Nice post, Erick! Well, my user name is really a mixture of my real (first) name and a number series that I’ve been using for all my online accounts for the past 16 years or so. See, we have manythis interview he did with me in South Korea two weeks ago. Olegs in this world. I needed a unique identifier to claim my online id. @scrooger revealed the origin of my Steemit handle in
In the past I led a more public life than I do now, both online and offline. Usually it was very easy for anyone to track my online persona oleg326756 to my real full name, my postal address and occupation. I never made a secret out of it. I am more reserved and private today, but still it’s no huge challenge to find me offline. Like you mentioned yourself, a sense of privacy here would only be a false one. :D
P.S.: Great to know you’re involved with the MIT. I did a short course in web development there back in 2003.
Thanks for the comment! I did not expect there to be so many Olegs in the world.
I guess having that sense of privacy is important to a lot of people here because of the principles of anonymity and privacy that go hand in hand with Bitcoin and blockchain technologies.
And cool, I hope the course was useful.