Hi Space biscuits
I'm inviting all you lovely SteemBoaters to come and give me an honest review of my Steemit blog so far. I will decide by tomorrow afternoon at 1pm who has the best review. it doesn't have to be an essay, just write something constructive and you could win it..
Just comment in this post with something insightful which may help me improve my blog. I'd ideally like comments which make me raise one or both eyebrows.
I don't expect you to read all my posts ! That would be silly wouldn't it, however specific details pertaining to content certainly won't hurt and anything which helps me in my quest to build a (suitable) audience will be appreciated.
Bear in mind that 2 Steem dollars represents a lot of work I've done on here (I'm probably giving you 20-30 posts worth of my Steem awards and that amounts to a couple of days / (evenings work) while my baby daughter(s) sleep ! ie one line answers probably won't make the cut.. unless you're a phenomenal writer
I would also encourage other people to give bits of Steem in return for interaction, opinions, help etc. I think it makes everything feel more joined up and a bit more exciting for everyone, especially the green noobs, who really should be called 'FRY' as in baby fish just born
Audio Surveillance Zone Street Art installation by Urban Sound - Brick Lane East London
Image copyright Christos Hatjoullis (Outerground)
Very good post my friend, upvote. Here is a post for you to enjoy a little sudden trip. regards..
Hey @outerground. I just took a look at your blog. I like the creativity and all the images, that's for sure! In my last post Maximize Your Steemit Profitability, I actually spoke about a common problem I've noticed with your blog. But don't worry, you're not the only one making this mistake! When you post more than 4 times a day, the earnings on your 5th, 6th, 7th, etc. goes down significantly.
According to The Official Steemit FAQ, your 5th post earns 65% the amount you other wise would have been paid. Then it goes down to 45% for your 6th, 33% for your 7th, and just 25% for your 8th! You might boost your earnings by making longer posts or by simply scheduling some posts for the future instead of on the same day. Hope this helps! :)
I'm not saying that's a winning answer but I'm loving the tip ! Thanks @thankyoujay.. I didn't know that.. I will certainly bear that in mind.. 4 posts per day max ?
mmmm that's something to chew on.. there's so much to learn about steemit
you just earned one follower with big ears and quick eyes :)
Haha great to hear! I'm glad it helped. There's a lot to learn about Steemit, and I'm a new user so I really dove into all the FAQs I could find. I'm glad to have a new follower and I've followed you myself.
Community with a capital C ! FAQ's where would we be without them ! ( in a queue in a chatroom that's where
Wow thank you so much @outerground! That's the first gift I've ever gotten here so I really appreciate it. I'm glad you found my content helpful :D
My pleasure Jay.. your gift of knowledge is rewarded with a token gift ! giving is a great feeling :)
walls have ears: That's a very good piece of art, I do the same thing. I collect garbage to make my artwork work back home we call that art of recuperation. I believe we're in the same page we can exchange Ideas and talking about art. Good job. You make the ear with bodyfeel right good job body.
Thank you Jay for your most excellent tips ! (you didn't have much competition to be honest) but I do appreciate your response & very useful advice. You thoroughly deserve 2 SBD from me to you.. spend it wisely ( or as my mum used to say with pocket money) "don't spend it all in the one shop"
I just checked this out, thanks so much! I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, it's actually my first 2 SBD ever. I think I'll hold on until I want to invest in some other crypto for now. Trying to build a really diverse portfolio :)
that's Great.. you are now on the STEEM Ladder ... hey, you could do all sorts of things with 2SBD.. hope it inspires you, whatever you do with it