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RE: Time budgeting vs being managed by time (featuring @jacor as author)

in #steemit9 years ago

Thank you for your valuable thoughts, @jacor. And thank you @gavvet for promoting new authors.

I would like to share simple but effective tips on time management that have helped me.

First of all, time management is easier when you have a lot of time :) So it would be good to reduce the time allocated for sleep. I personally try to sleep 6-7 hours a day. In order to spend less time on sleep, you should go to bed early. Ideally, I have the lights out at 8-9 pm. And I get up often at 3 am. But to live in this mode, you must modify eating habits. I personally have more than 10 years adhere to a vegetarian diet, and in recent months experimenting with raw food. I can say that thanks to this diet, I sleep less and stay awake more. The mind is very clear and alive. And when you have a lot of time, time management is much easier.

And I heard that Donald Trump sleeps 4 hours a day. This schedule really gives many benefits :)


Thanks @omfedor, I like your approach. I am one of the lucky ones who have a very fast metabolism, I do not need to sleep much, by design. I can carry on for weeks of 5 hour sleep cycles, but then I need to catch up. I do this by taking a weekend of doing nothing, vegging in front of the TV and sleep when I need to. Another one of my weird characteristics, I can sleep VERY well in front of a TV. Opposite of my wife, who cannot sleep of there is a light on or any noise whatsoever.