Allow me to introduce myself:
First of all, I have the utmost respect for all of you bloggers out there who take you work seriously. I am not envious of your success if you're earning more than me. I do not think I'm somehow better than those of you who are struggling to get noticed or simply stuck between a rock and hard place.
I've always been careful with my words(when I'm not performing). I don't enjoy criticizing anything. I've been asked to be a judge for contests and refused simply because I do not feel comfortable singling anyone out. I rarely give out direct compliments. That makes me feel uncomfortable too.
I used to be a manager. Ran a tight ship. I didn't single anyone out then either. If they wanted a raise, it was based on performance. If they acted like sycophants, they wouldn't get a bigger raise. I'd see right through them. They would end up hating me, telling me I don't know what I'm doing, pouting, and eventually quit. That was good for business. I would hold the door for them on their way out. All I was left with were honest, hard working individuals who when they had a problem, I knew it was serious enough to address without wasting time second guessing their motives. I was surrounded by people I could trust; people I could depend on.
I already told my story in previous posts. I already explained why I'm here as a professional blogger. It doesn't bother me that most people don't know that story. I came here with nothing and nobody. I made all this money. Kept nearly all I've earned locked in as Steempower. Haven't spent a dime and many of you know why. I don't need to brag. Being proud of my accomplishments is enough for me. I did what some say is impossible and accomplished everything by simply being a writer, an artist, and an entertainer. As you can see, I run a tight ship here as well.
I could easily buy every vote that is up for sale here.
In my business, we call that 'selling out'.
In the arts and entertainment industry, we have a thing called ratings. If a program on television is popular, it is said to have high ratings. Unpopular shows get low ratings.
Trending. That is a word we use on the internet to describe content that is receiving high ratings.
Never, in the history of this industry, would we see an infomercial on late night television getting the highest ratings of all programs in existence. Never. Those things are so bad, they have to pay a large sum of money to purchase the worst possible time slot.
Never, in the history of newspapers, would we see someone purchase the paper so they could look at the latest, greatest, advertisements. The people buy it for the articles.
On the magazine rack, we see actual magazines. They have cover images, headlines, no advertisements in sight until we get inside and once there we begin flipping pages until we find an actual article.
Advertisements are designed to manipulate and brainwash the general public into thinking what is being said or printed is worth your time and money. They serve no other purpose.
Nine out of ten doctors prefer Camels brand cigarettes.
The advertisers lied. Nothing has changed. They still attempt to deceive people.
So I must ask you why there is an advertisement promoting Steemit floating around the top of the trending page?
I must ask how it makes sense to make a claim about Steemit not having advertisements within said advertisement which currently floats around at the top of the trending page?
There is another promotion currently floating around the top of the trending page that claims to have Steemit's top 25 posts in the history of Steemit. Congratulations to everyone.
Unfortunately, those two posts and many others that make it to the trending page these days are there with the help of votes that were bought and paid for.
These vote selling services market themselves as promoters. Since those purchasing the votes know in advance the said purchased votes could potentially place their post in a profitable slot, that makes the post nothing more than paid programming.
Because these paid promotions are erroneously reaching trending status, many members of Steemit as well as outsiders looking in are misled to believe the post is in that slot because it is popular.
To be clear, I am not here today to judge the quality of content within any post on the trending page past, present or future nor am I questioning the integrity of any author.
A Slippery Slope
I could prank Steemit, make us all look silly, and it would only cost me a few bucks.
Never, would I intentionally do something that could potentially retard my neighbor's property value.
It is not unusual for us to see something on the trending page that could potentially be sending the wrong message to not only experienced and new members, but also those looking in through the windows. People cannot read the fine print from all the way outside. These new members and potential signups are unaware of everything I've pointed out here today.
Every time we see paid programming on television, it includes a message that clearly states we are about to watch paid programming. When we use Google, advertisements are included with our search results and stand out, labelled as advertisements. Steemit is missing this crucial element and our community is being misled.
Suggestions and/or Solutions
Please consider these options.
Make it known to those viewing your post.
Indicate within the post your intention to advertise before publishing as a common courtesy to your followers and anyone else who may come across your promotion.
