So you’ve got your shiny new Steemit account and you’re wondering how you’re going to make millions?
Slow down, turbo. Steemit is a lot like life: If you want the reward, you’re going to have to add value.
There’s a common saying in computer-land, “Garbage In, Garbage Out.” It’s abbreviated GIGO, and it means if you put in bad code (or any bad “input”) you’ll get a bad result.
If you don’t want garbage out on Steemit or anywhere, you’ll need to do the opposite of that:
Amazing Quality In, Fantastic Experience Out.
Yes, you can use #AQIFEO and it’s a hashtag I’m proud of.
Let me say that another way, and this is absolutely the MOST important piece of advice you’ll need to follow if you want to pay for your dream life with Steem:
The Steemit Prime Directive: Add value with every single interaction.
This idea of adding value rings true with lots of Steemians, from @heymattsokol to @world5list. If it works for those pipe hitters, it’ll work for you.
Ok, let’s dive in to what the Prime Directive means. I’ll start at the end, with the word “interaction.”
The Interactions
You can basically do 3 things in Steemit.
First, you can “Create”. That means you create original content, whether it’s a video, blog post, poem, photo, whatever.
Second, you can “Curate”. That means you go out and find the very best Creations, upvote and comment on them.
Third, you can “Comment.”
So: Create – Curate – Comment.
Those are (as far as I can tell), the order in which they’re valued, and that seems fair to me and a reflection of life in general.
How To Best Use The Interactions
Now you know what they are, let’s talk about the best way to do each. There is definitely a “right” way to do each one, or at the very least, guidelines on best practices.
If you’re going to Create:
First, ask yourself the Prime Question: Am I adding value?
If you’re not adding value you’re wasting your own most precious asset: Time.
Imagination, Creativity, and Curiosity post. That’s at the base of the Creation pyramid, but only adding value isn’t enough.Ok, I’ll assume you’re adding value, like @stellabelle did with her
Just like in Real Life, not only must you create value, you have to deliver it well. Think of this as turbo charging a fast car. Sure, it’s fast, but without the turbo it ain’t winning any races.
How do you turbo-charge your post? In 2 different ways:
First, make sure every post has either an image or a video. Why? I’ll say this the nice way: People in general are much more responsive to images than they are to words.
Make sure your image or video is NOT distracting and that it supports the post. Random enticing images, jerky GIFs, images of the Steem logo are all distracting, they’re not adding value. Refer to the Steemit Prime Directive:
The Steemit Prime Directive: Add value with every single interaction.
Second, make sure you call out people who will enjoy the post. Don’t just type in their username and think they’ll rush to gush (over your post), make sure you note HOW they helped you, WHO they are, WHAT they contributed to you, WHY you think they’re so helpful, WHEN they helped, or WHERE they come from, if that’s appropriate.
The Sad Phenomena of Tabloid Steeming, worth the read. She’s hammering on this idea as well, in a different way and with different action suggestions.As an example, I was talking about this post with @chelsea88 in reference to her post on
Yep, that means you’ll have to do some work and research. Trust me, it’s worth it to be curious about the world.
Ok, so that’s Creation. What about Curation?
This is where you put TONS of research in up front, find the very best of Steemit, and bring it to the attention of others.
Where do you start? Ask yourself: Does this post add EXCEPTIONAL value? Yes, it needs to be exceptional. Why?
Because Curation is a step down power-wise from Creation, you have to do more than just repost every half-decent article you read. If you want to reap the rewards, you’ve got to do the work. You can either do it up front with Creation, or after the fact, with Curation.
If you’re going to Curate, you’ll need to also Comment on each one of those posts. You could just Resteem posts, but you’ll get far more out of it if you first Comment (use the How/Who/What/etc formula for commenting) before you Resteem.
Ok, you’re not a Creator or a Curator. What do you do?
To be honest, you should at least Curate.
Let’s assume that for whatever reason, you’re not much of either. Ok, you’re going to have to make your Comments WORLD-CLASS. How do you do that?
How to Comment Like a Champion:
First, thoroughly read the post you’re going to comment on. Read it twice. Now read it again.
Make at least 2 notes about it.
First, what was the single most important point in that post? What struck you? Did you read anything that changed the way you think?
Start by mentioning that. If you can talk about your FEELINGS, that’ll usually go the furthest. Humans are emotional creatures first, and rational second. Yep, even engineers. If you lead with how you feel, you’re more likely to follow the prime directive, which is:
The Steemit Prime Directive: Add value with every single interaction.
