Frustrated by the Buggy Editor? Here's Your Free and Easy Solution...

in #steemit9 years ago

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If you are annoyed with using the buggy editor than you are going to love Mark Down Pad!

Check out these screenshots below showing how much this tool helps make it easy to publish content on

Markdown is on the left while a display of your finished product is on the right:

You can format your posts using buttons or keyboard shortcuts without having to learn markdown:

This tool is 100% free to use for the basic functionality you need, so you don't need to pay for the upgrade to get the bells and whistles.

This is the first post I've written with Mark Down Pad, but I don't think I'm going back to the annoying and buggy Steemit editor!

Special thanks to @someguy123 for introducing me to this great tool.


I know this might be a stupid question, but do you complete your post on Markdown 2 and then copy and paste, or what?
(you can probably tell I'm a complete noob at this)

Okay, after no replies, I guess I'll just go hunt around for the answer--like I did on just about every other question I've had here.

We really need some tutorials....grumble grumble sigh
At least I got some new information to research. Thanks for that.

Yes, you copy and past the Markdown code into and then publish it.

Nice post,
I also use this editor (free version). anyway not so convenient, but better than what we have on steemit.

Agreed, just having something that works better in would be better, but this helps some.

Thanks, I'm going to give this a try.

Cool, let me know what you think of it.

I feel like it hasn't been TOO frustrating to use the vanilla editor. It's just a question of becoming familiar with its little idiosyncrasies.

I think it really sucks with embedding videos. If you edit a post after it goes live, it screws up the video embed. I was also having problem with inserting images early on. Plus, I love keyboard shortcuts!

Great! I wish I knew how to code, and build websites. I am not a computer wiz, but I would love to learn.
This looks neat, and I am sure a lot of time was put into this!

Beautiful. I've had to stop myself from smashing my iPhone multiple times using the standard editor lol. Time to give this a shit!

It doesn't work on a mobile device though.