Minnows should not be lured into voting for your post on the day you decided it was eyes you wanted on your work and not votes. If you're buying votes, you are purchasing a portion of the reward pool. Every vote purchased takes potential rewards away from all other members who utilize this blockchain. Minnows could use their votes on each other which would only contribute to a thriving community instead of voting for advertisements. Nobody tips Wal-Mart for telling us about their huge sale. The ad lures people to the store and they look around.
Bot Detection
We have a promoted tab and a trending tab. The promotions are at the top of the trending tab. After the vote purchase transaction takes place, a promotion bot upvotes the post. That upvote should then remove the post from the trending tab and place it in the promotion tab automatically. When promotions are honest from the start, we can create a culture that is not afraid to look at the promoted tab. There's a good chance someone's best work might be there. There's also nothing stopping a blogger from creating a banner within their regularly scheduled posts that links to their promotion.
Final Thoughts
I cannot purchase a vote. As a combination of being a writer, an artist and an entertainer, I can only depend on my skills to succeed. If I'm buying votes, why would I need followers? If I don't have followers, who will read my jokes and look at the art? If nobody is looking, why would I bother? Why would I put so much energy into something just to keep it to myself?
It's difficult. Being here. Trying to push harder. Attempting to produce something worthy enough to trend. It feels like the Steroid Olympics. I cannot compete because I cannot purchase an advantage. I'm forced to ask people to share my Steemit links on other social networks in order to get more eyes on what I'm doing. That's not a bad thing either.
If I buy a vote, that is like me going out to purchase the best looking bowling trophy I can find. I've never bowled but the new trophy I'm constantly polishing says, "Best Bowler in the World." Someone might want to see me bowl someday. Then what? The jigs up. I faked it.
Artists can't buy success. I take what I do here seriously. I take myself seriously. I don't just want to make money by placing words on a screen and pressing enter. I have a lot of potential. People have told me that my entire life and only now, once I came here to start up this blog, have I truly embraced this potential.
I like to leave the door open to opportunity. If someone approaches me to offer a job as a writer, how can I deny their low-ball offer if I can't prove what I'm worth? They would laugh at me if I told them I bought my salary.
Think about these words:
Today, an artist revealed his latest offering to the world, free of charge. A patron of the arts was given a token of appreciation for the appreciation. The artist has done the exact opposite of selling out.
A busker sits on the street and strums his guitar while throwing change in everyone's hat. He goes home with a full stomach.
This changes everything. We've revolutionized the arts and entertainment industry.
Those are my words. They describe what I'm actually doing here, everyday.
We can't purchase that.
Have a good day.

This is why most of the time I just stick to my feed and rely on those in it to find me amazing things.
Beyond that, it’s got to be one amazing comment for me to even want a look at things. Either in my own blog or in a blog of another person who in my feed.
This is exactly how I found out about @nonameslefttouse. I was reading someone else’s blog and his comment made me go “WHO IS THIS GUY.” Ever since I’ve grown a mustache, gained an accent, and taken up painting on random toilets…
I’m not sure where all these happy little trees keep popping up in my artwork. Must be a former life or something. I really wish they go elsewhere they anger my latest creation Googly Eyes Fish Hamburger. What does he look like you ask? I’m not done yet-- ask again in 3 years.
oh I'd really like to see that Burger! like honestly! I want to see that!
This talking cat is on my blog everyday at some point, leaving comments like this and being a class act. Kudos @enjar.
Great post, not funny, but great!
There are many people buying votes only, not that I complain, it’s not my place, but I’m trying to respond.
You are different, You are an artist!
Unfortunately my vote is not worth any as for now.
You're a cool dood @nonameslefttouse. You're a leading example of a artist who has worked very hard and not purchased any upvotes. You're showing to the community that there are other ways to become successful on steemit and I totally respect you for that.
All I can say is thank you.
Wait people pay for upvotes on steemit? Never knew that I guess it is naive of me to think that wasn't going on though.
Here I sit, nodding my head, for two reasons. One: In shock of seeing a serious post. Two: Aside from bowling part, there was no pun/joke. I like reading that there are some who don't buy their way up the ladder. I'm shocked that I'm still a minnow. I don't get seen much, but that's ok. I have not really worked hard enough, till now. I want to enjoy what I do. It makes me look for ways to improve, and earn my way up. You sir, are one of my admirers.