Second, research the account. What is that person into? What do they like? What else have they written? Read at least 2 of their other posts, and reference at least one of them that is related, in some way, to the post you’re commenting on.
Show them that you’re commenting on their post because it moved you or made your life so much better that you took the time to dive deeper into their thought space.
Yes, that’s even more work than Curating or Creating. That’s just the way the ball bounces. If you want to come out on top, you’re going to have to put in the work.
That’s also the beauty of Steemit. You don’t have to be a world class Creator or Curator, you can just be that person who is willing to grind.
Ok, that’s how to use Steemit to support your dream life. Wait, you want the bigger concept? You want a framework in which to hang these ideas? Let’s do it (it’ll be easy.)
Steemit is a network, just like Facebook. The Facebook network is built BY the users, but the benefits of the network are FOR shareholders of Facebook, who aren’t necessarily the users.
The Steemit network is built BY the users, just like Facebook, but unlike Facebook (or Instagram, or Twitter) the financial benefits of the network are FOR the users.
If you want to extract big value out of the network you help build, you have to inject significant value. The beauty of a network is that it’s a multiplier of value. Exhibit A: Mark Zuckerberg.
Remember GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out)? Yep, if you put trash in (crappy Creations, or sloppy Curation, or lazy Comments), you’ll get almost nothing in return.
If you put in value (Amazing Quality In, Fantastic Experience Out, #AQIFEO), you will multiply the value you get out.
Ok, there’s just one caveat to all this:
Not every piece of value you put in will instantly go viral and be worth thousands of Steem. In fact, in the beginning, you should expect that 1 out of 10 interactions (and they should ALL be amazing, requiring the full power of your soul to deliver) will actually return value.
It can be frustrating. Don’t whine about the frustration. Do something about it. Create or Curate or Comment again in amazing way. Do it again, and again, and again.
Keep producing Amazing until the world notices.
Trust me, when the world wakes up and realizes just how awesome you are, every single thing you ever wanted will be delivered to your door. You’ve just got to keep producing the best you can until that happens.
Ok my new fellow Steemians, take some time to decide how you’re going to help make Steemit awesome, then get to work!
Ping me on your posts anytime you want, I’m happy to jump in and Create, Curate, or Comment on the best of what I see.
To an amazing life for all of us!
Nik at Paleo Treats
Amazing post <3 i really so love how steem works on a equal exchange kinda way, which means not only will you add value to what is currently done, but you help your current sp grow too due to the value being added to the trade market.
Cheers and best of luck.
making it work in Bulgaria! Keep on putting out excellent work, I like how you called the training for a call center "brain washing." Hilarious!Right on, thanks @vangelov! Steemit is so rad, stoked to see you
Really good tips. Check out my post for newcomers, with memes inside.
Amazing post. Cheers:-)
motivation post, keep 'em coming and expand on that way more !Thanks so much @me-do, love your
Very useful guide. Knowing how to steem is very important. But it is not enough to educate Steemians. I believe that the steem system itself should be improved to help find good content. I have just written a short article about just that:
Too Many Wasted Gems in Steemit!!! Why is that Happening?
Please check it out and tell me what you think.
This is fantastic. Thank you for linking my tabloid steeming article. I think it's a real concern and you spreading word as well is valuable.
I wanted to comment on a few things you brought up that stood out to me:
You brought up posting pictures or graphic(s) of some sort in your articles. I agree. I feel it's a good practice to avoid SUPER long blocks of text. Usually that isn't too difficult because you can place a relevant image after you have discussed a point of interest. And, then continue with your train of thought after the relevant picture.
Additionally, I also agree jumpy GIFS are very distracting to see in the feed. And not distracting in a good way. Furthermore, the constant using of the STEEM logo makes everything look the same. Lastly, i really don't think posting a mere MEME is usually going to be seen as quality content in and of itself.
When curating, i also agree avoid the short "this is a good article " , "follow me and I'll file you" etc. Be real. My responses can generally be seen as informative if i feel i can add more factual knowledge to the convo. But , i also think "being real" and using your grown up words to explain your EMOTIONAL reaction to a post instead OF "oh this is sad" , "I'm Angry". Elaborate people!
Enough with the whiny posts - i read one from a new steemer " oh my account is only worth $10 " violin music
Seeing these whiny complaints is a turn off. Maybe ask for advice from other successful steemians. Maybe spend more time curating. Observe, learn, absorb. Also rome want built in a day people, it takes a while to build a solid reputation.
