Washington state reminds us taxation is still theft.

in #steemit7 years ago

In another move to steal from the citizens, Washington state lawmakers run a pilot program for pay by m the le.

In response to vehicles becoming more fuel-efficient, the state must find more ways to stick its fat fingers into your wallet. The “road usage charge” would replace Washington’s gas tax. Supporters say the new charge won’t cost drivers more money. Personally, I have my doubts.

In spite of dramatically increased fuel prices, U.S. Federal and state fuel tax revenues can’t keep pace. This is because most fuel taxes are a fixed number of cents per gallon and are not tied to inflation.

The Road Usage Charge or RUC would charge drivers 2.4 cents for every mile driven. The gas tax in Washington is currently 49.4 cents per gallon of gasoline.

“Assuming the average vehicle per year travels 12,000 miles, this breaks down to 1,000 miles traveled per month.
If we apply the road usage charge pilot’s rate of 2.4 cents per mile, this equates to a total of $24 per month, or $288 on an annual basis. Currently, drivers pay an average of $289.17 a year under the gas tax.” -Taken from the FAQ section of the RUC website.

Luckily It could be a very long time before the charge is implemented, possibly five-plus years.

Washington lawmakers will be discussing the progress of the pilot program, which started at the beginning of the year, on Thursday in Olympia.
Taxation is theft!

RUC website: https://waroadusagecharge.org