This will very good for Steemit, Steem and we will all benefit from it in the long run with added users, added funds and more awareness of Steemit.
This image was just posted to my 11K IG and my 3K FB and a text post to Model Mayhem. I'll be hitting the forums and Stripclubs and Adult Agencies as well soon.
How this came about...
After being flag attacked by the puritan crowd repeatedly (if you look at their accounts they don't even post most of them) except for one or two. I warned them and told them to leave me alone or I will be bringing the Adult Industry on to Steemit. They didn't listen.
My goal now is to bring on to Steemit as many Swimwear Models, IG models, Nude Models, Fitness Models, Cam Girls, Strippers, Porn Actresses and their fans which will far out number the Puritan Crowd exponentially, it will also bring in new money, and new users.
They are attacking my posts which are tagged and have the first image censored and even posts that there is no nudity at all and making hostile or rude comments. I didn't start this but I will do as I promised after being urged by @pfunk to do it because it's for the greater good and prosperity of Steemit all it's users and Steem.
If you take a look back at history the Playboy, Penthouse thrived in their day and dominated magazines. Then the Adult industry fueled the video tape revolution and industry. Those that got on board with the Adult (VHS) thrived. Betamax a superior standard failed in the consumer market because they would not allow porn on betamax. Now Sony allows porn on Bluray because when they didn't with Betamax they lost.
Cable TV thrives because it uses language, nudity and sexual themes (in addition to good writing and acting) that can not be seen on regular TV. But at one point the nudity and skinemax softcore was a big part of it's success before the internet.
All Major Hotel Chains have Pay-Per-View Porn in their rooms, why? Because it makes them a ton of money and people will go to other Hotels that do if they don't.
The internet is what is it is today because of the porn industry. The money generated from porn is what created the massive investment in video streaming, payment processing and infrastructure. It's also what drove people in droves to signup at ISPs. I worked at Earthlink in the 90s and people asked about the porn when they signed up. No one person every asked me how to email their grandmother or where they could share Bible or Koran Verses.
Even with all of the free content out there porn still makes money.
So if Random puritan asshole haters want to flag me and hassle me, no problem I'll just make sure that they become minority on Steemit and at the same time help this site thrive by bringing in more Adult Performers, Models, and their following... Which has the potential to put all of us on the ground floor in a position to get a big payoff.
I will however teach those I bring to use the NSFW tags and also Censor their first image in their post as I do, as I wish to keep Steemit fun and pleasurable to use for all reasonable users and also to follow all laws.
Sometimes the Universe works in mysterious
This was the nudge I need to be pushed to do this. I have already been working on getting some swimwear and playboy models on here that have large followings so now I'll be working on the Adult models as well.
PS: Also all Witnesses that Support this please post here or contact me as I will be having all of these new people vote only for witnesses that support adult content and my work.
Update: I already have models interested. I think what I'm going to do is to do shoots with them and a video to introduce them and mentor them on how to get on here and make money. This way I also benefit for my efforts.
Also guys if you support me in doing this please upvote all of my posts new and still active, the more money I can show that I'm making on here the easier is it to recruit. I don't know if you have ever been to any kind of seminar or MLM/Network marketing meeting where you are being pitched but the greatest sales tool is when the people show their paychecks and the bigger the pay check the more people want to join or buy. and also it motivates me to spend my time and energy and money to do this.
For example... I have several Playboy and IG Models in California I can get involved that have large followings that I can get involved. But that's a trip out there and a lot of work and expense to shoot and teach them and I can't do that out of pocket.
You guys support me and hook me up and I'll be a Steemit Evangelist like you have never seen in not only the Adult Community but all I have access to. I can also get my work published in a lot of Different places and talk about Steemit. The problems is these place don't always pay me, but they have users and viewers. So the Whales need to decide if they are willing to make this happen by supporting me. If Steemit is paying my bills and I don't have to look for photography gigs... I can spend more time recruiting shoot the people I recruit and mentoring them.
And yes this is self-serving and benefits me also. But if I'm out there recruiting, mentoring and creating quality content I deserve every penny. I seek to create win/win/win situations not be selfless.
UPDATE: My latest post is of one of the nude models I want to bring to Steemit, she is well liked in the Nude and Glamour modeling community and is a mentor or other models and also has strong following photographers she could be strong center of influence if I can get her on board. What I like most is most of her work and her social group are nude art and erotic art models, much like my work.
Check out the post and upvote it and resteem it so I can Show Her The Money...