You are always very clear about the facts and you're a motivation to many working here. I second you as you mentioned
This is the quality of a TRUE human being. Everybody has some specific potential and ability to do a thing but many of us don't have that courage or confidence to perform that thing/act in a best way.
Since i followed you, you put a new trait inside me Seriously that is MOTIVATION.
For which i am really Thankful to you @nonameslefttouse
Thank you.
You are warmly WELCOME :)
I am not trying to flatter you (like it matters really), or anything but this may be the most meaningful and helpful post I've read so far in steemit. And this comes from a newbie who doesn't have a clue how things work here yet. The only thing I've noticed so far, however, is that "Steemit" isn't as meritocratic as I initially thought. I see posts that include a couple of lines and a handful of photos with bikinis generating a great deal of money and votes, while there are GREAT posts who totally get ignored.
I am a writer myself and even though I am a very hard-working and optimistic dude, I see that making it big at steemit is as tough as making it big in the real world as well. Bikinis will always attract more than anything. It's human nature I guess ;)
PS. Respect for making it big while started from 0. I wonder if I ever make it big. I mean...I am 36, I studied law, I have a Masters Degree, I speak four languages, I've done a total of 14 jobs during my lifetime and I still don't have my own car. Not fair, but oh well there are people who have it even worse!
All of the new folks and even those who've been here awhile but can't seem to gain traction need to start paying attention to each other. Start out small and grow together. Minnows swim in schools. 20 little minnow votes on your post will do more than nothing. I have 1800 followers. I'll never see that many votes on one of my posts. I see struggling members with more followers than me and they're not earning anything because it seems everyone is too focused on the big prize at the end instead of every step of the way.
I agree and all I can give you is 1 cent for now! But one day I will give you a few dollars. I can promise you that. You have inspired me with this article ;)
After all, as Jim Morrison said: "The winner may be a hopeless romantic dreamer who never quits after all."
PS. Keep in mind that I never made it big, not because I am a loser, but because I happened to be born in Greece (you know all about the financial crisis I would guess) to two hard-working parents who had the non-so bright idea to have 5 kids (when they could hardly feed and raise properly two maximum). The fact that I've managed to study and graduate from Law school or that I have traveled around the world (as much as I have) is a little miracle now that I think about it!
You recently arrived and you can already give me a penny. I have 9 or so votes on a few of first posts and those didn't even amount to a penny. Things changed here. Many of you new member have it a lot easier than you might realize. It took me a long time to be able to drop a penny on someone, yet I still voted.
That Jim Morrison guy. Smart man. Reckless, but in control. Don't sell yourself short. The thought of you being a loser never once crossed my mind.
@nonameslefttouse, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support and wise words. Especially the very last line of your comment was as cheery as it gets. No wonder why you made it big starting from 0...There's greatness in your attitude and now that's something that all the dollars in the world can't buy!
You sure have a good point here. I personally look only to my feed and occasionally head to the New tab, as there maybe more folks to follow. I do think people will get fed up with promoted stuff... as Facebook, Twitter and others over use promotions and many are getting fed up with it.
Hopefully here as well.
The promoted posts in disguise make the mountain seem impossible to climb. That's too daunting for many who came here with nothing. If only they knew the mountain is actually a hologram. Everyone involved, I think, can still succeed by taking an honest approach rather than making the same mistakes as so many advertisers and promoters have in the past. That's really all I can add to this.
steemit is a wonderful platform. But every pure source eventually gets polluted. Steemit is no exception. The fact that folks like you and me are aware of this helps to slow the process. I find Steemit a good source to channel my creative energy and develop relationships with others. It is also therapeutic for me to express the emotions of my heart. As for pay it is a great way to diversify out of the dead dollar and build a future. By the way 9 out of ten doctors prefer Camels cigarettes indeed. It pays them better to treat the symptoms of your illness rather than the cause. There is a video/book out there "Dead Doctors Don't Lie." by Joe Wallach that goes into this. I better get back to scratching those dangling balls of mine. Later.
The water was dirty, it made us sick, we learned to boil it. Some died, most survived.
