Well, I would say in the long run, Steem would definitely be the more stable because of the simple fact that you are taking the time to build your business or blog, rather than just buying a coin that could plummet.
I would equate the hldrs of coin to the steemians because they are in it for the long haul. However, our community on steem keeps our focus and makes us feel more confident because you're in the foundation, a part of steems future rather than just hoping a coin will go up in 2 years because you have 1 million of them. Now, don't get me wrong both probably will make you rich, but we as people sometimes need to feel we are applying ourselves like putting out that awesome post for your followers and have consistent content that your viewers can depend on for months, and years to come.
Great question, sometimes I think a lot of things we do in life are a gamble, however if we focus on the not so "get rich quick" schemes we can depend on a better outcome in the long run.