I was thinking about writing a post about how I spent my money that I earned here on Steemit, but for some reason I was having a debate with myself should I write about it or not.
They main reason I decided to share my story is because of new people who just joined Steemit or are still skeptical about it. I remember when I first heard about a "platform that pays you to write" I was a little bit suspicious too. Now I think it's the best place on Internet to invest your time! :)
After my first month on Steemit, I transfer my Steem Dollars to Bittrex, sell them for Bitcoin and then save Bitcoin on my Blockchain wallet.
Image source: https://goo.gl/images/EjNua3
I wasn't spending any of that money until my trip to Thailand. I bought a backpack before I left and few other little things I needed for travel and the rest was spent during my time in Thailand.
So I was pretty much left with a zero on my Blockchain wallet. Sharing my stories while I was away, I made some money again. Few days ago I had to take some money to pay out my University debt, around 90$, and being able to do that with money I made online is still incredible to me. This time I'm not left with a zero on my wallet, but it's time to save up again.
At the airport, on my way home from Thailand, with the backpack I bought thanks to Steemit and you guys
My plan now is to save up and finally buy myself a little bit of Bitcoin. :) In the past few months I met a lot of people who are into cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin world and I've only seen benefits and positive changes. I believe that Steemit, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are the future and as soon as we get involved, the better.
I would also like to THANK YOU again for the support, upvotes and comments. I appreciate it and I will be forever grateful for this amazing community! As cliche as it sounds, without you this would not be possible!
I know that some people don't feel comfortable or for any other reason don't want to share what they do with their Steemit earnings, but in case you don't mind sharing, I would love to hear how it affected your life.
Thank you for reading!
I am still new to Steemit so I haven't had the chance to spend any of the earnings yet.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Nikolina.
I'll probably end up investing in cryptocurrencies with my future earnings.
Welcome to Steemit and thank you for your comment! :)
I think investing into cryptocurrencies is a very smart move and probably the best thing you can do with your future earnings.
Why are cryptocurrencies so popular though? Anyone with enough time to clarify?
I'm not an expert but I think that most people are into cryptocurrency because it's decentralized.
In centralized banking and economy government controls the supply of printed money.
I know people who bought their first Bitcoin when the price was around 600$ and now one Bitcoin is worth around 2700$ so that's not bad too! :)
I haven't spent any of my earnings yet. My goal is to build up my account to the point that I can live off of Steem.
Thanks for sharing!
That is a very smart decision. I hope I'll be able to do the same in the near future.
Upvoted and will follow
Nice story !
Thank you so much! :)
Looks like Steemit is making more and more people think about investing in the future. :) Glad you are already benefiting from the platform!
Thank you so much!
I wish I didn't have to touch my Steemit earning but hey, that's life. :D
You are living the freedom base lifestyle, thanks for sharing. I like reading your blogs :)
Thank you so much!
I'm not quite there yet but that's my goal! :)
You are on your way :)
Great post Nikolina!! So far it hasn't been necessary to cash in any Steem. I'm letting it build so I have more Steem Power for upvoting purposes. I want to upvote writers such as yourself. Nikolina, you are a valuable asset to this platform!!
That is a real investment into this platform!
Thank you so much as always, I appreciate the support! :)
wow it motivate myself to work again here in steemit :). Thank you nikolina
I'm so glad to hear that!
Keep writing and sharing your stories! :)
A sta studiras ako nije tajna? :D
Pozdrav Nikolina, setio sam se da sam procitao ovaj tvoj post, pa reko da vidim da li mozes da mi pomognes oko isplate ovih para. Kako ti podizes ovaj novac? Ja otprilike kapiram proces - prvo zamenis steem za btc pa onda btc prodas za kes. Ja sam napravio wallet na coinbasu ali ne mogu da ga povezes sa payoneer racunom kaze da nije podrzano za Srbiju.
E ovako ja radim: posaljem SBD na Bittrex, tamo zamenim SBD za BTC, onda BTC posaljem na moj Blockchain wallet. Tu uglavnom cuvam BTC a kada mi zatreba kes, onda posaljem BTC na spectrocoin.com preko koga sam narucila kartice sa kojima mogu da podizem kes na bilo kom bankomatu, i kod nas i u inostranstvu. Kad posaljem BTC na SpectroCoin tamo ga zamenim za valutu koja mi je na kartici (imam jednu u EUR i jednu u USD) i samo dopunim karticu i to je to. Kartice sam koristila u nekoliko zemalja u Evropi, na Tajlandu i kod nas i nisam imala nikakvih problema, tako da to mogu da ti preporucim. Kartica kosta 8 eura. Cula sam da se sad i kod nas u Srbiji postavljaju automati za kupovinu i prodaju BTC-a tako da mozda mozes i na taj nacin da podignes kes ako imas jedan u blizini.
Nadam se da sam ti pomogla, ako imas jos nekih pitanja, pisi. :)
Hvala puno na detaljnosti. Uzecu da pogledam navedene sajtove.