There's also money in creating a problem, then offering a solution for a fee. That is the oldest advertising trick in the book.
Indeed you are right Create problem and offer solution. Used in advertising and politics. You and I are awake to this but the drugged sheeple out there may not.
I can't say yet whether I agree or disagree with you, where and how. But it is certainly a thought provoking post with many implications.
So perhaps I will comment further in a day or two :-)
Fair enough. For the most part this was something for everyone to think about anyway.
Your serious side knocked me out. I couldn't possibly agree with you more.
Every clown has skin under the paint.
It isn't true you don't give direct compliments. You can be quite a nice person sometimes :)
About all the bots situation, I don't want to go into that. I think minions that are in deep shit can help themselves with it, for example I used bots a lot the first 2 months I was wondering around steemit. It took me time to understand that they were hurting me more than helping.
Let people have the time to understand.
I did say rarely. Compliments do come up from time to time.
I do agree that on most occasions it's best to allow people to sink or swim on their own. Let them figure it out the hard way and hopefully they'll learn from mistakes.
The idea that if something goes onto the Promoted tab, it get taken off the Trending tab is a great one!
That's only taking something and placing it where it belongs. I'm surprised I didn't think of this a long time ago! ... it's actually been on my radar for quite some time. There's nothing wrong with putting promotions and paid programming in the proper tab. If someone has a problem with that, I'm only left with wondering why they can't be honest...
Now you've pointed it out, it's so obvious that I'm surprised lots of people haven't suggested it.
It is quite obvious now. Maybe many people have said something, but nobody can hear them? The comments here are intriguing. Not taking any actual flak. I was worried I'd get flagged. That didn't happen either. Out of sight out of mind? So many questions.
People pay for votes to get more cents in their wallet. Sometimes they may not be blamed because it hurts to see few votes after long hours of writing. This could be tiring when you don't get rewarded for your efforts. #OWB
So, there's a difference between a blogger and someone writing an essay. In most cases, bloggers don't need to buy votes. Anyone can place words on a screen. People have been doing it for free for many years. Just because someone puts words on a screen, that doesn't make those words valuable. If you're just here to earn money, it's probably not going to happen. Many seasoned veterans here will tell you the same thing.
It does hurt to see 0 votes. Go look at how I started. But I kept on and didn't buy a damn thing. I decided to improve and took the time to get to know people instead of just sitting there staring at my 0.
I like the fact that you said that you decided to improve and took the time to get to know people instead of just sitting there staring at your 0.
My comments on people's posts have made me a better writer. I don't just comment on people's post, but I read and think deeply before writing anything. That's one of the skills have gained on steemit. The ability to comment constructively and intelligently.
I respect your style of writing. Keep it up☺
Thanks. Just know, even now, I'd still like to improve. For some who just buy the votes for the money, they could potentially be stripping away the reasons to improve. Setting themselves up for a comfort zone to hide in. If everyone bought a free hand out(doesn't that sound weird), that handout becomes the new zero.
I can boldly say that you are a source of motivation. Every human should endeavor to improve their skills -writing, reading and listening everyday. Developing oneself increases one's ability to be creative.
Thanks for sharing your ideas and hope you are having a great day.
I am having a good day, actually. You have a good day! It's your turn now.
Wow, what an unbelievably perfect post to follow up that last coo coo for cocoa puffs and root beer, lol. I'm serious though, anyone whose first foray to your page was that last post, who then decided to check out the next one, would find themselves reeling for the misconceptions they probably made, and then appreciating the hell out of that nutzo peeing post a hundred percent more.
Excellent decision, glad you went this way, even if I didn't realize I would be glad--of course I'm talking strictly from a strategic and business point of view and not as your year long friend who already knows these different facets of you, your crazy hilarity as well as your sober intelligence. One of your finest features has always been in how you keep people guessing.
Edit: Jesus, even your parting words that not everyone always notices. You are a gorgeous artist man.
Never forget the hidden message. It's in every post of mine. Now people can read this and wonder what the hell I meant by that.
