A hardfork that changed the account state and forcefully moved or nullified the stake.
Surely you see there are escalations that can happen from here right? I purposefully worked VERY hard to avoid the nuclear option. That is something that is bothering me about the community acting like this was some rash decision.
Ah yeah. Ok. that clarifies it for me. Thanks for the reply.
Not downplaying the hours you've put in, in order to make this happen, good work netuoso!
The community feels like they were blind sided, even though I have spent a ton of time telling them that this was on the horizon.. Oh well, I think now that they see that communications are being opened up they are less fearful.
Cheers man!
Does this soft fork effect any of us in any way?
Nope. Users will be unaffected by this soft fork. :)
No worries.