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RE: Physical Steem coin, ready to be shipped!

in #steemit7 years ago

This is wonderful. I really appreciate the amount of thought that was put into this.

I really enjoyed the explanation of the symbolic meaning behind the design, and have been working with more symbolism in my work.

I recently designed a cover for my record label's first release. At first, I was just making it "look cool", and getting a nice aesthetic going. Usually with music releases in particular, the album art is just some fancy abstract design that doesn't hold too much meaning.

So i thought, what if i go the opposite direction and keep the design aesthetic to an absolute minimum, but put all the emphasis on speaking through symbols.

We distilled all of our values into symbols and put them together, then voila, the cover was done!

Your coin design really reminded me of that process.

Here's the finished cover:

Audio Alchemy Vol.1

Also, interesting that you mention the analogy to a bee hive...

Many, many years ago, before all this crypto stuff became a reality, I had visions of a sort of utopian business called The Bee Hive where everyone owned it and noone owned it, and we all contributed based on our natural skills and talents.

I wonder how many others had this same vision?

And now here we are...

Steem on!


like the design, it speaks deep things already about the songs

Thanks @dula :) I certainly put a lot of love into it...