Holla! I hope the answer on twitter was only due the high stress level from one individuum. I try to be objective and think of issues i have to handle with customers. I'd never offended a single customer as i remember, even in the case the customer made a mistake and was impatient. I always try to deescalate things to look for a solution as fast as possible, be calm and friendly even if i'm self quite unhappy with a situation.
Especially if we look at such a fantastic system working on the blockchain, each dev can be proud of and can always stand above such bad emotions. From the perspective of the core development i would say, it's simply too important and great to give such bad emotional states a chance to unleash to the public. The offending style with big letters makes absolutely no sense for me because the point Diego Pucci made was pure logical reaction, nothing to concern about in terms of offending someone. It looks like trolling by hackers to create FUD.