I'd really like to see some changes though. These aren't bad suggestions and being straight forward and honest shouldn't leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth. It's simply a poor business decision to advertise and not tell people it's an ad. My mom likes those women's magazines. You know, the one's with strange looking articles about miracle supplements? Then, in tiny fine print down in the corner it says *advertisement. Do you know how many people got duped into thinking those ads are actually articles? Even that fruitcake Dr. Oz got in trouble for incorporating disguised ads in his show. Steemit isn't above that. Seeing so many of the top accounts take part in something and then not explain how it's a promotion will only lead to problems down the road. It makes everyone look shady as well. That, coming from the comedian. I know!
I agree, and it makes it that much more of an accomplishment that you have 46 votes here, and 112 views, and 29 comments, as of this moment. Congrats. It's getting harder to gain organic audience here. A year ago, it was easy, now, everyone jumps on the vote curation trails from day one to try and maximize profits.
Anything that takes eyes away from our work will always be counterproductive. The profits reach their maximum potential once the middleman is removed. People can come to my blog and maximize their rewards simply by sitting down, talking to me, and allowing me to pass the buck with my votes. As for the views, they've been high on this blog as of late. I'm quite impressed with everyone.
Well said! well said!
But I'll admit... I do buy votes... it helps me grow!
I try to do it ethically though:
I really think the "promoters" need to make something like that their TOS... because paid votes will not go away... and better it's done openly and ethically than under the table (think of mindhunter/snowflake)
Would you still blog here if you couldn't purchase your votes?
I certainly would! And I actually do think it would be great if paid-votes weren't happening, from a technical point of view that's not really possible though, hence I'd appreciate a more ethical way of dealing with it... but i see the "operators" as the ones in charge here.
it's a pity that it needs accounts like @grumpycat to keep that debate going with economic hostility!
but also: as a minnow it would be silly to not use the growth opportunity, albeit with a filthy after-taste.
if "honest" members of this community leave it to the greedy spammers to buy up all the votes, weight of influence on this platform will further shift towards the "wrong" direction.
trust me, I'm not here for the money, I am having much more fun giving my votes away and helping other minnows!
I believe you.
I rarely look at the trending part of the feed. But sometimes it's good for a state of the world check.
Mostly agree with you, but some indication of where the world mind is moving is useful.
Those words are common here. It's been like that for a long time. Those who place themselves there are most likely aware as well. They have the most clout I guess. They could change it. I wonder why they don't after all this time. The trending page should look like a magazine rack. A wide variety. Posts from all walks of life. People are drawn naturally to magazine racks. That's why they are placed next to a point of sale.
I thoroughly understand your concerns about vote purchasing. It's a topic I see you write often about.
You've made your stance on buying votes for your own posts fairly clear. Here is my question to you today: How do you feel about buying votes for others?
Let me explain. I still have relatively low SP. My upvote is only worth $0.07 currently, and that's only because STEEM is irrationally overpriced right now due to speculation. I'm getting some really crazy rewards for silly little comments here and there. But if I see more value in someone else's post than I am able to provide organically, is it wrong for me to use one of the 300% multiplier bots to help curate that content?
I bought a vote for someone once, awhile ago. It felt like I was giving them a gift but when you're new and something grand falls from the sky, it might only offer false hope. You will not be able to buy a vote for that person every time, much like I can't get around to everyone's posts. They will work hard on the their next post and return to that feeling of being invisible when the magic vote doesn't come knocking. The handouts can destroy work ethic and morale.
Your vote is worth 7 cents. That doesn't seem like much when you're surrounded by so much money. It feels like that only because you're comparing it to something. It's best if you can find many minnows that are willing to work together. Build roads now and maintain them. You might get .001 Steem for a curating reward when piling up on something with many votes but a larger share when it's just a few voting on something with 0 votes. There's no reason a post should have zero votes with this many minnows around. Use chat, work together, share links... slowly build yourselves up. It's like a video game. Level up.
The mighty issue of the paid for votes. I hadn't looked at that tab for a while. I think they should tweak the algorithm to discount paid for votes or something. Gaar, who knows. Good post man!
Thanks @meesterboom. You're a great example of someone who does a fine job. There are many more out there as well. Your efforts, my efforts, countless others(so many others!) shouldn't be second place to advertisements and promotions simply because that's not how this business works. We don't watch commercials, then get up to take a piss when the show comes on.
