Can I Manage My Time?

in #steemit6 years ago

Why watch your time?

Time is like money. If you lose it, you won’t have it when you need it. On the other hand, if you schedule your time, you will have some left over to do the things you enjoy!

Bible teaching: “The lazy person has his cravings, yet he has nothing, but the diligent one will be fully satisfied.”​—Proverbs 13:4.

The bottom line: Watching your time will give you more independence, not less.

Time management is an important skill that will serve you well in adulthood. It can even contrast with your holding down a job and fired. After all, if you run a business, would you keep an employee who regularly showed up late for work?

Bible teaching: “The person faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.”​—Luke 16:10.

The bottom line: The ability to control time says something about the kind of person you are.

Admittedly, though, time control isn’t easy.