

No, like seriously, really?

"Which is stupid, cuz theres no such thing as automobile fuel residue when you drive"

Yes, there is; it's called exhaust. You know that pipe that gets really hot and makes noise and on cold mornings produces a little bit of fog? Ever notice how water drips out of it sometimes?

Gasoline is a hydrocarbon, specifically C8H18. The combustion process that makes engines work is 2 C8H18 + 25 O2 → 16 CO2 + 18 H2O. If you notice the last part which is 18 H2O, that's water. Now when you heat water up extremely hot you get steam, and when you cool it extremely quickly you get clouds; exactly like on that cold day when you exhale and can see your breath, that is water vapor in your breath turning into a tiny cloud. That's exactly what is happening with airplanes only at a much larger scale. Instead of the milliliters of water in your breath it is gallons of water in the plane exhaust; and it's very cold a couple miles up into the air, so magically it turns into clouds just like your breath does.

Even if they were putting stuff into the air, the amount needed after it disperses over the entire planet would weigh more than the plane itself and never make it into the air. It would be extremely inefficient to poison you with something when they could just put it in the tap water instead.

Chemtrails are not meant to poison directly, they are used to prevent people from growing their own food and to take them off the land into mega cities ( look up agenda 21).
These chemtrails kill the soil, stop the rain and block the sun so that people can't grow food anymore and farmers move into cities. That's the reason behind them, world leaders want total control of ressources and means of production.

Very interesting. Never heard that before. Looking up agenda 21 right now!!! Thank you! FULL STEEM AHEAD!!!!

there are a lot of bullshit theories about the UN agenda. I suggest you watch this interview for a good comprehension of what it is

Thank you! I will watch it now!

sorry I mean when you drive the exhaust doesnt just hang around floating in the air the ones in the sky do, it dissipates. Ive seen those trails sit up in the sky for hours before Im talking like 12 hours + and even longer. so you cant say that that is exhaust sitting up there for that long. unless jet fuel has some sorta different type of burn off?

Exhaust is nothing more than carbon dioxide and water vapor. The water vapor literally becomes clouds. Clouds stay in the sky for 12+ hours. It doesn't stick around for cars because the environmental conditions aren't the same. It isn't -100 degrees on the ground with very little air pressure.

sometimes i wish i was in the clouds

Here is a little info for data gathering and protecting yourself, some of it in the comments. A more comprehensive post is coming. I still don't have a full picture, I don't know who does.

do you believe in "global warming"?

It appears, to me, that "climate change" of a sort is accelerating, but as the effects can be seen on the various planets of the solar system, I do not think we, puny humans, had anything much to do with it. We are, undeniably fouling our nest, but having any leverage at the gears of the universe, we are not. The forces at play are vast and myriad, of which we are scarcely a breath. What part we may be exacerbating with our geoengineering, I know not. I do not think it will accomplish much, except to make things more difficult for ourselves.

ive seen a few posts where scientist explain why they are not just common trails from jets. jets do leave trails but these trails last alot longer than the unintentional ones. i hope that they are something to help us and not to make us sick. thanks for you input!!!! FULL STEEM AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!