I know, people don't come to read posts that have been paid to be in the spotlight. They come for the talent in whatever form that takes. I had look at the two posts you mention and both had been severely bumped up. The worst is the gang mentality when something is perceived as popular them others vote for it merely because it's so. Pain in the arse
That false image misleading people to pile on stunts growth for hundreds if not thousands of other amazing contributors. The minnows seem to latch on, instead of paying attention to each other which in turn stunts their growth. The only reason they have zero votes on their work is because they don't see value in each other because they've been misled and encouraged to find popular blogs and get noticed. They are not getting noticed, just look at the comment sections under the paid programming posts. If everyone buys a handout that makes the handout the new zero, therefore, it's not helping, it's hindering. Amazing how one misstep can funnel all the way down like that. That's business though. The best way to lead is by setting a good example and making decisions that make life better for all staff. If those in charge only look out for their own interests, the business falls flat on it's face, every time. Now I'm rambling again.
They do. They swarm around posts that will garner them nothing in the hope that they will be noticed and rewarded whereas if they nwtworked and formed likeminded groups with peers and above or below they would do far better
You are a good rambler :O)
I just rambled more in my new vagina today. Whatever that means....
Oh man, I've stumbled into steemit politics here! I've been chugging away in my own corner of steemit totally oblivious to what's been going on.
Thanks for breaking it down for me, and thank you for practicing what you preach. I respect that, and it makes me feel like maybe someday I can work my way up to your status too.
I'm not sure if I'd call it politics. I think it's just a civilized approach to handling something that will get out of hand soon if nothing is done.
I think anyone is capable of working their way up here. Some people believe me, some don't. Oh well.
I'm attempting to pay for an issue of my comic with steem rewards, it's working out! But I've been posting every day for months now :)
Great write up. I especially connected with the bowling trophy analogy. Buying votes does not make you an accomplished blogger or entertainer!
I have to admit, I did use some voting bots when I first joined the platform, but I ended up coming to similar realizations after a bit. Even though at first I had posts that I spent hours on make pennies, it was worth it to focus on building relationships and improving my content instead of just relying on buying votes.
When the votes for sale first showed up, curiosity killed the cat. I picked one up. Bought one for someone else. I just felt stupid though. I felt so greedy. Then, over time, I've basically come to the conclusion they introduced crack into the community and more and more people are getting hooked. I don't know why I can't just say that without an analogy. I guess those are fun. Rambling.
Wow this has Beene the most honest and insightful post I’ve stumbled upon in my short time with Steemit. I was turned onto Steemit a few months ago, but was turned off by the numerous self-promoting posts. Steemit didn’t seem to have much else to offer.
I was drawn back in by a couple YouTube personalities and a personal interest in cryptos. This time around I took a deeper look, finding some great content off the trending page.
I’m glad I found your post and kudos for keeping up the conversation with all your curators. Followed!
There's a lot of good stuff here. To me, Steemit is like that park downtown in a big city where the buskers hang out. So much culture. So much going on. In the park though, it's visible. The way some folks are buying their way to the top makes it feel like some big corporation walked in and set up a loudspeaker to drown everyone else out. Incredibly selfish. In some cases, it's the spoiled brat thing to do. Scream until nobody can hear anything else. It doesn't have to be like that. Everyone has their place and can do just as well being honest about it.
The issue is if good content creator don't bid on the bid bot then only "bot farmers" will. I've seen it happen and I still see "bot farmers" using the bot to their advantage.
So for now because those bots exist I encourage good content creators to use bid bots.
If we all use them, then whatever supposed advantage they offer is negated and all we end up doing is giving money to a middleman for no reason. If each member was required to purchase $100 worth of rewards, that means $100 worth of rewards becomes the new zero and the value of our token drops to reflect the new zero. This is a slippery slope. Just because everyone else is eating cheeseburgers and tells me they taste good, that doesn't mean I should too, because they will eventually kill me. :)
All this does is push honest artists out the door.
If people are promoting their work, their work should be in the proper tab. False advertising is frowned upon. Steemit isn't above that either. Somebody should probably figure this stuff out before it's too late.
I will not be using them. I don't play that game. Too much on the line.
I just want to add to this comment.
