My Introduction: Hi There, i believe here is the right way to find new friends and best way to share each other :)

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi steemit, i'm sure this is a place to share and find new friends. and I'm also believe here we can find wonderful things that are fun and profitable.

My name is Muammar, someone who really likes new things, I believe that new things will bring us to new knowledge as well.

I was worked as a tour guide in Banda Aceh, such as culinary tours, history tours, cultures tours and Tsunami tours, I did it in 2013. For me interacting with new people from different cultural backgrounds are very interesting and memorable.

In addition, I have also became as a Liason Officer on the national sporting activities at my university, Syiah Kuala University in 2015. I am as alumni of Syiah Kuala University, major in Communication Science.

I also worked as a marketing at Stew Design, the company that I built with my best friend ever from 2014 until 2017. Our business concept is home-industry, our target markets are the students in Banda Aceh. The products we sell are diverse, because of our business concept is graphic design, so we are sells products like Caricatures , Smugde, Vector, Banners, Baliho etc.

At the Stew Design, I got a lot of experiences in how to sell and offer products to the consumers, but most thing that I love are how to deal with different consumers every single day.

When I finished my college, I am work as a Field Relation in 2017 at the National Oil and Gas Company, and not far from my experience, I am back to being someone who connecting the company with community as a corporate's stakeholder. I have no words to discribe all of this amazing moments. thanks god who has gave me all of these.

In the end, here is my short story of my life. For me, interacting with others is a great experience and unforgettable.!

Peluncuran buku.png


I gave you a $.02 vote!

Would you be so kind as to follow me back in return?@muammarte, let me be the first to welcome you to Steemit! Congratulations on making your first post!

Thanks, yes i will my friend :)

wellcome aboard dude!