Every humans greatest dream is to achieve that height of unimaginable splendor. To acquire all the fancy beauties and fun life can afford.
Have a fat account that flows like streams of water unending. But yet, excerpt little or no energy at all towards acquiring these goodies.
I live amongst the class of individuals who believe that "No good thing should go to the lazy ones.
Yeah! I do harbour this belief. Life itself will be very unfair to offer sweet_goodies to undeserving individuals who wouldn't lift up a finger to any effort that would fetch them good money let alone good living_standard.
Each aspiration comes with its own effort regardless of how minut it might be.
What are your aspirations?
How much efforts does it require and how many have you made up your mind to exert?
Ponder deeply into what I would add to this brief advice of mine
A brain that is not ready to think out means of earning good income for itself, wouldn't have a voice to speak bad of been overstressed by another who did
Let your thoughts and actions always guide you towards the paths of success in all ramifications.
Nobody knows a nobody
Financial_freedom is power!
Get one today