The old trick where someone causes a problem and then offers a solution for a fee is the oldest trick in the advertisers book. How did that slip past everyone?
What will happen is that only dishonest or greedy person will end up using the bid bot. if there is only one person using it they will probably bid only the lowest bid possible...
Right now I see no solution to this. Dan Larimer was against vote selling and I think under how Steem was originally design vole selling would have been a lot less prevalent.
I wrote him a little letter on that post.
I guess a solution is hidden between the lines on that post as well.
In this post I suggest posts be moved to promoted and away from trending the moment a bid bot is detected. Combine that with negating votes and rewards once a bid bot is detected(there's no reason to pay an advertiser for advertising to us, that's not how the business works) so people can still see the post, take interest in the author, find their blog and vote for content there rather being able to vote for the advertisement/promotion. The more the member wants to put in, the higher the paid slot in promoted. The ROI should come to the author in the form of leads to their blog much like true promotions/advertising. If people do it properly, it works, and can't be abused for a simple ROI for no other purpose than abuse and leeching profit for nothing out of the reward pool.
The solution is to simply act on it.
Everything here, combined with a few other things I said only paves the road to true advertising that involves bloggers placing their own ad banners on their regulars post. Clicks could generate ad revenue to both blog and advertiser. Everyone still makes money. No abuse. I'd say more but at this point I don't have time to get into details.
I didn't include drama in this post.
If you're buying your reputation(currently 60) will it mean anything when it hits 70? Do you keep a ledger? Make sure you do. Keep track of how much you're spending. Will you ever be able to stop now that you've started? How many people are depending on your handout now? What happens to them if you stop? Are your views increasing? You have over 2500 followers. Why are they not voting or looking? This place isn't just about the money.
Steemit is a publishing tool. I took a day off from my normally scheduled programming to address a few business matters. This post isn't something I'd push out to a wider audience. My other posts... wow! This artist has a few tricks up his sleeve. Did you know... marketing doesn't have to look like marketing?
Ugh... I'm a bit grouchy this morning but it's not a bad grouchy. Read this with a smile. I'm one of those people who does things my way.
I'm in all of my social media for the money. I can't keep doing what I do without it - which is trying to help other people lose weight naturally like I did about 7 years ago. This is just another one of my platforms and I will use all the tools I can to succeed here.
Whose reputation means anything here? I'm assuming mine will stop growing so fast as I get bigger and exceed some of the bots voting for me but this in uncharted territory for me.
I'm a CPA - Yes, I keep a ledger - a few of them. I know how much I am spending and it have more than broken even each day except twice. This is only the sbd portion and the sp etc is a bonus.
No I will not be able to stop. This is now a daily steemit task for me - one I enjoy and am well suited for.
I'm not sure what you mean about a handout I'm giving - if you are speaking of curation rewards, it varies by tag. I am not responsible for people on the internet and do not know what will happen to them without me.
I don't care about no stinking view counts. I care only about comments which are very good on my posts.
I do not know what is wrong with my 2500 followers. Seven out of every 10 are obese or overweight (US population), so they should listen up. Maybe they are busy elsewhere.
This place is all about the money. I'm just glad it has the Alexa ranking to boot.
What did you think of my video? I think it's brilliant and it's getting interest in my fb posts.
Great business man. Steemit is an industry of art and entertainment. Thanks for sharing
wow,,its very helpful and knowledgeable post for me. not only me but also all the people benefited here.
This is the right post for everyone who would like to find out about this topic. You realize so much its almost tough to argue with you (not that I actually would want to…HaHa).
You definitely put a fresh spin on a topic which has been discussed for ages. Wonderful stuff, just great!
This was a very nice post. Taking the time and actual effort to produce a superb article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a whole lot and never manage to get anything done. Thank You @nonameslefttouse
you write a great post man...best of luck
Well said, I don't think anyone can say better.
Well done. Congratulation . I can say you are a great artist. Continue so.
I completely agree with your views on promotions. I posted this a while ago, in response to another's pointing that out on his blog.
We are not alone.
However, we are outnumbered, and by numbers I mean SP. It is SP that fuels votebots, and that SP that fuels votebots is provided by it's possessors: 38 whales.
