Greetings, Matt. It's been a while since we last had a chat on Discord. Finally came around.
I have a friend who's interested in getting a new steemit account. However, the expected waiting time discourages him. this would be really helpful. I'll ask him for his preferred username and get back to you. thanks.
Cool! Let me know what he decides on and I'll make it happen. Also let me know if they post and I'll either upvote them or vest when a bit of Steem so that they can transact.
He prefers samueldgrate and his friend prefers evergreen. If evergreen isn't available, simply use any number you wish.

Thank you, Matt.
You're welcome. Evergreen is taken, he got any other ideas? I know you said that numbers are fine, but if you're talking to them atm, see if they want something else.
He's offline. I think he'll agree to that... Any number(s) would do
Hmm, well ok! If he doesn't like it, I don't care to make him a new one, btw.
Haha, after looking into this, I'm surprised at how many evergreen's there are. evergreen, ever-green, evergreen1 are all taken.
How about
Works for me