
Um! You have zip at your place!!! How can we play here with nothing posted? @ninahaskin

I'm so behind, Denise! Please be patient and I promise to catch up :)

Oh!! Did you know that Patience was my middle name? No? Ha... It is. :-) Take your time girlie. I am only able to be on here by ignoring all the other plaltforms, including FB, Niume, Linkdrop and App8 Yikes

Is it seriously Patience?! How cool of your parents! I'm working on my account as we speak :)

Lies! Lies!!! I have no middle name, so I adopted Patience for the day.

I will also add you to the tsu friends list im posting tonight

Thank you, Elizabeth!

I did add you... its me liz from FB and Niume LOL

Hey, Nina!!!!! You are here!!! You really should have gone with the #Cybermom on here~ This is def the new TSU! :-) Oh, post me a good story!!! Following you now. I am headed over to your place to see whatcha got. Got milk? Oi!