Spread the love and support the growth of Steemit

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I’ve been welcomed into an amazing community called Steemit over the past 2 weeks and I want to share some advice, and the things that I have learnt.

Make a personal contribution, we are here to participate and interact. Write about what inspires you, share your passion for your subject. People can’t connect with you if you don’t connect with them. Don’t worry if you think your blog isn’t technical enough or you doubt your own talents, be yourself so that others can find you (and say hello).

You are a curator. The whole process of voting and posting is what drives Steemit, accurate voting leads to accurate rewarding. If you only chase the posts you think whales will vote on then these will be the only posts that get voted on. Yes, chase good posts but you should be looking for what interests you. If it’s good it will get Upvoted by the masses anyway. It is our ability to filter through the vast contents of our screens, and curate to show the good, that gives Steemit its value.

Show admiration that reflects people’s contribution to our community. I’m not talking about the Steem dollar and attracting whales here, I’m talking about the affect you have on someone by saying ‘great post’ or giving an Upvote, even if it is worth $0.01. It can give that person the motivation to write that great next blog, maybe the blog that will inspire you too!

Don’t be shy, if you like something you read then comment on it. Some posts are super technical, others simply a meme. Don’t be put off if the only thing you really got was the picture or the first three lines, tell that person what you liked about their work and keep it positive. I’ve connected with so many people over the last week. Some discussion I originally felt were way above my head and I had nothing to contribute to, but I tried, shared my ideas and succeeded. Oh, and learnt a hell of a lot about Steem and cryptocurrency in the process!

If you like someone’s work then check in with them regularly, and yes this means following minnows as well as whales! I’m in a different time zone to half the people whose work I follow so I have to make an effort to see what they have been writing whilst I’ve been sleeping.

Collaborate, discuss, share ideas. We will create more and become more if we work together. You have a great idea but don’t know how to do it? Search the blogs and find someone to help. You need technical advice? Get posting, someone will answer!

A portrait for @eeks

Flying Steem Unicorn after a discussion with @unicorn.jenoodle

Rather than hunting for whales, flitting from post to post, take your time to read. What is it that your fellow Steemer is saying to you? How can you continue that conversation? It doesn’t matter if that person is likely to get 3 votes that day or 500, if someone is giving us the best they have then let’s give them our best too.
Supported Steemers become dedicated and involved members of our community, we need to grow strong. And if it is all about the money for you, then remember that a strong Steemit community will probably also mean a strong Steem dollar!

If you enjoyed reading that then come and find me @opheliafu


Your artwork made the article for me! I'd like to add that commenting with constructive feedback is super helpful. Pointing out exactly the things that you like and what you think could be improved upon. But definitely not what is "wrong" haha - that's the constructive part.

Like reading through your comments, I noticed a LOT of people commenting on your art. That's some great feedback. With that feedback in hand, do you think you'll be more likely to create more artwork for your future posts?

Very true, I was avoiding the term constructive feedback as I didn't want to sound to much like my teacher self.

To be honest art is my passion, and that's what I usually post about. I just really wanted to say what I said in this posts because it's been on my heart for the past few days and I needed to share it.

I'm not a teacher, which I've found lets me lecture as much as I want without pissing people off. lol

I can tell your heart was in this article. Keep it up!

I've mentioned you in my latest art piece, on my current post.

I like the artwork, especially the portrait for @eeks!

Thanks edgeland. @eeks sent me a comment asking if I could draw him from his Introduction blog - no actual picture of him on there. Challenge accepted! You can catch his post about it here https://steemit.com/steem/@eeks/200-comments-in-6-hours-so-far-someone-drew-me-i-inspired-trucker-fiction-and-more

So you made him a trader god! :D

I've mentioned you in my latest art piece, on my current post.

Your art is unique and has character. I like it Ophelia!

Your advice is sound! I especially like the one about showing admiration that reflects contribution to the community. The part about the effect you can on someone by being encouraging and upvoting, it's true—I experienced it firsthand.

I've mentioned you in my latest art piece, on my current post.

Thanks! I really appreciate it :)

Me too! Someone gave me a bit of confidence in my work this week and that was enough to get me back on track. All part of what Steemit is about.

Great post and well made points :) I will try to push my self to become better at interacting with my fellow steemeans, give feedback and comment on stuff I like. And that portrait is awesome, I like the psychedelic vibe it gives off :D

Hopefully it hasn't put you in a trance!
If someone has engaged me enough that I've read all the way through their post then I always try to leave a comment. Thank you for commenting on mine!

Very well written and i love the artwork! I'm excited about steemit motivating people to share their passions especially with there being the possibility of gaining monetarily too.

I remember in a Noam Chompsky documentary he had a friend that sifted through newspaper articles, sending him cut outs of those diamonds in the rough. Simply searching and curating these gems are a service in themselves.

My friend shared a great quote from him a couple of hours ago (spooky) about student debt and making people efficient components of the consumer economy.

Got to love synchronicity! I'm a fan of chompsky, even if i don't always agree, he always has good points and makes me think.
Manufacturing consent is a great documentary of his to watch, very applicable to current issues.

Thanks for the link. I started watching Manufacturing consent last night, still go a bit to go though- may have to have it on whilst doing the housework!

I'll try and catch it, thanks for the suggestion. Actually I'll definitely watch it, you seem passionate about it!

I'd love to hear what you think. I still love his phrasing of, "physical oppression is to a dictatorship, while propaganda is to a democracy. "

My top top recommendation is Maybe Logic; life and times of Robert Anton Wilson. He's my favorite author as well. You can find the movie in full online too!

I've mentioned you in my latest art piece, on my current post.

Full steemit ahead!

I've mentioned you in my latest art piece, on my current post.

I like that you're keeping it real. People should write something they're passionate about. I followed you, for more interesting posts. Keep up the good work!

Thank you soldatchristi (as in at sold at Christies?), and welcome to Steemit!

Soldier of Christ actually. :) I think my wife will greatly benefit from this system. How much have you made since you started?

I put a lot of work into posts, hours of time on some, rarely got anything. Then after putting the hard work I started to attract a few more votes, and some people went back through my old posts and gave me some extra upvotes. I'm having a good couple of days in terms of Steem dollar but it may not last and I'll go back to 0.01 pay outs. Would I give it up then? No way. I'm part of Steemit because I love sharing my ideas and reading other peoples posts.

I've mentioned you in my latest art piece, on my current post.

I think this is by far the vest way to put it contribution into any network! What i mean is the words that you use.
Great work!
P.S. Those pictures are a wow... really!

Thanks, I'm glad you found it helpful :D