
When from your pocket a dollar bill you pull
Do you then also feel yourself a fool
Crypto-Currency may not be backed by gold
Yet neither is that bill that you now hold

A Banking Cartel that yanks the chain
Or other people with whom we gain

Whether something has value is from the people
It does not exist solely in the governments steeple

Sure some people do on journey us take
A journey that will end up being fake
Yet when the blockchain contains your stake
Will your head swivel as you look for a snake

If you still have a concern
From the white paper you should learn

If still you find yourself on the fence
That is for you, I'm not here to convince

I don't believe more in the dollar than in any blockchain. I know the dollar system is biased too.
That's not a good reason to buy into ponzi like schemes on the internet.

Ponzi LIKE is a better term
is the foundation firm

Yet even that does not mean it will fail
The schemes seem like they could be well

Schemes of the past that demanded you buy in
This you must do before you even begin

Then they continue and promise you fame
Yet all you end up doing is selling the same

If more people you convince spend their wealth
Supposedly you'll earn more almost by stealth

You can come here and spend not a thing
And you earn money for that which you bring

It is based on community and what its worth
For steem itself is a glorious new birth

Yeah, USD is not only fiat, it's in a lot worse of a situation that STEEM will ever be. Did some comparison at the end of this post just the other day. I like what you're saying.
