Channel Age: about 3 weeks old
What your channel is about: I'm a creative content maker of the professional kind, original photography from street to macro, the stars in the sky and beyond. I'm a filmmaker specialising in animation, a poet, writer, sci fi buff, Aritificial Intelligence & crypto-enthusiast. (blockchain will save the world)
In my second week on STEEMIT I won 1st place in the Steemitphotochallenge #40 Street Photography. I'm here to stay and I've got lots more content to share. I'm a good & loyal follow back follower, a happy contributor, generous upvoter and prolific commenter.. my rep is 54 and I'm aiming for 75 by the end of the summer.
Why I should be selected: my channel has 266 posts.. every single one of them represents truly original creative work by myself.. Quality counts and I try my utmost best to give the community good things. By picking this channel you will encourage me to reveal even more amazing things I make.. I have only scratched the surface yet.. have you seen my microscope photography yet ? no didn't think so !
If you'd like to select a video. I'd recommend my International Award Winning Animated film Sophie's Story which has played at some of the best film festivals across the world. A true story about one woman's epic journey from an early childhood of domestic abuse and punk influence to crack cocaine addiction and eventual rehabilitation. here's the link