Going to be looking for local office space to start a crypto consulting firm in New Orleans this weekend. Any suggestions?

in #steemit8 years ago

SteemIt .. This is something I have been planning for a few years now. Due to some extenuating circumstances over that time, I was never able to fully commit.

But thanks to the support of the SteemIt community and cryptocurrency in general, I feel like I have the confidence and desire to go ahead and take the actions to make this a reality.

Some of the offerings I will have are:

  • Meetups
  • Guest speakers
  • Night classes
  • Hands-on workshops teaching Solidity or programming in general
  • Membership with daily/weekly information about cryptocurrency and discounts for classes

Despite all the walls I have had to scale along the way, mastering cryptocurrency has been one of the most rewarding things I have done in my life. I have encouraged friends and family to invest in the market and they have made their money back times 20 or more in some situations. Even my grandpa is asking me to advise on moving some underperforming stocks around.

I hope to hear from every one of my followers and to get some more! The more we share the word about SteemIt and cryptocurrency, the better off every single one of us will be! Don't underestimate the power of your voice.


PS: I would love to hear from anyone experienced in commercial real-estate. What should I make sure to look for? Btw, my location is New Orleans, Louisiana.


Good luck with your venture, keep us posted.

My favorite cartoon star approves! Things are going well already

I like your work bud, Follow me back :)


"After the twist, you'll hear a snap. Then the body goes ragdoll on ya. " - Brock Samson.

Remember the little guys when you're a rich crpyto bitch

Of course.

Hack all the things


Howdy partner!