How a Lurker views you and what it means for Steemit

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

This is how a Lurker categorizes you.


I am not interested in this at all, whales lavish them with upvotes and the hiker does what he does best and hikes away with tons of Steem, never to be heard from again. They are the modern day equivalent to DB Coooper and I hope they meet the same fate.

Lazy Posts

It is hard to find good content on here, I have to dig through an endless supply of lazy posts that I wonder why would any one post this and every once in a while I see whales upvoting them which makes the situation worse.
Don't Feed The Lazies!

Original Content

This is difficult to find but when I do it makes it all worth it, but sadly they do not receive upvotes so when I pull up their accounts to see what's new, I find that they are no longer posting here.


These people are basically hikers wearing a bikini, whales upvote them so they will go away.


We know we will never be dolphins and that our vote will never matter, but we just want to see what will happen and If we get some good OC in the process, then we are happy.

Steemit Evangelists and Fixers

These people get all the upvotes, if you scroll down you will see that 99% of all the upvotes go to people talking about Steemit or fixing Steemit. I know they are doing God's Whale's work but this is not fun for lurkers.


These people have more money than sense and we all feel that we could do their job better, although we would probably mess things up too. Upvotes tend to follow the whale's upvote which makes it harder to find Original Content.


I fear that after the Hikers, Bikinis and the Original Content leaves due to a lack of interest, we will be left with the Lazies, Fixers and Whales that are beaching themselves to end the suffering, which is terrible news for us Lurkers, but it will be interesting to watch. Steemit has so much potential to change the way we use social media, but is it living up to it's potential?