Hey @cattledog... I finally got around here to drop some names for you to look at their blogs and see if you can fit them into a category on your new and inproved index! Apologies in advance if I'm doubling up on anything here:)
@abh12345, @beeyou, @bifilarcoil, @brotherdave, @chanchuy, @cryptovestor, @danielsaori, @daniscib, @davemccoy, @deepdives, @dustsweeper, @fast-reply, @fortified, @fulltimegeek, @immarojas, @jimbobbill, @krnel, @libertyacademy, @metalmag25, @mudcat36, @newsagg, @newsandviews, @primeraplana, @realityreader, @reallygraceful, @revotingpeasant, @richq11, @sarahabed, @steempeak, @theouterlight, @theuxyeti, @thoughts-in-time, @tomduggan, @tjkirk, @trumpman, @truthforce, @truthinmedia, @tyrannyunmasked, @unity4j, @valued-customer, @venomnymous, @wedacoalition...
Well, good luck with all of that :D
Thanks ! Already have a few of these listed, a few more that I'd noted previous, and many more that I had no idea about whatsoever !! The hard part as always will be figuring out which category they belong to.
sounds cool, what does it do?
That just looks all kinds of wrong
Staaaar trekkin across the universe!