in #steemit6 years ago

Perhaps there has been more doom and gloom around here lately, but let's be honest.

honest evaluation?Through thick and thin here on steemit over the past 2+ years @papa-pepper has been able to maintain a certain positive, optimistic attitude. So, when I look around at the incredible loss of users, the drop in value of STEEM, and the recent HF20 aftermath, how do I process it and what is my


As many of you may have suspected, I have not lost hope in the least. Sure, HF20 could have went better, but the community and platform will continue. Anytime a mess like that happens some people will lose hope, just like when the value of STEEM drops.

At such times, many will abandon ship, only to return when the increase in value returns. It is times like these that periodical "purges" happen. The "come for the quick cash - bail on the community" type will quickly move on and lose interest. It's happened before and it'll happen again. Interestingly enough, many of those who bail at such times and return when things get better are often the first to bail out next time too.

It's much like the difference between people who get divorced and remarried when things get hard, only to repeat the process the next time things get rough. Others, who make it past the "rough seas" in their marriage come out all the stronger because of it, and are able to maintain a lasting relationship.

So, what's my point? My point is simple. In my opinion, many of us long-term steemians have been through worse here already. Hopefully, we won't have to go through even worse in the future, but we have made it this far. STEEM being below one dollar is much better than STEEM being below a dime. If now is the time for many steemians to bail, then those who remain will be all the more tight-knit and bonded together. It's times like these that the real community will shine through, and my belief is that we will be able to experience even brighter days ahead, while others will be long gone. In typical @papa-pepper style, I'll be right here, doing what I do.

Many may let their username die, but steemit will live on.

Until next time…


GIF provided by @anzirpasai

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Steemit is far from dead. I think you said it right when you called it a purge The impatient, insincere, and greed driven people will leave for perceived greener pastures, leaving a closer knit, more focused community to forge ahead. I'm also in for the long haul

The impatient, insincere, and greed driven people will leave for perceived greener pastures, leaving a closer knit, more focused community to forge ahead.

Very, very well said! That should have been my post!

You are my hero. and I am here too. I believe in Steemit! Some time ago I even transferred btc into steem. My belief in steem is more than in btc.)))) I was away for some time due to personal circumstances and I will be back within a month, I hope. I keep looking your posts and respect you for keep doing that! Steemit rules and very soon situation will change to the best!

Glad to see you here still too! Be blessed @aksinya!

Everyting's gon be alright...

Get up stand up and fight!
Burnin' and Lootin' all night,
No woman no cry know why?
'Cuz everything's gonna be alright!

Hard Times come to grow you and make you stronger. I for one am committed to steemit for the Long Haul. Quitters only succeed at quitting. But I know steemit has given me rebirth since my sweetheart passed away in 2016 and for that I'm grateful and I'm here to stay. Thank you my friend.

And you know that we are blessed to have you here! Thanks @enjoywithtroy!

sir papa-pepper! when I think of steemit I think of papa-pepper. No one represents what steemit stands for better than you!

LOL - Then I hope it doesn't die!

I don't think Steemit is dead, but I do think that those who did nothing but spam are going to have a harder time on here now, so hopefully we have lost most of them! Great post! Is that your wedding picture by the way? I see a resemblance

I do think that those who did nothing but spam are going to have a harder time on here now, so hopefully we have lost most of them!

Death to the SPAM

No meat in a CAN!

An interesting commentary.
And i agree with you.

Steem will weather through this storm.
And fair weather friends, are not friends at all.

But when you log onto steemit in the morning a see what has happened.
And the first thought is, "Oh God, they didn't..."
And after some research, it is, "Oh crap, they did."
And then the developers are all like, "we've got it, ain't no big deal" when you know that it is a huge deal so bad that it needs to be unwound...

So, i can't go along with your statement, "HF20 could have went better". It couldn't have gone better. As a programmer, i saw what they did.

It was sorta like, we are flying along in a jet airplane, and the techs say we are just going to upgrade the fan blades in the jet engine, while flying, while the jet engine is spinning. Sure it could be done by someone with super-speed to whom the jet engine looked like it was standing still, but this is the real world and not a super-hero movie. The only possible outcome was complete and utter destruction of one of the engines.

And HR20 still isn't fixed. It is a huge ticking...

So, yes, STEEM will make it through because it is needed right now.
I just cry when i see all the unnecessary destruction.

