The old recipe from the Hamasah Union when I was in high school.I try again.Alhamdulillah tasty like the taste that once existed... Hopefully useful.
Fresh fruit (jackfruit, pear,dragon fruit,grape,mango,apple,)
1.5 liters of young coconut water + fruit flesh
100 ml of sweetened condensed milk (SKM)
150 ml fullcream liquid milk (optional,replaceable SKM only)
150 gr sugar (dissolve)
to taste ice cubes.
1). Diced all the fruit and the young coconut meat.Set aside.
2). For soup: mix SKM,liquid milk and young coconut water.Add the sugar solution then taste correction.(Try a little sweet so as not to be bland when given ice cubes)
3). Combine fruit and soup.Give enough ice cubes.Let stand for a moment to feel unified. Enjoy .