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RE: Want To Be A Steemillionaire? Here Are The Crucial Things To Do For Newbies on Steemit

in #steemit9 years ago

Hi dollarvigilante, today I am really disappointed, I am from Mexico and I think I am one of the few people on Steemit from Mexico and the only one that is trying to contribute on the growth of this platform, couple of hours ago I shared my story on how I started using my Uber to promote this wonderful platform, now I am looking at your recommendations and I think I followed all of them, and personally I don't care about the money I just thought my big effort to promote the platform would be apprecieted and that I would have gotten at least some comments :(
This is my post:

Why nobody valued what I thought was an incredible contribution to the platform? :(


Why nobody valued what I thought was an incredible contribution to the platform?

Mostly because we didn't see it. If you want to earn on this platform and you aren't a celebrity with a following, you need to get out there and tell people about yourself. Get on and network. Reach out to the more successful bloggers and see if you can get them to mention you. Get your existing network to join and vote up your stuff. There are some people doing daily "Best of Steemit" posts which feature new personalities and content; try to get listed in one or more of those.

Getting out and doing promotional work is great, and writing good quality posts is great too. But neither of those will get you rewards if no one knows about it. TDV is great at self-promotion, and while self-promotion can become annoying and turn people off if it is excessive and if there isn't substance behind it, in the right quantity it is an essential part of being successful at almost anything.

EDIT: and positivity as other stated. Can't emphasize that enough.

I appreciate this message, @smooth.

I'm the "20 questions" interview guy (my blog); you've up-voted a few of my past interviews.

Last week, I sent you a message, letting you know I had released a new interview. After sending it, I sat and thought about it, and five minutes later I deleted that message to you. My thought was: I don't want to be that individual who begs for up-votes from high-earners. On the other side of the coin, the real reason I was sending you the message is because I genuinely thought you might want to know that this article was posted, as you seemed to have enjoyed a couple of them in the past. The other benefit of your up-votes is that more people tend to see my content... which, to be honest, is also incredibly rewarding.

It's nice to see your advice is to self-promote without being annoying.

Edit: By the way... I've got an exciting 20 questions coming out tomorrow morning. Just sayin...

Thanks a lot for all this recommendations @smooth, I really really appreciate it, and I hope I can get people to know about myself. Again thanks a lot for this tips and for your upvote!

Hey Oumar, I am from Mexico too and Guess what? I am new to this platform too. Today is my first day and I am not even expecting you to replay to my comment, however let me tell you that Jeff has been active for years now and his work is now being rewarded. I invite you to keep working without expecting anything and you will see that the rewards will come by themselves. I just start today and will stop when I fucking die.

Hi! glad to meet you, why wouldn't I reply to your comment hehe, I do know Jeff has been working for years and as he said keep working without expecting anything but also as I said I didn't care about the money just wanted people to notice I am contributing to Steemit here in Mexico :D Saludos!

Venga a Anarchapulco ( amigos!

I'll try to go Jeff! There is still time to plan ;)

This is how you could have expressed the same information, just with a different mindset:

Let's see how it works!Hi @dollarvigilante, today I made a post where I tried to apply all your recommendations:

This was a perfect chance to promote your post and you just blew it.

Anyway, your post is quite good and the idea of promoting Steem in your Uber car is brillant. So don't give up. If you want to follow all of @dollarvigilante 's recommendations, stick to this one as well:


you are right :( , I appreciate you upvoted my post inspite this. And yes, I'll be consistent, I'll continue with my effort on promoting Steemit on Mexico!

@innuendo is right @oumar, post with positivity, not negativity... it works wonders. I did check out your post though and it is really cool what you did! Upvoted!

Sure Jeff, I'll try to keep myself positive! Thanks a lot for your upvote! :D

I upvoted as well because it's a good post and because I want to encourage positivity over negativity. I also like the idea of someone trying to develop a steemit community in another country. Good luck!

Many post's get rewarded after a couple of days! You never know when a post of you will catch up!

follow me and upvote my posts... I will do that for you as well, we can help build a network for each other...