I will share a few tears with you...

I think it was $0.88 around this time last year. It only makes sense that things will go up with the end of the year though.... because that's how they usually work. Bitcoin looks to be rising as well. Having said that, I think this whole thing with resource credits is actually the strength of the platform by reducing all of the spam and scam.

All it takes is that one big jump for us to be off and up in the air. I still can't help but think about ETH and its $4 price point that very quickly went up to $100. I think it took maybe a month to go from $4 to $100.

reducing all of the spam and scam.

Oh yeah! Another bonus of a purge like this! Thanks for mentioning it!

It took just 6 months to go from under $10 to $400 last year. Don't worry it will happen again. $200 to $5000. Steem can easily hit $30 in a hype cycle with all the developments happening here.

I like your optimism. Now is just another opportunity to transfer the STEEM from weak hands to strong.

I’m not planning on going anywhere.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I hear you! Me neither!

But man, in the short haul, does it feel like starting all over again.

Just wait until your leather gear takes off and moons!

Disregard moneraty value of rewards. You have an uncensorable place to share your ideas.

So, so very important of a perspective! Thanks for chiming in with that!

Honestly, I was thinking Steemit was dead until HF20 kicked in.

So little news had been coming in for far too long. And though the hard fork was inconvenient for a short time, I can see the wisdom of it, and believe it will bring long-term benefits.

I could always be wrong, but this could be the beginning of a Steemit renaissance.

You could be right too!

I like how accurate is your viewpoint about the current Steemit status. You are not so overly positive that it loses your touch of reality and not negative at all as you are actually looking forward to Steemit's better future.
Nice post and I am looking forward to Steemit's brighter future too.. Steem on!

Thanks @arnel! Glad to hear that reality pokes through in my posts!

Steemit does not have a LOVE button yet so I had to settle for a upvote. I have been through Steemit’s ups And downs as well as my personal roller coaster.

True investors will always buy the dip. If we are truly in a dip now then it is the time to create more content in order to gain more value later on. I refuse to let the fair weather fans regulate my life and I’m sure @papa-pepper will either!

That's right = BLOG LOW - SELL HIGH!

I've not been on steemit a year yet but your positivity after 2+ years is an encouragement. It was concerning when I couldn't post for several days wondering when my resource credits would go above five percent! If you and others can keep smiling after this storm, I can have confidence in steeming along. Thank you!

Yup, this is not the worst of it, nor is it the end! Be strong and press on!

Wether we age like wine
Or end up in the brine
Steemians will keep posting all of the time.

Some fools may jump ship
Turm backs with tight lips
I will be here when Steemit R.I.P.s

FB will die first
Writhing in greed thirst
Steemit will then burst

Newbies will come and go
Some stay to watch the show
Steemians dont care though

We'll weather this storm
This is the crypto norm
We'll make the waters warm

Papa is here and so am I
Til the sun comes up and makes it dry
With Steemit we will all fly

I really wish I could upvote that a lot harder!

In the last while, as the price of steem has gone way down, people have stopped posting and commenting and just being here. I could really feel where the real community lay when people were posting for pennies when there was no money out there.

Sometimes, it has nothing to do with the money.

Get in the car, I'm taking this home with me.

Posting for steem pennies! Yeah, those were the days!

Oh, you know it! ;) Not!

It's always good for us new folks, if the long term folks show a positive attitude through adversities and no panic. It helps keep the atmosphere calm.

Good point! I agree!

I'm glad to hear that you'll be sticking around. It's been a rough week and it would be a lot rougher if we were losing Papa Pepper. Hopefully things will stabilize and normalize so we can get back to posting, commenting, and voting.

FACEB.... will die before STEEMIT

LOL - Amen to that!

And yet, folks seem to be diversifying their activities on other blockchain platforms. I hope that's no analogy to marriage, lol. I think of my participation on Steemit more like gardening -- sometimes my garden is bigger and more productive. Other times it lays fallow, looking like nothing is happening. But that's when the soil is getting rejuvenated, disease is being starved out, and I'm happy to forage and use food I've preserved. It seems like a good time to get back into being active on Steemit, with so many folks discouraged.

LOL - Good point about the marriage analogy there! I think it would be a great time to increase your activity. Many really appreciate what you share!

