always motivating here at your blog..
Today i rendered a Altcoin picture for one of my posts about Overstock
always fun for me to make gold from nothing, i'm in 3D since 2000
always motivating here at your blog..
Today i rendered a Altcoin picture for one of my posts about Overstock
always fun for me to make gold from nothing, i'm in 3D since 2000
I have no talent online like you do, great stuff!!!
Holy cow.
Well shoot, I cannot do any of this stuff but if you have the time to make me 1 or 2 cool 3D logos with my name for Crypto type stuff, I would really be thankful.
I might even do a post about it and drive people right to your page to help you!!!
I have no idea where to start.
I have a lot of branding on here, catchphrases, etc.
maybe we talk in chat?
yes let's do, maybe i can help you, i try it in the evening around and after 8pm UTC +2 Please give me short instruction how to chat directly, thanks.
Look in the menu of your steemit page over on the right --- click on it --- find Chat or Steemit.Chat
Look me up on there - same name as here. Not everyone there has the same name and not everyone is on it.
Hi Barry, i wanna show you first ideas. Let me know when you have time!