- To Gossip?
- To make Connections?
- To be positively Impacted by people?
- To positively Impact people?
- To Join the new Craze/Trend?
- To Post pictures of Yourself for fame?
- To Show off your Wealth and Possessions?
- To Market information?
- To Advertise your Services and Business?
These questions are for Me and You.
Note: No matter your reasons, you are right; but never forget that value is the most important thing.
To gain true fulfillment is to add value to people, or to be positively impacted by people.
People to emulate @jerrybanfield, @ned, @dan, @ackza, @steem4depoor, @karensuestudios, @smyle, @purpinay, @sweetsssj, @d-pend, @apiprincz, @nairadaddy.
I strive everyday to find better ways to add value to the Steemit community; you should do so too.
Thank You!