Thanks for that appreciation, @papa-pepper! I'm happy that I got you to try eating Greenbrier! Who knows what's ahead... there's so much incredible bounty out there.

Yeah, that was great indeed! One of my favorite forages right now!

No! We are just starting!

As I just posted , nothing is going to break our stride SteemIt community!

Nobody gonna breaka my stride!


LOL - I see that you already went there.... Makes me miss mullets a little more!

and thanks for the correct lyrics...

I will be here with you and many others.
Steemit is not going anywhere, it's here for a long time
Thanks for reassuring me, that I'm not the only one believing in Steemit

You are not alone!

Absolutely dead on. I have witnessed and unfortunately been involved with many on this platform that is exactly as you described here, and it's bad business.

Coming together as a community, supporting the platform and the projects within it is how we can truly be successful here.

Best Regards,

Jacob A. Billett, MBA

CEO Billett Enterprises, Inc.

Connect with me!

Facebookl Instagraml Twitter

Glad to hear that you agree!

It far from that end, simply think that no matter what happens with steemit is preparing for the best. i voted your post

Thanks man! I appreciate it!

I took a little hiatus from steemit over the last week myself. With the aftermath of the Hf20 wreaking havoc all over the platform, it was just easier, and more sensible, to let the witnesses and things work out.

Ironically, when this happened on steemit I was undergoing many Dr appts and tests from a vehicle collision just the week before so while I was preoccupied with all the tests, x-rays, etc... steemit's HF20 was being remedied. win-win for me

I did take some of the down time and get my steemit posts in order for the upcoming week (this week), posted some on Weku and even opened a SMOKE account to post about my cannabis growing.

oh, I agree. But never stop diversifying your assets ;)

I was hoping for unlimited upvotes and comments but the opposite happened. I love to comment so I guess I will just make them longer on carefully selected posts. I still don't know what Mana is...but if it translates to usd ever...then I'm rich!! Lol.
Thanks for this post. It was uplifting. ,,,,😘

It definitely is not about how much you comment, but how the quality of you comment or post is. :)

I like just not having to wait 20 seconds between each comment. Not all comments have to be long to be meaningful, and for quick-typers, it'll be a blessing.

JoyIs @ned the boss of all the witnesses or do they work together? When I first joined there were many posts asking people to help develop this and that with the steem develpoers. Is everything compartmentalized and each group may not know what the others doing? It just seems like a large percentage of us were surprised with and still are not clear on the changes. It will get better. Lol

Hey Joy no @ned isn't the boss of all the witnesses. He just manages the daily operations of SteemIt Inc. Witnesses are trying to get better knowing what each other is doing.

I think Steemit is here to stay and that's just the beginning of the great things that await us on the platform, do not despair, calm down and wait Steem go to the moon. a hug and excellent post. :) @papa-pepper

Part of life.
Some of us try to understand and deal with it.
Now I am reading about a purge of witnesses.
This will be interesting what witnesses they will vote out by November

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey, @papa-pepper.

I can't deny there are folks here who are impatient and who also tend to do the same unfortunate things over and over again.

Those folks are certainly more than welcome to head off to their perceived greener pastures.

The folks who are here trying to turn their lives around because they live in Venezuela or some African nation, obviously, that doesn't apply to them. So, the STEEM blockchain in effect becomes a place where they can no longer function. It might not be in their long term best interests to keep withdrawing STEEM as they earn it and not power it up, but they're just trying to get through the short term.

I don't know what percentage they make up. I just keep hearing about them and their plight all over the blockchain, and I know I've ran across quite a few.

For those who have elsewhere to go and have had enough, for one reason or another, great, enjoy. For others who don't have as many choices, can't really afford to start over, etc., they are the ones who may be being lost through the cracks after finding support and a community here.

It definitely is a purge, and I am grateful for it... :)

I agree, it'll help in the end.

There were too many that were abusing the Steemit system... I love all the different apps that are dedicated to different activities

just be positive all the time and all went will and okey!

I remember as I am sure you do the HF that left us waiting forever for the rewards pool to fill. I still that one was a bad one lol. I actually am encouraged to see the heated yet civil debate about how to fix the RC problem. Just shows, Steemit aint dead yet!

Oh yes, I certainly recall!