They totally control the witnesses, and they are the market Stinc serves. The rest of us are merely a device that keeps the illusion of a market for Steem viable, preventing the price from crashing.
Given the ~10% retention rate for Steemit accounts YOY, this is a temporary ploy.
I appreciate your take on things. This post isn't really about what you're talking about though.
Part of the problem with retention is how the place is marketed. "Like Facebook, but get paid." So people come here and write short status messages and share a meme, then sit there and twiddle their thumbs waiting for the money to roll in. That didn't work so they then try to fit in with the crypto scene and talk about that, briefly. No dice. Then they're wondering why things work for others but not them. Then they naturally assume there must be something wrong with the place instead of themselves.
The way the trending page is set up, if I were to walk in here today, I could scroll down as far as possible and not see anything like what I'm usually up to here. I'd think the place is just a forum for things most people in the world don't know about. Arts and entertainment is a huge draw anywhere else but until the promotions are removed from the trending page, the place won't seem like a home for us... even though I'm living proof that it is. I've always kept a good attitude and try not to get mixed up in bitching about who's got the money and why. I'm rambling. More people need to step up to the plate and lead by example.
I see you didn't follow the link to my post 'The Difference Between Promotion and Curation, and Killing All Bots', or just didn't address it.
In the text of my comment here, I simply point out who controls why it's done this way. It's those that control the witnesses, through their stake.
In the post I linked, I outline how to not only properly assign posts to the promoted feed, but also how to eliminate votebots, and make Steemit an actual social platform where people curate, rather than the rewards mining technology it seems to be.
I read your post. I didn't know others were making a similar observation as me with this post. I'm glad I'm not the only one who knows what paid programming is.
Put simply: rather than attempting to stir the shit pot, I'm calling a spade a spade. I don't need to single anyone out. I used two current examples of posts simply because those were at the top at the time. I could have picked a different day and mentioned different posts and still be able to point out the same thing. This wasn't the first time I saw an advertisement up there.
That's an important line from my post and I meant it. I don't need to point fingers and place blame. I'm addressing this issue as fairly and professionally as required to draw the right eyes here so they can move forward with this information and hopefully push for change.
Another important line from my post. Nobody is controlling me. All of that SP isn't stopping me from going nuts and placing the raunchiest bit comedic genius at the top of trending. I could easily buy my way there. Would that make me funny by default? My post is at the top, so it must be funny, right? No. Would they flag it? Most likely not because it would be art and I hope they've learned their lesson about what happens when art gets flagged.
Imagine two equally famous celebrities. They both pull up in their limos. They both step out at the same time. The paparazzi ignores one completely. Does that make the celebrity getting attention more famous? No. The prick paid the paparazzi in advance and didn't tell anyone. The other celebrity never recovered.
Fame, paid for. They should probably realize what they're doing before buying those votes and at least have the decency to tell everyone.
Who controls what doesn't matter in this instance. They're not controlling me, I'm controlling me.
With all due respect, you post is full of insults. I don't see how a post like that is supposed create awareness or even change anything.
This post here isn't a debate about what you want to talk about either. Keep that in mind.
I really appreciate your forthright discussion of your self-admiration.
In my post I used the word 'flaggot', which I concur is a generic insult. I later said that claiming to flag posts because of rewards was bullshit, and tagged @berniesanders. I'm pretty sure that was insulting, although it's true.
Those are the only two even potentially insulting statements in the post.
Perhaps because it's not your post. However, I'm aware that neither I, nor the entire cohort of minnows can change anything on a platform where 38 whales hold the vast majority of VP.
I suspect you may delude yourself into thinking you can change that.
As you point out, no one controls you. Just as true about me.
What I'll keep in mind is not to bother conversing with anyone so vain they refer to themselves in the third person ever again.
Thanks for expressing the real you.
Listen. My post is about placing advertisements, promotions and paid programming into the proper tab.
You're here to push your agenda on me and if you think I can't see through that, you'd be mistaken.
Kindly take yourself, your narrative and your attitude problems elsewhere.
funny thing is that it is in trending
If this post is in trending, it's only there because it has high ratings.
This is actually why I peruse the new feed in categories of interest. It helps find the minnows like myself, especially in the "Introduce" yourself section.