Hi to all the Steemians out there! I don't know if you have actually noticed it, but there are a lot of downvoting newbie accounts that are causing havoc on Steemit. Sooner or later you might be affected yourself. It all started out about 6 months ago. I noticed that an account called @camillesteemer was constantly downvoting me. So I checked out the account because I had never seen or heard of him till that day. As his history showed, he had been downvoted himself at the start of his posts because of plagiarism. Then I did a bit more research and found out that others were affected too.
@camillesteemer seemed to have surrendered and gave his account to those who downvoted him. As the months went by, I started getting extra downvotes from other newbie accounts such as @deito.
Today with my latest post I had 5 downvotes! Now I don't think this is a coincidence and I am pretty sure that the whole thing seems to be a bot army collecting Steemit accounts and downvoting fully automatically.
Now at the moment this isn't really a problem for Steemit, but this bot network is getting bigger and bigger and soon it will spread like a virus hitting the community very hard. The accounts don't have any SteemPower at the moment, but just imagine they start upvoting each other and start using that against defenseless Steemit members! Especially because you cannot "block" other members! Below I will try to list all the downvote bot accounts for you.
Is anybody else observing this weird trend? Does Steemit (@steemitblog) know about this?
Now here the downvote bot accounts (feel free to complete the list in the comments). The list is growing. It could be hundreds!
UPDATE (Further accounts) :
Happy Halloween Update🎃👻
Hallo liebe Steemianer da draussen! Ich weiß ja nicht, ob es euch aufgefallen ist, aber einige "Neuling-Konten" treiben ihr Unwesen und sind ohne erkennbaren Grund kräftig am downvoten. So auch bei mir, aber es könnte bald jeden treffen! Bei fing es vor ca. 6 Monaten an. Mir fiel auf, dass mich ein Account namens @camillesteemer permanent gedownvotet hat. Da ich weder das Konto noch den Namen kannte schaute ich mir das ganze mal genauer an.
Meine Recherchen ergaben, dass auch andere von diesem Konto Downvotes erhalten hatten. Wie ein anderer Steemianer berichtete muss @camillesteemer selbst am Anfang wegen Plagiats Downvotes kassiert haben nur um dann zu kapitulieren und sein Konto den Downvotern zu überlassen.
Während ich neue Posts veröffentlichte fiel mir dann irgendwann auf, dass auf einmal neue "Newbie-Konten" mich ebenfalls gedownvotet haben. So wie von @deito z.B.
Heute mit meinem neuesten Post hatte ich sage und schreibe 5 Downvotes! Nun glaube ich auch nicht mehr an Zufälle und behaupte, dass hier ein Bot-Netzwerk aufgebaut wird, um Steemit mit Downvotes zu überziehen.
Derzeit ist das nicht wirklich ein Problem. Die Downvote-Roboter haben keine SteemPower also auch kein Gewicht. Aber stell dir vor, die voten sich gegenseitig und überziehen die Steemit-Community wie ein Virus!
Oben in der englischen Version habe ich eine vorläufige Liste der Konten erstellt, die mich bereits gedownvotet haben. Bitte ergänzt die Liste in den Kommentaren. Ich werde dies auch tun.
Wer hat denn Kenntnis von dieser seltsamen Entwicklung? Weiß Steemit (@steemitblog) davon?
Their votes don't have any weight. If you get 100 downvotes from accounts like those, it still won't matter.
They won't ever get enough SP since they are quickly added to blacklists so even if they upvote each other, it won't do anything for them.
Hundreds of 15 SP downvotes wouldn't take away more than a single cent, though. That's because a vote "ignores" a bit of it's own SP before being added. Basically, a 15 SP vote doesn't do anything.
If that is the case, then there's nothing we can do about it.
.There is something that can be done about it, keep including @steem as the leader of the downvote bot army. If @steem withdrew it's delegation then at most the accounts would only have enough RC credits for the first free two down votes, then maybe on or two at most other down votes before they are out of Resource Credits. No RC's no actions can be taken by them. These accounts are not in compliance with the steem white paper, and they are certainly not members of the steemit communities. They are Troll Accounts that are being enabled by @steem. So keep mentioning @steem as the Enabler of these accounts then maybe, just maybe they will withdraw their delegation from this type of account.
