three accounts flagged on your first post. And here you are today, still standing. :-)
aww thanks so much!! yeah it would interesting to see, but I'm persistent !will keep going!!
If that is true, doesn't it mean only dicks are voting? ;) PS. I found you due to seablue's resteem.
I know that I paid for at least one semester of college for an aspiring professional back in my Army days, so I'm probably the wrong dickless person to ask?
lol - I'm in the dickless crowd as well.
No wonder you have so much steem power?!?
Yes, obviously there could be no other reason.
You just showed up with your boobs and BOOM!
The funny thing is, I didn't even mention them. They still WORKED. It is amazing. (lol)
Sounds legit to me, @whatsup :-D
Not sure my man boobs would make much
It is a fact that penises only make 79 cents for every dollar boobs make on the internet.
The only pay gap on Steemit is between people who self-upvote and the people who whine about it.
LOL - absolutely right!

I've just done a post about the exact same issue just in case you wanna fly over it. See you around!
I was traveling, so I didn't get to check out your posts until this morning. What happened to you in chat is just ridiculous, and I hope the community gets a hold on that behavior before the platform becomes a sausagefest of mom's basement dwellers.
erm... you need to read up on steemstory
OMG...the people who made parody posts even did exceptionally well. Why be a hater when having a sense of humor pays sooooo much better?
I believe that post is a whole satire by itself.
It's glorious what can happen when people don't take themselves so seriously.
The timing of you posting this link was really interesting as the night before I was telling my best friend about Steemit. She's a manager for MAC, and I was all "I bet makeup tutorials would do really well there!" 😂 Not sure if I should show her this or keep it to myself for now lol
Note how despite the topic of the tutorial is a face makeup video, the focus is strangely framed around her breasts.
I actually wasn't distracted by her bosoms, but that's probably because I sometimes wear makeup and the content is relevant to my life. And because boobs aren't really my thing. More of a booty girl.
But...given the amazing resolution cameras have these days, I'm gonna venture a guess she did us a favor by including subtle cleavage instead of zooming in on her face more. HD-quality close ups of facial pores are horrendous! We'd probably be scarred for life.
That's actually amazing. Thanks for the link.
I tried that out a bit, made a post trying to make people read about science by using boobs. I got less upvotes than most of my posts make :'(
I've been lied to!
I finished your Freebie Friday request. Feel free to make a new one.
I only made 1.71 for my boobs. And I was born in a male body. :-(
The estrogen is doing you right, girl! You look amazing.
Thank you! They aren't so big, but i'm proud of them! :-)
I don't know how long you've been hitting the ovary juice, but I'm pretty sure most of the trans women I'm friends with would envy how effortlessly you seem to "pass". I'm sure it's a lot more work than it appears, but you're certainly a beautiful woman.
Not even a year on oestrogen. I always passed before HRT, but now it's like, I'm a chick. But I should I've started in my early 20. I started transitioning at 35, but I've stopped. I can't live full time, there's a part of me still grasping some masculinity. I found an equilibrium now. Not the most perfect one, but one that fulfills me. I wished I could finally finish removing my facial hair, then I will rethink about what to do about my transition. I'm lucky, my body is like a Honda Civic, I still pass as a man (with ample shirts) but I prefer to pass as a woman. I'm still thinking about all of this on a daily base. But this project is on "hold"
I don't normally click on that stuff, but have seen only a total of 5 people out of over 2k that post naked...stuff lol funny post!
I have an appreciation for a good artistic nude every now and then, so I've checked out some nsfw stuff that floats through my feed. Always seemed like they were making pennies compared to the cryptofinance bloggers.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who hasn't seen this legendary SteemTits phenomenon...was starting to think I was doing this all wrong!
Ha, well Im positive your doing better then me, spend hrs on content for ...well couple of pennies atm lol, all good tho, thanks for the reply, have a nice 4th^^
It has been documented in scientific tests that good looks does give you an advantage, but $1,000 per post is a bit much I would think.
I mean, given anyone can buy a whole new set for less than 4k, that's one helluva return on your investment!
Only if the rumor is true.
Like you said. Screen capture and prove it. If it is true, I should get me some!
It's not a rumor I'm afraid. I've noticed that posts with sexy pictures of their author are scoring some respectable upvotes. Take a look at @soldier for example! I guess my manly hairy boobs won't grant me stardom on Steemit 🤣
Scrolled through her profile and checked out some of her blogs. Didn't find any $1k posts, and it looks like she's actually a legitimate content creator. @soldier is clearly more than just boobs. I just followed her because her choreography is great, so thanks for telling me about her!
Not exactly $1000 posts, but 3x$350 is about the same 😉. I know she posts good content, I'm a follower, but remove the pictures and I guarantee she won't get as much rewards.
Why should she be penalized for being more photogenic than other people who include pictures of themselves in their posts? She creates quality blogs once a day, so people are upvoting her because they like her content, not because she's spamming feeds with cleavage selfies. She's the kind of Steemian we should be lauding, not tearing down because she's simultaneously attractive, female, and successful. Her boobs aren't doing the work.
I'm not tearing her down, I like her blog and I've followed her. What I'm saying is, good looks do help. Perhaps not the boobs, but the legs are certainly having an effect.
An entire industry is built around the concept that good looks sell products. I have no problem acknowledging that. The thing I take issue with is the implication that the boobs are the product that sells here. The content on the pages of the women who do well here says otherwise.
There are plenty of men who are successful on this platform, and no one reduces their accomplishments to superficial reasons..even though attractive men are also more successful than their frumpier counterparts. So why do some people just just throw shade at the women on Steemit?
So why do some people just just throw shade at the women on Steemit?
Not just on Steemit, but everywhere. I guess it's the old stereotypes.
My comment got a very weird transformation, strange!!! ;)
I just wanted to say that she can not speak english so I do not think she write the posts. Sadly she is only boobs, pretty face and a good body.. ah she can also moves really sensual ;) I was in a meeting in Berlin when she was... she did not open his mouth not even once.... because everybody was speaking in english and she is german and can not.... not speak but write???
And is not that I do not like her but she is not the best example... like maybe @surfermarly or @whatsup (even if the last do not has post any pic in bikini :D ) two girls I really admire here on Steemit
Have you read @surfermarly's latest post? She's leaving Steemit because it's toxic. Really sad.
I know is not good at all...It is one of the reasons why I am doing this
Edit: funny, my post lose words and entire phrases when I save it.. very strange like the first one!
500$ per boob.
So, $1500 if I add a third boob? Tempting!
If you have any belly fat or something else which could work, just attach a nipple and it'll be transformed into an extra boob.
Boobs rule the world !
You play and organize MTG tournaments and are also on Steemit? Creating good content btw...? Marry me, please. I´ll go wherever you need me to haha
i got man boobies bring on the 1,000