Hey Friends
Welcome Back From the Train Wreck
Well what can I say, they got me. I was actually believing StInc. I mean they only had what 18 months or so to get it right. I know I am a fool. I was starting to believe maybe, just maybe this HF would go off without a hitch. They had said over and over that it was fully tested. Call me gullible, its not like I haven't seen this movie before, like I know how it ends Every Single Time.
Yet what can we little Steemers do. We can rant but besides making us feel better, that does nothing to change anything. However, we can vote for witnesses that we feel will bring about positive change. I happen to know, and recommend, a brand new one @fulltimegeek.

There is not a single person on the site that I know of that has done more single-handedly for the small accounts than @fulltimegeek. He, friends, is a real giver. First with his Stewards of Gondor program where he unselfishly delegated sizable SP to many Steemers. Now he has an army of over 100 fulltimebots that vote on quality content 24/7 for free!! He, as you may know, has a very sizable stake in the platform and wants it to succeed. So I implore you friends to get to know him, check out his page, read what others have stated and do what I am doing:
Vote @fulltimegeek as Witness!

Thanks for stopping by!
Twenty20All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites. (Except for @fulltimegeeks profile pic LOL)
Amazing photos,
Just voted for @fulltimegeek as witness. I will be reevaluating my previous votes after some further investigation and thought.
Awesome! He is beyond generous in his support of small Steemers.
The HF20 mess means it is time to re-evaluate the top 20 witnesses.
The geek has been so kind and helpful to so many small people... who wouldn't want to vote for him!
Great shots to pair up with the mood/and the ray of sunshine that @fulltimegeek puts into so many lives.
Taking you home. Behave or I'll karate chop you.
Yikes! I just saw about the karate chop!! See how you intimidate me LOL!!! I always
try tobehave ;)The sun is setting perfectly on the edge of the horizon in that 2nd photo.
I'm so new I don't know a lot about the witness voting and the such, but I am trying to take it all in as I grow.
I voted for him already... I'm also posting on WeKu. It's set up like Steemit. This is ridiculous, I posted yesterday once and now I have to wait for my credits to build back up!
Ok man I am over there and will try to find ya.
I'm using the same username
Love your photos!
yes, this is beyond annoying. Ill head over and vote for @fulltimegeek!
Well, shoot. Steemit wont let me. Oh well, Ill do it later whenever this nonsense gets fixed... :/
Yes it really is disappointing! We need more whales like fulltimegeek that support us small accounts!
He is a good and worthy witness prospect. The Friends of Gondor program was proof enough of that, even if he had not gone on to do so much more with his talents.
Hopefully he will climb the witness ranks quickly with all of us in support!
Yes! Totally agree!
Thanks for the tip about @fulltimegeek. I will check him out.
Thank you !!
Good call. I'll add him to my list! Thanks for sharing the suggestion!
Awesome, thanks!
I love your little gif! So great!!
Aww thanks!
It is times like these that I find I discover the most interesting folks. Thanks to @allseeingyewe for resteeming your post. I also am a big supporter of @fulltimegeek and have voted for him as witness because all that he has done for me and so many other minnows.
Plus, I am an old guy who posts photos too so we should get along great!
Well met.
I love your username!
Hahahha! A sheep that is watching and seeing everything is a little freaky!
Yeah, I get that a lot. You'd be surprised!
Yes I am glad to meet you!
Thank you for the information. It's a pleasure to vote for a person like @fulltimegeek as a witness. What you say about him is impressive, the support he gives to the community must be recognized. Resteem and go to vote.
Thank you, my friend!
With pleasure and hope for better!