First of all very grateful for your mention in your post, just to include me in your post is something great, I love the cooperation that can be achieved on this platform.
Reading a bit your post in depth I have noticed something very true, as I speak to you in your previous post in Latin America, people only think about producing money and now.
Regarding social networks like Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, a certain group of people wins. On the other hand, in Steemit, I think that very soon it will supplant FaceBook.
YouTube will be supplanted by Viuly since like steemit has its own cryptocurrency. Viuly is like Steemit but of videos.
Now I say, imagine if Facebook or Youtube take out their cryptocurrencies like that cryptocurrency market would be.
Finishing there are many people who have entered the Steemit platform without knowing cryptocurrencies just for thinking that it is something that will give you money and already. But no, as I commented in your previous post should have an investor's mind that they know that cryptocurrencies is the future of money and the present money for countries with inflation in their large economies. Again, I thank you for your mention in your post.
Thank you again musicayfarandula :)