Christian citizens could vote in a government that supports Christian values instead of Satanic values. Theoretically we could switch to a more servant form of government.
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Christian citizens could vote in a government that supports Christian values instead of Satanic values. Theoretically we could switch to a more servant form of government.
You're still missing the point, my friend.
Voting implies a democracy, which is still a method of ruling, or exercising power over other men. It is one of the worst forms of rule, sometimes called "mob rule." Jesus had this to say about that:
Your phrase "servant form of government" is a complete oxymoron. You can either have an organization that serves, or one that "governs," i.e. rules by force. The two concepts are incompatible, no matter how America's founding fathers may have pretended to marry the two.
Strangely enough, it has taken me a lifetime to understand this. A fellow by the name of Larken Rose helped me to "see" the truth, and I would strongly recommend his book to you:
Government can serve us by protecting us from others. Not everyone in this world is self-governed.
If we choose not to be self-governing, we become inhuman slaves.
Unfortunately, the evil design of human government and its built-in perverse incentives always divert it from the noble ideal of "protecting us from others." Consequently, we need to be protected from human government. Human government cannot simultaneously be servant and master.
There's an interesting organization called the Zero Aggression Project. They call what I generally speak of as "human government" the "state." Other than that different terminology, I greatly admire the clarity with which they explain these things.
The core flaw of the state is the presumption of a right to use force and coercion to accomplish its will against good and bad alike. Here's an excellent article about that:
Can you be pro-government but anti-state?
I don't think complete anarchy would go very well in our Satanic society.