@chelsea88 agree with those, especially #1. As a natural born writer I get sucked in to having those long blocks of text. Might be a cool think to find a natural born artist and combine forces so both can express themselves and build a synergy. Hmmmm... :)
I feel you. I find myself deep in thought and I'm like wait, my readers need a picture. ;)
And hey, I'm all for synergistic efforts
Please support @faithinhumanity
Thank you.
A very good article on what the Steem community responds to.
Thanks Jeff! I think you could apply this "Prime Directive" idea beyond Steemit-land and it'd be pretty useful. Glad to see another Ozzie on here, you guys know how to enjoy life!
I think it could be used beyond steemit.
Life is too short not to enjoy it.
Pretty awesome article only got to glance through it but will go through it more later. Thank you very much.
Yeah buddy, was totally thinking of our convo when I wrote this. Stoked to see what's next for you Curtis!
Thanks I very much appreciate it. I'll use what your guide mentions and keep at it.
LOVE your guide Nik.
Thank you.
Will apply some of the lessons directly to my practice to keep added solid value to the experience on Steemit.
Liked / Followed / Upvoted
Thanks Zakk! Hey, I read your 4 am post and wanted you to know you might be the only one up and working out then, but I catch up later. You are not alone! :)
Hahaha hey Nik thanks for your reply, been so busy trying to reply to all !
I usually start working out at 5/6am before work haha. 4am to start waking up :-P
Followed you for some great future reads, thanks for being there buddy! Have a great day!
Nice thoughts. By the way what if one just plans to curate and comment in the beginning for a while and builds a following along the way, so that when they start creating, posts get noticed? Just a thought, as I have noticed that many great posts by newcomers dont get noticed due to lack of enough followers.
I think that's an excellent way to do it, @mechatroni. Looks like you've been on Steemit a while (August 2016!), totally psyched to see what happens when you start creating!
Great post! I think the king on steemit is the real. People can have a great intuition to smell a fake. I have faith that this platform is going to grow exponentially, and we are fortunate enough to be among the first batch of contributors. Thanks for taking the time to put this up! Great post, and Great work. My daughter finally got her account email last night. @justsailey
Awesome! Yeah, this gives us something (else) to talk about on those hikes up the mountain, right? Can never go wrong with putting up seriously good content, and by definition has to be the "real". Dig it dude, fired up to continue exploring the #paragliding world and Steemit with you! Charge!
Really good advice. I was looking for some and found it :)
Super, glad it helped! Can't wait to see your Steemit blog once you start following that travel the world dream, keep me posted!
Very good insight to someone who just started like me! Thank you and it helps a lot to learn how to build the value and how that is important in the steemit community!
Absolutely! Stoked to have you on board, always love to spread the good word about adding value. Welcome to Steemit, fired up to see your next amazing creation!
Thanks for sharing mate,every concept there was well explained even newbies wont have probems understanding.Keep up the good work!!!!!!
Cheers, totally stoked to share every good thing I learn in the hopes of making Steemit better for everyone. Hey, how's Steemit doing in Zim?
Wonderful article!
I've posted a few things as well talking about the value people can bring to the community, and how that is the best way you can actually succeed, and personally, that's the only thing I tried in the past that actually got me something.
The moment you stop carrying about money and about fame, and you start creating valuable content that brings good to other people's life, that's the moment you'll start becoming successful, because people will start giving back to you without you even noticing or asking.
Again, great article, great video and thank you for sharing this with us! :)
Thanks @raikuhen and welcome to Steemit! Stoked to have you onboard and excited to see you add a bunch of value; looks like you've got the right skill set! :)
Thank you very much :)
Wise words there Nik :)
Cheers @eggmeister! Always trying to be eggs-cellent. :)
Good, that will make me egg-static. btw, have you been filming your flying adventures like the good Cap't?
Nah, I let @captainobviou3 do the filming, he's way more into it than me. He's starting to include me on some of the outtros, so you'll see my mug there. The rest of the time I'm just trying to feel those dang rising packets of air. :)
Some how, I've never got those thermals conquered. I must be completely oblivious to them.
I wouldn't say I've got 'em conquered, but I'm definitely starting to get a better and better feel for 'em. Just keep flying!
Should be soon now, I've just had service report pdf from The Loft. 200s porosity average and everything else all passed so I should hve no excuses now lol.
Hello. I am from South Korea.
I think your posting is so valuable.
So I want to translate it to Korean on my Steemit with your video and posting links.
Is it fine? :)
gomabseubnida!@slay, totally feel free to translate it! The main thing is getting the word out that we all need to be adding value every single time. Would totally appreciate it if you pushed it out via your channels,
Thank you for posting this article, I found it very useful and will try to keep it in mind when I create my blogs.