I only meant we can't do anything in the case that they're powered by a whale. If it's @steem, then yes, you're suggestion is efficient and I back it up.
Hi @networkallstar
I see it as a problem
For me, a red flag is more than a downvote
Red flag I would compare to a. Referee showing a player off the field. And that means you've gone over the line and have to take your punishment.
I think all the new little accounts that only use the red flag are people behind with another agenda.
Others who come to Steemit now and have signed up with a small account and make their posts will see the red flags as a penalty.
And they will not understand why they are being flagged.
Think about all the new accounts being attacked by the little red flags
Yes, they will do harm, maybe it is enough that new small accounts leave Steemit again.
That is one of the reasons I am against direct red flags without warning.
Hi @networkallstar
they must be stopped before they destroy too much for new steemians
Einfach ignorieren. Ich vermute die Downvotes sind eher ein Nebenprodukt. Wenn man sich den camillesteemer Account anschaut, dann gehen da lauter kleine Zahlungen ein: die ganzen 0,001 Steem die so oft mit irgendwelchen Memos in unseren Accounts landen...
Keine Ahnung, aber es wurde schon ausführlich geschrieben darüber. Aber ich will auch gar nicht mehr wissen. Ignorieren ist die Devise. Jedes Fitzelchen Aufmerksamkeit, das denen gegeben wird, ist zu viel. Einmal bekommt man diese Zeit nicht zurück (Leben ist kurz) und außerdem ist ignorieren immer die beste Lösung.
Ist wie Rumpelstilzchen - ignorieren und sich ärgern lassen, irgendwann platzt's und verschwindet.
Posted using Partiko Android
Sehe ich auch so, einfach ignorieren!
Steemit Inc. stellt nur die "Infrastruktur" zur Verfügung. Was hier passiert oder nicht, liegt im Ermessen der Stakeholder. Wieso sollte man auf einer dezentralen Blockchain nach der zentralen Autorität rufen und die machen lassen?
btw: Wegen der "Dust Margin", also der Schwelle ab der erst Rewards ausgezahlt werden, ist es nicht sinnvoll wenn kleine Fische wie wir Votes auf Comments geben. Das senkt nämlich nur die eigene Votingpower, bringt aber sonst nichts. Lieber nur auf Posts voten :) Aber es gibt ja noch andere Möglichkeiten: wie wäre es mit einem !BEER
Die "Infrastruktur" wurde so erdacht und angenommen.
Dementsprechend kann sie auch wieder geändert werden.
Klar - nicht eigenmächtig, aber es geht.
Dafür sind die Witnesses zuständig und die kann man wählen oder eben nicht.
View or trade
.Hey @networkallstar, here is a little bit of
for you. Enjoy it!Ich kenn auch einige von denen. Aber keine Sorge, solange sie da nicht Kohle reinstecken, können sie sich auch nicht gegenseitig hochvoten. (Also zumindest nicht so schnell)
Bei mir ist ein Downvoter namens Jolerus aufgetaucht. Das Gute (ironischerweise) ist aktuell, dass Steem so wenig wert hat. 0.00000 $. Er nimmt aber auch nur 10%. Solche Accounts haben meistens auch keine Beiträge, oder Kommentare. (Vermutlich wollen sie eine Angriffsfläche vermeiden) So überlegt, können die schlimmstenfalls totalen Anfängern Komplikationen bereiten (Falls Sie Werte über 0,0000) liefern. Im übrigen camillesteemer ist bei mir auch ein Klassiker.... nochwas wenn du den #Tag cc verwendest, werden Kommentare durch @commentcoin belohnt. (Da versuch ich gerade mit miniupvotes das Projekt zu unterstützen, aber alleine macht das wenig Sinn). Commentcoins sind Tokens
Leute ohne RL ;)
Letztes Jahr wurden auch Accounts über microworkers etc. angekauft...
Posted using Partiko Android
hm, ich schätze auch dass da ein Automatismus dahintersteht. Wie du es beschreibst, kann da wohl wer Programmieren, hat aber die Wirksamkeit seiner Konstruktion nicht fertig gedacht.
ich hab 2 jeyf123 accounts auf discord, den 2ten eigentlich nur, weil ich von außerhalb nicht mehr reinkam und zumindest was nachschauen wollte.
bin beides ich.