Why are we here?
to make a quick buck, and as soon as the things don't go exactly as you want them, bail out,
to talk/chat/exchange ideas and opinions all around the world, making friends as you go, without the thought that you are only here for the money.
When things settle down again, we will see who is still here, and they will be the ones to follow and talk with.

Personally, I've seen for years why you and your son are here, and we've been so blessed. The wisdom that you have is excellent, and I'm glad to have you chime in as I fumble through life!

It's not time of death of steemit 😅
Situation will be recover soon😉
We've to wait for something good happened 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

It's not time of death of steemit 😅
Situation will be recover soon😉
We've to wait for something good happened 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

It's not time of death of steemit 😅
Situation will be recover soon😉
We've to wait for something good happened 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @papa-pepper,

If Steemit is at agony, we plan to get it back on track with our @share2steem program. Thanks to it, people are able to use Steemit while posting on their favourite apps, actually Twitter, Instagram and Youtube, and more to come. Yes, it's ambitious, but it really has the potential to bring many, many people to Steemit, as soon as we know more about the new claim account feature. In the meantime, existing steemians can post a little bit more without caring about steemit itself (they post on their social apps using #share2steem tag, our app does the rest) and cross-post their content on the blockchain, and make a few bucks with it. Cherry on the cake, our referral program will help spread the word... I hope.

Just hope this app will get known quickly...

Now that sounds incredible!

That's what most people say. The future will tell us, next on todo is promote the project. ;-)

This is a good one, Papa. Truly, this is a purge; to rid this community of those whose intention has always been what they can only receive.

I have seen lot of people run off even before the hf20 and i can see many running off again. It will be better in the long run because it shows when they leave, we will have less people holding Steem and it helps the price. Like you said, they come and leave when things get hard.

This is good Papa. You have amazing insight.

I have seen lot of people run off even before the hf20 and i can see many running off again.

I hear you. So many have left already.

Their loss. People like you give us the needed strength to continue. Your wealth of experience is valuable sir. Thank you.

Steemit Dead ?? I don't Think So....................

My main issue with HF20 was the resource credits initially made it so I was essentially muted, with very few actions I could take in a day compared to being able to happily post and respond, comment and make friends previously. Seems to be working well again. Still going to automate some stuff since DLive left for another blockchain.

Yeah, I was shut down for a long time too. Glad it is over now (as far as I can tell)

Thank goodness we're back in the game again.

Many problems have came but the team of steemit has taken everything in consideration and solving actively we need to just hope everything is perfect and no more flaws in the system :)

I think even though people have bene frustrated with the wya the hardfoek went including myuself, it has not dampened my enthusiasm for the platform and the community, I think when we look back in a years time this hardfork will be a turning point on the platform and one for the better

Right, the hardfork may hurt at first, but it is just a small step towards our future!

Yes I think its going to be looked back on as a big step for the platform

I am not going to talk about the Hardfork... but instead , comment on your wedding pic.

How long was this pic of yours now? I only recognized your wife because your eldest daughter looks exactly her,carbon copy... And this is a lovely photo of both of you. Cheers!

Thanks! Glad that you enjoyed that photo!

Definitely not the death of Steemit. Just a little hiccup for progress. :)

Hi papa pepper i tik k its the Same as you wrote down bit it was hard not posting like i have been doing for 9 months like 2-4 times a day. I even slept 50 hours and only been Reading. I dont understand THE FORK but I understand that we need it for the future so on to THE KNIFE
Have a great Sunday

Well said. @shadowspub and @enginewitty are always on about community. Shadow often closes her shows with: "It's all about community." Not sure if anyone has ever asked you or presented the notion, but you would be a great fit in #thealliance.

Hello from Steemit too! :P

I don't think the majority of users gonna bail out, it's more of a sign of frustration given everything that's happening all this time and with this hardfork they finally let off some steam!

The part that they call it a success when it had so many issues made everyone outbreak and i think in a way that outbreak came out to be good cause literally everyone included me wrote a post about the new HF20 and really soon Steemit inc tried to solve the things (cause of the fuzz)

I have been here since the price was 0,07$ so there is no way that i am gonna leave :P People like you and many others (ok not so many :P) you were since the beginning so there is not a chance that you all gonna bail out!

I would really wanna see actually how many accounts gonna leave the platform after this and how many over 1k sp! that would be really interesting!

Anyway have a nice day

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