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RE: Done

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

The witch hunt was an unfortunate response from people who didn't think through the problem rationally. like you said, the photo in question is definitely most likely not child porn. And even if it were, you do not even need to view and article to upvote it on steemit. Also, i don't think it would cross anyones mind that this kind of content would make it to steemit, due to its severity. Its severity also makes it silly for someone to upvote it and link themselves to such a terrible thing purposely.
I apologize that you are being treated this way. I have upvoted you and followed you as a statement of goodwill, and knowing that you are coming from a good place.
I hope this blows over soon, my friend.


Wow - thank you for that empathic comment. Yes, I felt like I was on a witch hunt, but people like you give me faith that there might be a way to come out of this. Thank you, again!


sad and funny at the same time - thank you for supporting me!