Flu Season...

in #steemit7 years ago

So its Flu season here. Why does it have a capital "F" because I don't want to offend it and in retaliation it would get to me. Its been a rough 2 weeks. My daughter has had this for the past week, I was sick and then my wife. So needless to say, its been a hard time.

It all started with the sniffles and then over night progressed into an uncontainable monster a rolling nut job. Meds and sleep is the only cure, but working, cooking, cleaning, caring, working, then cooking and cleaning again.. I am tired.

As for my Steemit status, I'll get back on that wagon after the weekend and everything clears up.

Love you and hope you never get the flu, shit, I'm sorry the Flu.


Hahaha I think you were rhyming there.

Respecting the Flu, good move blurbs. We ought to do a whole lot more respecting of lots of things. Check out Volcano Watch on utube, pretty interesting stuff, I think you might get some inspirations. Best.