One question: how would you proceed with steemit-users posting a lot of conspiracy-theory stuff (youtube-videos and copy/paste content) – would you also downvote them?
I was not sure whether I should downvote them, because after all also conspiracy theories fall under the freedom of expression.
But then again, they're polluting steemit with these kind of thoughts, potentially dragging likeminded tin foil hat-brothers with them, which will be having a bad influence on the tone of voice in the community.
If you ask your question again the following way, I can happily answer it. In this particular case it isn't the content that is the issue as much as it is this:
How would you proceed with steemit-users posting a lot of youtube videos and copy/paste content would you also down vote them?
Unlike Facebook, when you post something, it only goes to your friends and followers....
On steemit, it gets published to all steemit users in the "new" feed.
So the idea of reposting existing content on the internet (copy/paste), including youtube videos, just to recycle material here and get a few more views and get paid, is not appreciated.
it doesn't matter what the youtube videos contain. If you're simply just copy/pasting youtube into steemit and that's it... with no value added content, or making something unique to go with it... Then yes, it could be good reasons for flagging it.
Remember, we're not flagging different opinions. We're flagging abuse of the system for which it was not intended or designed to handle.
Downvoting is not used to decide the proper "tone of voice". You already know that I'm sure. I suspect your baiting me with these questions.
Thank you for your answers.
In the contrary – I was really interested in hearing your opinion on the matter, since I'm still quite new to this community and I find it sometimes hard to draw a line between what is considered worth flagging and what is still considered appropriate. Your answers give me a framework for the future to decide whether flagging or not.