Steemit and real world problems

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

There are many tutorials on steemit about how to write a good article and how to post and make money. These are aimed at newbies like me, who at the moment make up more than 80% of steemit users. The content generated is diverse and among the learning curve of trying stuff out there are some real gems to be found.

What I would like to see are more gems, more diamonds and what I believe will really help steemit become more mainstream is if there were more contributions to real life problems.

In my humble opinion the biggest ones are:
War - and the hundreds of thousands of refugees
Rapid Global climate change
Rapid Economic retraction

These are big problem and some would argue there are few solutions. However I believe that there is a wisdom in crowds and if that can be tapped into to make this a better place. If there are articles you’ve written and I’ve missed them please do feel free to mention them. If you think there are more pressing topics do please comment.

Thanks: I welcome your thoughts - keep on creating great content.

The artwork is mine

#steemit #content


I personally believe these are the wrong questions.

I believe that those are details, and analyzing them microsopically will not lead to a solution; You will get tangled up in facts and studies and statistics and meanwhile the humanity is lost along the way.
There is an infinite amount of facts and that is a problem.
The analytical mindset can never work the whole picture.

Trolls are superior to facts.

I advise to not look for and sinlge out problems, but to create and live.
Difficulties will appear and can be delt with - one at a time.


The biggest enemy of dictatorships is comedy.

It will expose madness instantly.

P.S. I like your artwork.

Hi Felixxx . Thanks for your thoughts, which I find encouraging and engaging , so thanks for your time and effort in getting back to me...... ..