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RE: Obsessive Downvoting /Tagging Posts- A Method of Silencing & Censoring Curators on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

No time to read this post completely, but I see your posts are all political, war, etc? maybe that down-voters just hate your posts, as simple as that.


I don't hate her posts because they're one-sided pro-Syrian government propaganda (politics), I mostly hate her posts because they are filled with false information and slander on Kurds, which I personally find offensive. She's pretty good at manipulating people with twisted information and spreading negativity without you even realizing it. For instance, here she's acting like a victim to foremost gain sympathy for futur benefits (good advertisement) and secondly trying to rally people into doing something/anything against the people who would expose her. really are an attention seeker. All of my posts are factual.. you just hate for certain facts to come out that destroy the pretentious image of your "cause".

Of course they hate my posts, but it's not as simple as that.. because the real question is.. why do they hate them? Is it because I am exposing the agenda's that they are promoting? Is it because when someone reads my articles which are entirely backed by facts that their opinions will be swayed? For them to then create posts about me filed with libel and slander where they falsely claim that I am using hate speech, or that I am a racist, antisemite, etc. is not okay. When you get a chance to or if you would like to.. read it in order to understand what they are trying to do. Why would they hide my comments? If they weren't intimidated by the information I am providing?

It's easy to "hate" political, religious... articles, for personal reasons, etc, etc.

The problem is Steemit punishing too much for a down-vote.

No, it's not intimidation. Propaganda is not good for this platform. Your so called journalism is one sided all the time. The same propaganda over and over and over. Your an anti-american living in the USA. Not good. If you love ShitSyria so much, then why the fuck do you live here?