You took the "who gives a fuck" comment out of context and now you're giving me shit for not understanding what it meant?
Lets talk about your post, you buying votes, your copy/paste bullshit. You have not said a damn thing about it. You're just attempting to deflect everything on me. I don't mind. I can keep you talking in circles like this all day.
It's not me who needs to be defensive. I don't feel the need to defend myself against your strange words. You, are obviously getting angry now. Should I start pointing out how that makes you a lesser person like you're doing to me? Listen. Whatever your trying to do... no matter how bad you want to make me look...
That doesn't take away anything you did that I consider to be in poor taste.
You pointed out scams, good. You used scams to point them out. Not good. You consistently copy/paste content. You even get warnings from Steemcleaners about it, constantly. I just found this out.
When you point your finger at someone, you have three pointing straight back at you.
You can go on and on and on and attempt to make me look bad. That doesn't take away from the bad things you're doing.
I'm done speaking to you. You've shown me your true colors. I don't like them.
Have a good day.