This is an excellent post. I have been tempted to save my voting power in the past, but now I do not bother.
Your idea of commenting instead is good. While the theory of upvoting as the mood strikes me seems to work, it does mean that I am currently sitting on about 50% vp
I am happy that you took the message correctly. I would say rather let it decline to an extent where it no longer makes sense to generate $ for the author and let it recover for a day. You should be back at 100%
For those who want to stay more organized, another advise I can think of is list down the articles you decided to vote for already; then start voting in ascending order of post popularity i.e. least popular first. While this might seem to make your earnings appear less, you are potentially up-voting a minnow post with a LOT of SP.
This will mean more income for the minnow who will come back with more content soon. It will also potentially be beneficial to you if the post becomes a hit & you were the earliest voter. So go with instincts a LOT!