Do Not waste You Time On a platform That Is Not the Future
Millions Of Content Creators working hard everyday to earn a few advertising crumbs given out to them by the Greedy Google You Tube.
Is it worth it not really Unless you in the top 5% you will not be making Much of a Living
You Tube has been milking its creator for years because there was no competition before now
Steemit and Dtube its opened up a whole new opportunity and it pays better than a Platform like You Tube where they are the ones making the money.
You Tube is not the Future The Ads Business Model is on the way out and Steemit is the future
So My advice to Them All is Dont waste you time
Because its Hard to create video and you deserve to be Payed
I agree 100%. I was on youtube for a year and that experience is not good when it comes to all of the restrictions on monetizing your videos. I see a bright future in steemit and Dtube!
Its on the way out its peaked its user base and blockchain social media is the new thing
The whole concept of blockchain social media is genius!
It is for sure
Thank God for Steemit. I'm sure Facebook will soon feel the impact of the mass number of people that'll be leaving it soon to join Steemit. I don't know much about YouTube earnings, but I know Facebook very well, and I know that it milks content creators. Other people make Facebook fun, while Mark relaxes and makes the wealth alone.
Yeah he is milking everyone on Facebook for sure whats the point in uploading to facebook pointless you earn nothing and the platform is shite. Its days are number because people do not want that anymore they want rewards
If we had a decent training program Facebook might already be half dead.
I know hopefully dead soon haha
I might help with the steemit training program. :) #killfacebook #bandwidth
Yeah get stuck into it
It really sucks, I have a small channel on youtube that has to do with photography, travel and drone footage and was recently demonetized because I wasn't getting enough views. Way to discourage me youtube. I hope a lot of your bread and butter type content creators eventually get frustrated and leave your platform as well, to something more profitable like dtube . The days of youtube are numbered
For sure you put in the hard work hour of content and get nothing. Its a joke there days are numbered the ads business model is out of date and is dead
Agreed, I stopped writing 1000 word posts, because one meme makes just as much. Pretty sad considering I like to write.
Upload to Dtube.
I am working on some new content. Once I get my new drone in, Ill be sure to post to dtube
i agree with you,,it is right thinks...