SteemIt is a SCAM! The Top 7 Reasons Why SteemIt is a SCAM.

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Author: Dr. Bryan

You scoured the internet. You almost broke your fingers typing "SteemIt is a scam" six hundred times into Google. Finally, dear reader, you have found the article that proves you RIGHT! Hunker down and behold the top seven reasons why SteemIt is a SCAM. See you on the other side.

1) SteemIt gives you almost instant feedback on your creative work

[image credit: public domain]

You post something, and within a few hours you have a pretty darn good idea of what people think about it. How can this be possible? Scam.

2) SteemIt encourages you to share something creative every day

[image credit: public domain]

This must be some kind of conspiracy! A machine forcing humans to be creative? Scam.

3) SteemIt members include early Internet and Facebook adopters

[image credit: that's me - click it for my life story]

Some people on this site were around back when the internet was gaining traction - and even used "Bulletin Board Systems" (BBS), and modems (modulator-demodulators, duh) that consisted of a phone sitting in a cradle.

[image source: wikipedia. Old people used this.]

Some of them also joined Facebook back when you had to be a college student to do so and it was so buggy that it was almost unusable.

image credit to the author - facebook-dev-garage-20071f5c2.jpg

Cleary these people are crazy and this must be a scam. Scam.

4) SteemIt members include Math, Biology, and Physics Ph.D.'s who have done research at Fermilab, CERN, IBM (and others)

[image credit: that's mine.]

Any site which draws the attention of these kinds of left wing, liberal, ivory tower ACADEMICS must be a scam. Scam.

p.s. I'm not the only one, but don't want to mention others in this post unless they request it.

5) SteemIt backs up your writing for all time by storing it in a blockchain - you never worry about your blog post being lost

[image credit: public domain]

With other sites such as and , you sign up, pour your heart out into a bunch of pages and those pages are stored safe and sound in the database that company owns. Safe and sound, forever, right? That's right, until they decide you violated their terms and your blog is gone forever. Or, it's five years later (to all you kids out there, this may seem like a long time but someday you'll want to find a blog post you wrote five years ago, I promise - now get off my lawn) and yet another startup didn't work out and your post is gone, poof, casper, vanished. With SteemIt, your post is stored in a blockchain (the Steem blockchain), which is replicated across many computers and owned by no one. It's basically the underground nuclear bunker of data storage. And Bitcoin, the first (and therefore the most "experimental" at the time) blockchain ever created, is still around after seven years. The Steem (and Bitcoin) blockchain will probably be around for a lot longer than that (possibly longer than you and me). Clearly, this kind of black magic must be a scam. Scam.

6) SteemIt requires no difficult qualification process to get paid

[image credit: gif soup - this gif has been around forever, wonder why?]

Clearly, as unknown peons who just write content we should have to click agree to six hundred forms, jump through seven hoops (Hit the button now... SUBMIT!!!), live in a certain country, and wait for some jerk at a company named after a big number to disapprove of our account in order to qualify to maybe get paid someday. Then, when we are lucky enough to possibly get paid (yes, thank you SIRS!) we should wait sixty days for them to send the check by snail mail (oh GOD thank you!!). SteemIt doesn't require this, in fact everyone gets paid by default within about 24 hours. Therefore. Scam.

7) SteemIt pays you within 24 hours

[image credit: public domain]

SteemIt pays you within about 24 hours and forces you to put half the Steem Dollars into a "savings" account (how dare it make you invest in your future?), and then allows you to immediately withdraw the other half of the Steem Dollars for cash (via Bitcoin) that very day at your friendly local Bitcoin ATM (or via - or via an online Bitcoin site like Circle (though that will take longer than a day). Wait, Bitcoin - did you say BITCOIN - that illegal ... THING. Clearly CLEARLY. Scam.

In Conclusion: Scam.

In conclusion, any system that does all of this is impossible, irrational, unsustainable, unapproachable, undeniable, infatigable and must be a SCAM. Four alarm, no joke, do you know where your children are right now SCAM. Therefore SteemIt is a SCAM.

Dr. Bryan Profile Pic

~Dr. Bryan lives in sunny Arizona with his beautiful wife and three sons. Pay no attention to that Tardis.~

p.s. All images are linked to their sources.

p.p.s. You know the scam part was satire... right?

Click and follow @nonlinearone :p


Good sense of humor.

Thanks! You helped me realize that I am a bit of a masochist, as I enjoy getting scammed 😁

@claudiop63 - I love it too - so let us get scammed every which way here.

Hahha brilliant.

Thanks @blakemiles84. I try to make time to be brilliant on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Now, if I could only remember what day it is... ;)

Clearly a scam, it hasn't been featured on Bloomberg as a top investment. Also I couldn't defend any of your points in my previous post so 100% SCAM

Another Steemian living in the sunny state of Arizona! Im going to follow you after I post this comment! Check out my latest post. There are some Arizona cliff jumps I did in there!

That's awesome @brianphobos, I'll have to check it out and am now following you. :)

Awesome! Thanks!

hahahaha you should add: I don't understand how it works, therefore scam. Good post.