Ich hätte versucht dich zu finden, und vielleicht zu einer Buddyliste hinzuzufügen, aber ich blick bei dem Teil irgendwie nicht durch. Früher hatte ich schon mal auch Nachrichten hinterlassen, aber ich finde nicht mehr, wo man das machen kann. Ich werde ab heute für ein paar Tage weg sein, wenns geht schicks mir bitte auf beide Accounts.
Nachtrag: hat nun doch funktioniert. solltest eine Freundschaftsanfrage erhalten haben.
Du hast ein kleines Upvote von unserem Curation – Support – Reblog Account erhalten. Dieser wurde per Hand erteilt und nicht von einem Bot.
Du findest uns im Discord unter https://discord.gg/Uee9wDB
You have all my support and my possible support, it's people / bots that broke the cock, excuse the direct term but I too have received several of down-vote, the fact that they don't have Steem Power yet means little or nothing , they are bastards that should be eliminated by Steemit
They have very little SP, for now.... but like you pointed out, that could change.
Yes, but they are so idiot and donk....
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes, i'm on Discord but not always
Write me without problem when you want, i reply you when i'm on Discord
I think these are fake accounts using delegated Steem Power that they received from new account creation. It seems like the delegated power should be removed in this case or perhaps we should not let downvotes be cast by accounts who do not have any Steem Power earned of their own. Another possibility is to only allow downvotes to be cast by accounts who actually have a post waiting to be rewarded during the seven day reward period.
There seems like there are some solutions to this but there does not seem to be much action being taken over it. In my opinion it is not really good for a social network to permit such behavior because it tends to be annoying and does not encourage cooperation.
Sie sollten alle diese Konten den Stammreinigern melden, um entlassen zu werden. Das Seltsame ist, dass sie nichts tun! Wer weiß, ob sie dabei sind! Wir sollten uns organisieren, um eine Spur negativer Stimmen zu erstellen, damit wir uns alle abmelden können ..
Highly rEsteemed!
Oui je suis aussi touché. Je subis aussi la même chose.
yes. I have same experience.
I just ignore them (if account has a single post, I provide a fuckyou in the comments section).
for a few times I reported on them to #steemcleaners in their discord cause it really looks like a steemit abuse for me -- but with no result.
thanks for not keeping it in silence, man.
ps. maybe a good idea to use tags @newsteem #community ?.. idk
I get two downvotes from dust accounts regularly now. If they have a fake entry post I like to use it as free advertising. Because if this guy downvotes the right people - maybe they will be angry too and follow me just to spite the downvote. I have gotten more following since the downvoting. So that has been nice - The catfishing accounts are at least getting me more viewers/votes in the long run.
They cannot really affect you but I can see how lots of accounts could eventually maybe I'm years take out your rewards
Posted using Partiko Android
@steemflagrewards might be able to help.
They would know if you got them all.
We will have to flag back rewards going to abusive stake.
If we don't, they will strip the value of every holder.
There are so many bot accounts working on their mission. Introduction of separate downvote pool during HF21 has helped them a lot.
Thanks for this post.
I agree with you that these downvote armies are a problem, and that they could become a HUGE problem.
"The accounts don't have any SteemPower at the moment, but just imagine they start upvoting each other and start using that against defenseless Steemit members!"
I don't think they can upvote each other, because part of their strategy is to not make any posts or comments. This keeps them partly anonymous, and prevents their targets from being able to retaliate or communicate.
I think they're all owned by one person, or small group project. The ones I'm talking about all have about 25 rep (new accounts with no interactions), silly nonsensical names with 5-7 characters, 0 STEEM, and 15 SP delegated from Steemit. That means these are free accounts that Steemit manually accepted onto the blockchain through their account creation process.
Even though these bots can't upvote each other or themselves, they'll still grow, via curation. They can upvote other people's posts/comments (perhaps the posts/comments of their owners). They will also get a trickle of interest, memo dust, and so on. It will be slow, but it puts a clock (timeline) on the blockchain. At some point, this army will prevail, unless something happens to stop it.
Their goal appears to build a completely free, and always-growing, massive downvote tool that has thousands of working parts, can survive rule changes or community blowbacks, and can be divided up as needed to pick off multiple targets every day.