Awesome! I don't personally care who wants to use Steem, the more the better. Aside from scammers. The more diverse an ecosystem is the stronger it is. Thanks for being a Steem ambassador @nspart.
It's all still just an experiment. Who knows what route the community, Steem and will take.
Maybe we'll get a SteemSports style sidechain for camgirls? Or maybe the rest of us will just move to our own new chain? We'll have to see.
(Did you read the comment where I explained my idea for "hindsight average rewards" btw?)
I looked around, can't find the comment. Could you link to it please?
I just realized I comment an awful lot lol... Almost couldn't find it myself!
Ah yes I remember reading that comment actually. My thought was "I'm glad I wouldn't have to implement such a thing" in that it would probably take some serious coding. Dan's definitely capable of it, but he'd have to want to do it.
I think the idea is a good one, especially since I think I'd earn more SP from it :) I was the third or fourth person to upvote @jdcrunchman for instance.
It's interesting that a lot of people say it would be hard to implement.... I personally certainly do not know at all how to do it.
Thanks for letting me know about cap crunch!
Really cool to have him on here =)
Of course I came here to make money, have fun, be part of Steemit and share the opportunity with others. Not to cause problems.
I fully support @nspart. Steemit needs porn and porn needs steemit. Dan and Ned need to get behind this immediately. The post police can make sure that all adult posts are tagged appropriately so as not to offend any users. But I really can't state strongly enough how critical it is for the dev team to create a first rate porn experience. There is a reason why philosophy and art scrape by while sex and gambling gush money. @dan, please get behind gambling and porn! If you really want your blockchain tech to change the world you need mass adoption. This is the way.
Well I have the connections, knowledge and ability to bring it here. But I also have to pay my bills I can't work just for Steemit unless I'm doing so well on m posts that I can actually do that. So I have offered the community my ideas and I'm asking got their support. I'll do the best I can with my resources.
The SteemIt, community did a great job of discussing this issue and finding a way to fix it for all.
I thought the way we handled the NSFW content was a proud moment for the community.
I thought so too... But it seems some people are not willing to allow others the freedoms they with to have. Not once have I ever gone around just flagging something just because I don't agree with the content based on a personal bias.
This is great news.
As for the Puritans, I don't understand where their argument lies, especially when they complain about your images. Out of all the erotica on Steemit, yours is the most tasteful, in my opinion.
Also, there's an NSFW feature now. They don't even have to look at this if they don't want too so complaining about it seems pointless when they can just choose not to look...
Thanks I appreciate it.
NSFW feature, can simply not follow people who post (or resteem) NSFW content, can mute them all... : What are they asking for? What do they want more?
Some people say they want to change things because they care about others, that they care about Steemit... that they care about the entire World! In fact most of the times, these same people mostly care about imposing their views and ways unto others.
Don't do it to get even or as some kind of retaliation, do it because you want to and becuase you'll enjoy it and be hopefully rewarded for your efforts! You're observing the rules, you're material is the result of the activities of consenting adults and is easy to ignore if people don't like that kind of thing. You are in the right so try not to get sucked into the bullshit games.
I Normally agree as I don't like the energy of getting back at people however as the other poster said Vengeance is a great motivator so maybe it's time for my to explore my shadow side but in positive way.
Lamborghini was stared by a man who felt insulted by the owner of Ferrari out of vengeance. He thought "insult me, I'll build a better car than you!"
vengeance tends to be a great motivator, or even an "I'll show THEM" attitude.
From the way I read @nspart, he seems to intend to stay in the right as far as posting goes
Correct and I will advise anyone I personally bring on to also respect the TOS and rules.
I think it might be time to start your own DarkSteemit.
We are all forced into a small room, accidentally sniffing each other, and no offense, but I'm not into looking at porn or naked bodies. If you approach this as retaliation, you're starting a war.
A better solution for you as a creative person is maybe asking yourself how you could create an app/site that uses the blockchain in order to free all the people who are exploited by the sex industry. If people are the bosses of themselves and are financially rewarded, then the need for pimps/middlemen goes away....
Seeking vengeance will create poor results.
Solving other people's problems will create happiness.
well I don't agree. if you don't like him just mute him.
I like his posts, because it gives me 30seconds before I dive into all the normal posts again.
and maybe one day porn will have his own interface on steemit, but as he said XXX is make ore break in the internet world, so at the moment I am fully supporting him. (at least he brings new attention and people to the platform)
Thanks for your support.