@rnobrega thank you for the insight. Sometimes my problem is I think I know too much and I think you're right that many would think of that reason (I may be to arrogant to admit that I don't understand all of it ;p ). @nonlinearone

Hahahahaha! I literally cannot stop laughing. Hahahahaa. GREAT post, your humor is well received. :D I give thanks to you for such a well composed satire.

Good post! Although I am far from a PHD I am a used car salesmen lol but I am glad that I am finally surrounded by smart people in something that I am doing with my life. You should re-title this 7 Reasons Steemit is not a Scam!

Thanks acassity - the title will hopefully help this article rank #1 on search engines for "SteemIt is a scam" - a popular search term for sure :) @nonlinearone

I guess I'm qualified as an early adopter. Ah how I almost miss the sound of a modern to get onto aol.

Very clever. Thanks Bryan!

Thanks @anotherjoe. I strive to be clever on Wednesdays and Fridays. Now if I could only remember what day it was...

lol, well, here's looking to Friday. You're in my feed, so hopefully I won't miss it.

nicely put !! 7 good reasons to Steem up !! ; - )

Yep, scammy, just like I thought! LOl
Ponzi! I still get a kick out of the naysayers who cry because they post crap and get crap!
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
great post BTW Doc!

Lol thanks @jed78. To the people struggling - I've been there. I once heard it takes 20 years to become an overnight sensation. I earned my first dollar from building web pages in 1997 so ... one more year and here I come :p

touchdown! I really dont know what to say! what happens is that when two people agree, one is not necessarily present.

I knew it was a scam! Lol Funny post, thanks.

You got me scared for a while ;)
Good read

needs to be found by people searching the interwebs for "SteemIt is a scam" and "Is SteemIt a scam" and "Is SteemIt a ponzi". See what I just did there? SEO FTW.Thanks @cryptohead. I know some might not appreciate the clickbait, but it's important because this

You're so smart! :)

Totally great marketing technique to use a headline/title like you did. If you go to YouTube (for instance), you would see hundreds of videos promoting "make money online" products that use this technique. Let people think they made a bad decision and they will read your article because we are all so afraid that we have made a bad choice and are always looking for somebody else's experience to see if we have made the right decision or not.

I got scammed here by not spending any cash and almost immediately got paid by signing in, and now I'm daily getting some interest on top of that. SCAM!

FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out. It's a valid fear on SteemIt :)

You're a bit large for a minnow but . . . . I put a link to your post on my most recent post ( as one of the best three posts I've read today. Hopefully, it will help you get some traction.

Thanks @mark-waser. I might be big for a minnow, but I strive to become much bigger so thanks for the shout out :)

its hard to see 123 votes equals only $16.52
good luck in your endeavors though

I wish steemit would scam me even more! SCAM! ;)

Excellent post, hit's all the highlights!

nice work... way to back up the steemit community

Thanks @mrwang :)

good stuff.. check out my new video when you get a chance.. and not at work. No nudity just raunchy lol

Were doomed, weve been scammed

You know something is fishy whenever people only present the pros and never the cons of an idea. I feel like in an era when social media is contributing to the degradation of human interaction and society at large, a platform that suggests people post at least 3 times a day is verging on brainwashing and contributing to peoples social media addiction. I'm going to be blunt. It is very difficult if not impossible to make any significant amount of money on this platform unless you pay (invest if that's what you like to tell yourself) steemit. Not to mention the majority of "community" interactions I've come across on this site have mostly been with bots... This platform is like all the others (pay a lot, get a little back).

You are right.
It reminds me DXGold/DXInOne/...
We need to be very active EVERY DAY but always limited by "Bandwidth exceeded limit"! No more posts, no more votes, no more... ALL! Impossible to do anything during several days!
When you vote, you wait with the animated pic, you wait, you wait and nothing happens! In fact, it's again the "Bandwidth exceeded limit"! But there is no message displayed!
So, for being more 'active', you must increase your 'STEEM POWER' but with witch money?? If you are not a leader, you earn ZERO and it's too late today to become a leader.
I have just followed you and it's OK but when I refresh your profile page, I see I'm NOT following you! BUGS, BUGS and BUGS!!
There are MANY BUGS never fixed, no notifications on the site, by emails, etc... Not a professional site.
Look at all the members who have left this sytem ;) A lot of time wasted for nothing...
You trust a system hosted by unknown people somewhere on the web? Are there backups? It's HEAVY to manage this for which good reason??

I think the word you were looking is FNORD. Steemit is a FNORD! ;-D

I've been scammed so many times in my life that I can truly say one more scam won't matter so much. At least here I can share my views and hopefully someone will think it is worth it to reply or upvote, as opposed to all the other scams where there were no actions until I realised two weeks later that I have been scammed again. Bring it on!

You really know your stuff. I'm still trying to figure out how to turn the SBD into cash, but - I was just using the site to speak out.

My girlfriend seriously asks me if it is a scam...

Wow, I like the story. your title make me expresive. Your data dan combine story
give me a good understanding about steemit. Good story. Good Luck

hahaha!! i came here trying to find this lunatic saying stuff that was so unreal and making steemit look bad.. ( i don't think anyone can) and i was ready to fight back... and then.. i find this! you made me smile!

great article!