Heck yeah, and welcome to Steemit! Can't wait to see way more of your illustrations, keep on art-ing! :)
Thank you ! and I will keep on arting... can't stop hehe
Right? It's not something we creatives can turn off...
Some really good advice here!
With the large influx of newcomers, it's really important that those of us who've been here a while and are doing well keep sharing that this is an awesome community, not a free-for-all "get rich quick" program!
100% agree. The amazing thing is that we can have it all; because the blockchain intrinsically adds value to itself every day as it grows, by adding value on top of that we leverage the heck out of technology and everybody wins. Have been totally inspired by your posts, keep up the good work @denmarkguy!
AWESOME post! Very informative for newbies like myself. Thanks Nik ;)

Thank you! Stoked to see you explore way outside your comfort zone and bring back the best of the lessons you learn. Get 'em!
Great post mate. You got a new follower 😎
missed getting nailed by that truck door!Right on @cem, glad you're here (and that you ), welcome to Steemit! Hey, I think you could totally kick up your #introduceyourself post by adding a pic or video, get 'em!
Thank you for your post mate. I will sure do!
Its a life lesson, add value to everything you do and strive to do in life and you can't do nothing but succeed. thanks for taking the time to post
Exactly right @printking! Love that you pushed the lesson out beyond Steemit land, stoked to see you on here and contributing, can't wait to see your new t-shirt ideas! :)
Geeting Nik,

Great post. The best take away in my opinion is the section about commenting. If there is one skill to learn, it is how to write comments like a god. That is how followers are gained. With a god like comment, comes god like followers. :)
Home Barista? When I was getting into coffee and hand grinding I dove deep into their forums and really got a lot out of it. Best of luck, may the caffeine be with you!Right on @danielsaori, glad you got something good out of it! Hey, I saw you're a "wannabe barista" (your words), are you ever on
Hi Nik, Apologies for the late response but I didn't see your reply.
I have spent endless of hours on both Home Barista and Coffee Geek. :)
My setup at home is an E61 Quick Mill with a Macap grinder. I also do V60 filter coffee and have a Hario hand grinder. How do you normally brew your coffee, filter or machine?
I've rolled with an Aeropress for the past few years. Have always had an eye on Creminas but could never justify the cost. I get the most enjoyment out of grinding and a big part of my happiness ritual every morning is working the OE Pharos. I've also toyed with the idea of getting into roasting, but it's just one more time suck for me and I'm crazy about paragliding right now and will be for the foreseeable future. :)
Awesome! Dang, if you keep putting out posts like your Best Music On The Internet you're going to do so well! Nice job!
Hey! Thank you so much for reading one of my posts. Trying to get better at writing. I really appreciate the kind words. You're the best.
Excellent post, and timely. Definitely "adds value" to my newbie experience here at Steemit.
Right on @rhondak, so stoked to share it with you! Totally tag me when you do your next animal rescue piece, we're total suckers for a good rescue story. :)
Getting the next one ready to post right now, but it'll be a few minutes yet. LOTS of pics, taking forever. LOL I'll sure tag you! Very awesome. :-)
@paleotreats great post, really valuable information for me as I am fresh meet with less than 2 weeks under my belt. keep up the good work!
Yo @keepinitcrypto glad you dug it, psyched to see you get a solid intro to Steemit and head out to help create a beautiful and high quality world. Rock on!
Helpful post for new steemers!
Heck yeah, super stoked for all of us to put in the effort that'll increase the value of this network. Please tag me when you put up your next #AQIFEO post, would love to see it!
Sorry.. what is AQIFEO? :D
Pretty much the opposite, right? :)
just $999,996 more. lol
I literally did L O L.
I thought this was going to be another. "Get rich quick by following me and sending me money" scheme. Glad to be wrong. Great post and great information!
Oh heck no @aguayojoshua, I'm all about excellence and hard work! Thanks for reading and appreciating it, stoked to see you on Steemit. This (Steemit) must be a smorgasbord for a clinical psychologist, is there anything about Steemit that pops out at you in particular?
Very well explained. I just create my account yesterday and it's an awesome social network
listening and getting to Yes. I think a lot of the time folks just want to know they've been heard. Keep on sharing!Thanks @sagres77, stoked to see you put great content up. Totally agree with you re.
food & flags post I think you could do really well with (I know this seems stupid) naming each flag. :) Best of luck on Steemit!Right on, welcome @sagres77, stoked to have you here. Hey, on your
Hey Nik, you have no idea how much relief this article brought me! I joined the community about 30 minutes ago and have been feeling a bit overwhelmed. Pretty incredible to have a platform where you and I both have incentive to help each other!
