I agree with all this. Really, how can any modern company think steemit.com is even close to a competitor to facebook or any other decent social media platform?
It's not about steemit.com, not about the content we sweat over for hours, not about the whale battles and upvoting and downvoting. It's just about the blockchain, and by extension, tokens/SMT. If that's the ultimate end game, all of us are trapped in the pointless backwater eddies of social media content games while the rest of the world moves on.
It's true, everyone just acts this way to conform to social norms on the site, lots of people want to push a pro-social agenda but it will actually matter as far as the ultimate distribution of steem and who controls how much of the network goes.
It's important to take a step back to remember this from time to time. Thanks for summing it up concisely.