@hyjuki and @criblo are the 2 bots currently downvoting my posts. And there's nothing that can be done about them except try to ignore them.
I notice that several of these bots, when they joined Steemit, immediately used their witness vote to cast a vote for @Curator. Curator is a new bidbot, part of the #NewSteem cult, a downvote-for-hire project funded by all the NewSteem whales and dolphins. It's creepy that whoever runs this downvote army seems to fully support Curator, for some reason. By the way, I am on the record for having criticized Curator's strategy/motivations, and wouldn't be shocked if they considered me an enemy, just sayin.
I feel somebody or somebodies is/are using HF21's rule changes (ie: free downvotes) to rig the system and take down parts or all of the blockchain. I can see where it's headed if something doesn't change. You're right to sound the alarm on this as it has the potential to bring everything down, even faster than other existing threats to the community/chain.
EDIT: @trimesgi, @ketszy, @jupyoho, and @hiluop have also locked their leech-vulture-vampire teeth into my flesh. Fuck you, cowards!
My personal list is currently:
HF21 provides them with free ammunition (downvotes), and Stinc's recent changes for easier account creation ensure their ranks increase, for free. Each of them takes little or no time to manage, and will slowly gain in SP.
Hopefully more victims post their own lists, and hopefully you continue to publish updates.
Thanks, I'm following your posts, so that should help us stay in touch :)
Update: @castol is the latest account targeting me.
danke für die infos. mich hat es auch erwischt und ich wurde von einem dieser bots downgevotet. da freut man sich. besonders als "neuling". immerhin ist es ein bot. wobei mir ehrliche kritik lieber wäre.
kann mir jemand erklären was die zahl in klammern in meinem wallet unter der rubrik steem power bedeutet? einmal steht da 0.000 steem und dann in klammer 165.153. wofür steempower ist habe ich verstanden nur verstehe ich das in meinem wallet nicht. auch finde ich es komisch, wenn ich manchmal posts upvote, da singt dann der betrag anstatt zu steigen obwohl ich nicht downvote.
sry. wegen der fragen.
ich steh grad sehr unter Stress. Evtl. Anfang der nächsten Woche. Bin aber auch grad kein technisches Genie. Um was gehts denn?
danke für eure antworten @networkallstar und @jeyf123.
ich hatte eine frage bzgl. des wallets. da steht bei mir unter steempower zwei zahlen. einmal 0.000 und dann eine weitere in klammern. und ich frage mich, was das bedeutet.
des weiteren ist mir aufgefallen, dass nach manchen meiner upvotes der betrag singt anstatt zu steigen (und dabei handelt es sich nicht um ein downvote).
leider konnte ich nirgendwo informationen diesbezüglich finden.
Die 165 Steem bedeuten, dass dich jemand delegiert, also seine Steems zur Verfügung stellt
https://steemworld.org/@kaptnkalle unter Delegation kannst du rausfinden wer. Was das andere betrifft, weiß ich es leider nicht.
vielen lieben dank @jeyf123 für deine antwort.
I had unexpected run-in with supirsui - no recommendation on what I could improve on my blog entries... what a debbie-downer
His rep is -4 because he is a troll and ignorant. Yet he goes around making false accusations and libeling people.
I have no bid bot partner, I am and have always been by myself. In fact, I don't even run a bid bot anymore.
Fulltimegeek was posting 16K times a day (all stolen content, and then later as much as 36k/day which is more than everyone on the chain combined) and voting up a post with just a hyperlink for 400 steem.
Your continued spreading of bullshit is why you are -4.
He was -2 before I even flagged him.
As for the downvotes, ignore them, they add up to $0.00
I leased steem power from him for my smaller bot because of the precision problems with hf19 I had to raise buildawhale to 5 steem min so I made a second bot for people who didn’t want to spend that much, back when steem was actually worth something. He made a post offering SP for lease and I took him up on it.
I also did a curation project with him where neither of us made anything from as it gave away free liquid steem weekly and free votes with zero self votes.
I came here solo and I continue to work on my own.
Most of my bot was buildawhale and it was one large delegator who was not Bernie. Idiots like you are the ones spreading rumors like that around and why people think that. You have zero facts as always and just run your mouth like the other trolls.
I never had a partner dumb ass