If the price of steem does not go to above 25 cents, there wont be enough rewards to pay for all that porn, so don't forget to encourage some of your porn connections to buy SBD and promote their content at the top of the promoted page.
agree! that is a valid point.
This, exactly.
Don't click here
This too shall pass, IMO.
I think eventually the UI will evolve to the point where generally, people aren't seeing the content that they find offensive or unpleasant (or simply uninteresting). Personally, i wouldn't be willing to sniff things that aren't to my taste forever.
But I am willing, (and although it comes down to personal choice, i think others ought to be willing also), to endure a certain amount of incidental sniffing pending the evolution of our content delivery to the point where it is not necessary.
Sorry not interested. Steemit is a place for all content that is appropriately labeled. Sit back and relax all will benefit if I get enough on board.
Besides I don't have the resources to start a dark steemit anyway nor would I really want to. I'm into art and erotic art, but I'm tired of being hassled and attacked. It's already in motion now anyway.
I would suggest you do what I do... See something your don't like don't look at it. I see stuff on here all of the time I don't like.
This is purely a UI issue. Alternate blockchains for different kinds of content is tantamount to insanity, death of Steem by fragmentation. The blockchain is ultimately just a supportive back end for any kind of content, filtering what you see is fundamentally a front end issue.
What kind of computer do you guys have. My has no olfactory capability what so ever. Can't smell or sniff a thing. No I know why those food posts do so well.
of yours (if you so choose) onto this platform, just as I support his.Maybe you should do that. I'd support it. @nspart apparently wants to be a erotic/porn/adult photographer. That's his mission in life at the moment. You seem passionate about helping exploited people. I'd support any efforts you want to make to bring and promote that mission
I say go for it. Full steem ahead.
I could see influx of models bringing a lot of followers and money (read as: Increased rewards for other writers) as market cap grows. We have nsfw tag already and let's be honest this will happen sooner or later. Rather sooner so we can work out the kinks now when the community is still small.
Some people are so predictable!
PS I thought you will quit! :)
PS2 fighting him @noganoo will drive to the opposite results... why not just ignore him?
Quitting was based on not making enough on my posts. This is a different issue.
I'm not fighting him anymore I muted him and anyone else that I don't want to hear from. But after I thought about it... Doing this is the best thing for Steemit to grow and is not much different than I was doing before, I'm just adding in Porn girls rather than just models and nude models. It will be good for everyone as I explained.
People are predictable... I knew you'd make another condescending smartass
We need certainly more visionaries...
PS You should try to reach Ev Williams from medium, who knows maybe you inspire him also.
Properly tagging yes, but I do not agree with censoring the first post when the UI already hides the entire thing unless people choose to reveal it. It is not necessary to put the additional burden of creating and posting a censored copy of an image when the platform already provides tagging and hiding.
Anyway, I support your (and anyone's) efforts, to bring more people into the community.
I think the censoring is for posting in the chat rooms. That I think what got me flagged. How most of the time I have censored the first images if there was anything more that mild artistic nudity. But I still got flagged and attacked and told not to post. Which is ridiculous when I was following all rules.
I agree but Dan warned him to keep the first image censored in another of his posts.
I have upvoted this post. Because i believe that, regardless of your motivations (which are misguided), anything which brings people and money into the steem ecosystem is a positive thing.
that said, i wanted to clear up one thing that you might not understand completely:
This doesn't necessarily mean anything sinister, except that one person owns many accounts. There are a variety of reasons that one person might own a main account that they post with, and other accounts that either come from mining or other endeavors that they do not use to post but that hold a portion of their steem power. As an example, in addition to my own upvote with around 8000 steem power, i also upvoted your posts wiht approximately 20 accounts that hold aroud 400 steem power each.
Because of the way votes are calculated, holding your SP in many accounts affords no strategic advantage over consolidating it.
What this does mean is that the number of downvotes does not necessarily reflect the number of people that actually feel a post is worthy of a downvote. For example, i suspect that most of your downvotes (aside from mine) for the post that got 10 of them were the same dude.
I want a second account myself or multiple so I can create different content channels. But not to flag attack people.
You can make them on the command line if you have it. If not, tell me what name you want and ill make it for you
Sent you a message in the chat.
I'm send you PM in chat. Thanks.
i have literally no idea why you think my true colors involve caring about porn particularly one way or the other.