Right on @danielsegalo! Take it easy, poke around and see what you like. Stoked to see you create/curate/comment, I want to hear more about this "Entrebeliever" tag! :)
I'll certainly be writing a lot about it :). I've eaten Paleo at different points over the past 3 years, so I'm intrigued by your content! I felt amazing when eating that way and am trying to get back to it!
Right on, come on back to the "clean" side of eating! We've got way more content on the actual Paleo Treats blog, Steemit is mostly where I (Nik) come to shoot the shit and share info on life beyond Paleo. :)
Awesome! I'll check it out! Thanks!
This is very helpful, and a great way of laying out the basic directive of steemit for anyone new to the community. Thank you.
I also checked out your website, and I love what your business is doing. I think it has a great objective, and I share a similar drive in creating healthy treats, though I'm not paleo myself. I've followed you and look forward to seeing more of what you bring to the community.
Thanks @natashahall, glad to help out and contribute to the greater Steemit good! Psyched to see you including turmeric in your chocolate recipe, we've done that with hot chocolate during winter months and dug it. Definitely following you as well!
Thanks Nik, great post for us newbies !!
Heck yeah, glad you found it! Your homestead looks beautiful, enjoy that good life! :) Welcome to Steemit!
My brother brought me on to Steem last July and I tried it for a little while but I just didn't get it. I'm giving it another go, and I'm so glad I saw this post. I think I'll have to be a little productive to do well. Thanks!
Excellent, glad you're back to give it another whirl!
Thank you for this great post! I am a newcomer to the steemit platform and your post has put somethings into perspective for me. I thought your acronyms were creative and I thought you did a great job in explaining how to be successful on steemit. Thanks again
Thanks a bunch, glad to have you on Steemit, stoked to see what you contribute!
Really top-notch evaluation of the benefit and crucial difference between Steemit and most other social platforms. I have avoided other online social networks until now because they seem only to engage the least interesting tendencies of ego. But Steemit is so different. Its incentive structure pushes people to reveal the best and most creative thrusts of their genuine interests. This is revolutionary! Where else in the history of human culture have people been able to earn actual income doing the things that most animate them! I'm new to Steemit, but I've been exploring creative themes for a very long time. What I find most exciting , though, is not the prospect of earnings, welcome as they may be, but the exposure to unfiltered feedback from people all around the world. I hope you and others will check out my first posting, which echoes your sentiments here, Why Steemit is the most important leap in 1,000 years. Thank you again for focusing on the creative actualities of life on Steemit!
Right on, thanks Howard! You can link to other URLs using [brackets] to enclose what you want to say followed immediately by (parantheses) with the link inside. When you do it correctly the link will be blue.
Oh, yes, thanks. I should have thought of that. I'm still getting oriented and trying to remember a lot of things at once. I appreciate the tip.
Thank you for such a thorough and informative post. You did a great job in breaking down all of the aspects of participation.
Very helpful. It appears you practice what you preach since this is a #majorvaluepost. Thanks! 🍻 ^^^
Thanks @elyar, psyched to see you on here, glad this has been helpful. Steem on! :)
love this, man!
So true. Value is everything and so is experience.
Great post with lots of useful advice. Just followed you. I need all the advice I can get! Just joined yesterday, and not sure I have that much value to add but will give it a go. Had a look through some of your other posts. Very multi dimensional! I followed a (strict) paleo / whole30 diet a few years ago and loved it, but less strict now. By the way, is bulletproof coffee the same as butter coffee? Mmmm coffee! :)
Bulletproof is Dave Asprey's trademarked coffee. Bulletproof and butter coffee are pretty darn close; the big idea is adding fat to your coffee.
Looks like you'll do just fine on Steemit , just keep posting good content, engage with good people and help make this place better, even by a little bit, every day.
Kind of like raising kids. I think. :)
Nik at PT
Ahhh I see. I've had coffee with coconut oil and coconut cream in. It was gooooood (I love coffee and I love coconut) if a little bit oily! :)
Oh yeah! Try adding the egg and using an immersion blender; it sounds weird but we love it.
Hmm. I'm not sure if I'm too much of a wimp to try that. Maybe one day when I'm feeling brave! Thanks for the tip though. If I try the egg I'll let you know what I think :)
We are standing by with bated breath. :)