I wrote a series of posts with enough content in the OP and discussion to fill a small novella, and i don't think porn came up once, except NSpart coming in because i flagged his other post for something that had nothing to do with the fact that it was (arguably) porn. In fact, i would argue that NSpart 's posts don't even really make enough for my IDOTF posts to relate to them.
I believe that the vote is sacred, and i believe that you are entitled to downvote or upvote content based on your own individual judgement in an environment free from reprisals or threats of reprisals. That does not mean that I share your views -- just that i believe that you are entitled to vote according to them without being harassed.
What @nspart has is an entire power industry to unleash. I don't want porn on Steemit, just art. Thanks for waking the dragon up.
I don't call myself a puritan because I believe that the human body is art! I have nothing against sex, sexual post and or porn BUT, I am happy that the nsfw was created. I mean again, nothing against naked flesh but opening your steemit wall and directly looking into a well shaped and or bleached or gardened huffelpuff mountain is not what I want to see first thing in the morning! LOl
I open your posts and I also open the other posts when I feel like watching them, after coffee.
I believe in freedom to post what ever you want on here! I might not always upvote a sexual tinted post but i do enjoy watching great pictures.... After coffee!
Funny I'm just about to make some coffee and thinking about doing a post on my new personal account @nsplife about the best coffee I have found.
I also agree we needed the NSFW but I wish it was called something else. NSFW is a misnomer as nothing is safe at work but working and doing your job. You can be fired for reading the Bible, look at cats if your doing it when you are supposed to be working.
I do think it is inevitable. And if it can give steem that much power, then it is inevitable we would all benefit. To each his own, porn is not my thing, but not my business whose thing it is :) I will follow just to see if it does what you think. HUGE industry.
I support nsfw material on Steemit as long as it follows the posting guidelines, which you already said would be followed :)
I'll upvote you when I see your posts.
I'm sorry that people who don't understand the purpose of the NSFW tag have taken it upon themselves to prevent the REST of us form enjoying any damn content we want.
by the way, nice models, but as long as your posting more, post more brunettes with natural...augmentation ;>
I'll try and thanks for the support.
There is enough censorship.Ignore the fools mate!, upvoted Re-STEEMED
I believe Steemit is a decentralized content distribution platform, right? Which means people from all walks of life and interest are here lurking about. I don't really see what the big deal is...Some folks like to look at boobs. It's not like the naked girls are going to crawl out of the screen and chase you around the room. I do see it as an art form. I also see @nspart following the rules and quite frankly I think it's a load of BS to flag someone who is adding quality content to the site. So, you have my vote!!
Thanks I appreciate it!
Wonderful. Looks like I'll have a lot of people to had out ref lings to so benefits me as well.
Steem to the moon. Don't think there will be a problem incrasing blocks here to handle all the extra traffic like with bitcoin.
I think camgirls/boys could become a huge industry.
Expect a flag war against them, as with Steemsports, but in the long term they could even move to their own sidechain.
Why are people against SteemSports?
It is considered "vote buying" (which is really a terrible term to use in this case, in my opinion...) by which SteemSports get a lot of reputation votes and Steem, making them a big player and influencer of the network.
Since it's essentially a "free" betting service, everyone wants to bet and smaller users (like myself) can make more through random betting than by any direct curation rewards for upvoting posts.
While I can certainly see "issues" with this, other users have gone as far as to incite abuse of the rules for flagging. This is often defended by reminiscing the days when the flag was still only a downvote and by reminding other users that any other Steem based platforms may still display it as such.
Personally, I propose at least the re-implementation of downvotes -- with or without the flag.
I also think it's important that some alarmist users recognize that Steem and Steemit are both just in early beta version and not yet one year old. Many startups actually don't make it a full year and even less make it two.
@nspart don't listen to this jealous and haters people! If people wants to get naked in from of you and they want pictures, there is nothing wrong about it. I think those people who do not agree with you, they are ashamed of their body's! It is natural to be naked because we all are born naked, we take the shower naked and more! Hello, haters wake the fuck up! This is not a problem, so don't make one!
Thanks and I completely agree.
Hmm, more drama..
We must be gathering steem.
Do you ever use @nspart ? Got an idea.
Yes you can send me a message on there.
What do you mean by this?
I ask because it sounds like you're making violent threats against nspart and I'd like you to clarify.
That's ridiculous @pfunk , are seriously believe that?
"You are digging your own grave, @nspart." implies death. As you can see I asked him to clarify and he didn't.
Technically, if 'grave' was used as a Verb...