Dear Steemians these days i really hate the status of Minnow. I don't have any idea how to change this (because I am not real blogger, I am impatience, and i cannot afford to buy any steem power) . I cannot really do anything about this concern so at last i can change the name......
I think Steemit so called ocean can provide us some chose what to be . When i first started steemit ( a year ago ) i thought i am just plankton, getting a biggerr ego I consider being a mermade ?
Now i want more ! Why to not just turn the Steem world in to a big woods? We can all be elephants , swan , ants or whatever you like to call it !
I maybe can turn Steem in to magic world and actually we will be- unicorns and fairies ? I even consider buying some of the new tokens Green Unicorns more info here :
My name translated from Bulgarian means duckling ! Here come the idea to create MY TOKEN !
My original idea was to use this token for bacon exchange . You only need to find an open shop , convince them to accept my token and eat your bacon with pleasure !
This idea actually have some value because this is a way any shop can get a free advertisement in Steemit !
Inspired from the new projects running in steemit and because i like to help i change the idea ! I will provide even better service ! If you don't like to be called a minnow, if you don't like Steem to be an ocean CHANGE THIS NOW !
We can make steem funny , by adding the future ,,How I want to be called in Steemit !" . ( something like a status )
My token has no name .........yet , but you can use it to give your ego a shot. You can add any creature to the info on your profile . Only thing you have to do is convince @ned and to add this future.
For enter you have to :
Upvote this post 100%
Follow me !
If my idea is accepted I will ( maybe give ) some of my future coins ! You can use them to change your status on steemit ( which actually provide some value ) You even will have the option to add some funky avatar with them !
The contest today is 30 Whaleshares to the one who provide me the best funny name for my token !
Consider THE Purpose token - ( change your status from minnow to ....? And Steem ecosistem from ocean to .....?)
Consider also my big EGO !
Swim free my friends ! All rights over this idea are reserved ! Don't try to copy, twist or use it ! This will be consider as plagiarism !
Dont forget to join us in Discord Whaleshares !
Stay positive and many smiles !!!
Personal utopia,and fairyland paradises ... hmm
Topia coin, or do we go with the Bacon, and bacon bits...hmm.
or maybe if we give it a bigger name it will grow, hmm PatelinchoEGOtopiabacon bits! or coin!
I hope your day is as beautiful as your personality!
Wow big enouq for my ego !
Hey there you are the winner contact me in order to resive the 30% upvote :)
Just how I like to wake up! a beautiful woman telling me I am a winner!
Thank you!!!!
Does this count as contact,or do we need to get together in PALnetDiscord, steemchat or?
Thank you for the great start today!
i am in whaleshares discord just follow the link
this is my other idea, The tokens name will be FAIRYCOIN
Since the power of fairy may granted your wish to be anything you want.
Cool than the Wizard can give me some magick powers !
You can call it Imaginego because you can imagine that you are anything to feed your ego. If you don't like that you can call it Denial Coin because you can use it to deny that you are a minnow and pretend you are something else.
Considering my big QUEEN Ego i can call miself everyting :) What you want me to be ?
You are already the queen of my heart so I just want you to be yourself.

When i wasunt ? Its just my big ego ............ you know !
good thing my love for you is big enough to have plenty of room for you and your ego and still has plenty of room.

Sweet as always , this is only one small reason to love you this much :) <3
You can also use this name: FEEORIN tokens
Feeorin is the collective word for fairies who are usually friendly towards mankind, or at least neutral. They are depicted as small creatures with a green skin and wearing red hats. They enjoy singing and dancing.
I love the part with the red hats .......... :P
My idea about the tokens name is BACONIC tokens
What you want to be on Steemit ? How you will change your status ?
I just want to be my self, who cares about status?
As long as I make my blog with passion, I'm sure people will like it.
And also I would like to be called as a DragonSlayer :D
Ha ha cool in one magick world you can be DragonSlayer :)
sounds like token, rhymes with bacon
Also sounds like taken, as in when someone accepts your coin, it will be taken
When someone wants your coin but doesn't have bacon, you can ask him to give taco. Because tacon has taco in it
I think the token shouldbe called RedQCoin! or you could remove the Q and just call it the RedCoin! either will make you happy Queen.
Ohhh you toch my heart and defenetly MY BIG EGO !
a)SwimFree Token : The traditional steemit community has revolved around whales,dolphins and minnows and to an extent restricted their efforts to swim far and wide.This name would give minnows a sense of Independence and will to explore steemit.What is better than a sensible name to a token than a funny one.
b)Unicorn Token : Unicorns have been regarded as most beautiful and attractive of legendary animals.With it's mystical powers it clearly defines our goals to achieve from the magical steemit platform.A peace loving creature Unicorn has got widespread love from all audiences.Also now days any startup worth or more than 1Billion $ is called a Unicorn Startup.This name will easily get widespread publicity and following.
c)Power Token : What do minnows need power!Power to change the platfom with their ideas with their content.A power token would catch their eyes instantly and empower them on the platform. :)Wow what an initiative @patelincho empowering the minnows.Some of the ideas are :
Hmm but is is swim free we are still in to the ocean :)
It's not the end of token list :)
I propose GetUp Token
Sounds cool :)
UBT : universal bacon token
Since Unicoins already out there
Ha ha yeaaaa cool ! I love unicoins :)
This idea is really very good. I don't know how this token works but it must be something great.
Anyways I have already upvoted your post. In fact I really need some whaleshares . I am working hard here and I would really like to use some whaleshares to boost my growth. Can you help me out @patelincho
Ok you can just submit a name :)
FOODIC Token can be a great name for it. As it relates to 'foodie', which people are like to be called, who loves food. So this is my submission @patelincho
Cool can seel some foodies :)
Thank you @patelincho . I am waiting to see my name among the winners :)
I like equality, and measuring your value by the amount of tokens you have seems strange to me, so lets go with equalitoken, where it doesn't matter how many of them you have the 'weight' is always the same.
as in 1 token is the same as 100, is the same as 1000.
No need to give me credit or put my name up in lights anywhere. I just hope that this idea takes off. Equality is important to me.
Have an upboat tho. best of luck growing on steemit. <3
Ohh lovley idea ! I like the equality also
Why not call it GalaxyCoin and instead of minnows-dolphin-whales, you can classify it with the sizes of the planets! Jupiter-Eart-Venus etc...
That could be cool i think as anyway crypto will rule the world soon!
Wow cool idea !
Funny fish))) My cat does also...
Good idea @patelincho) Up100%
GOOD you will get some of my future tokens !
)) Patetokens?
or loyaltoken))
Ha ha cool :)
Cool :)
This isn't hard @patelincho...
Bacon + Coin = BaCoin
Nepd .... consider MY BIG ego !
Okay... WonderlandCoin, because that is where the Red Queen lives and you can change from the ocean to Wonderland!
Yesss i love the idea !
loveli woow
Glad you like it ! Any name for my future token >? You also can say what you like to be in Steemit :)
Dear Queen, there is only one coin thats on my mind.
Ok how you will change your status in Steemit ? What you want to be ?
It wont dear queen, its to flag youre enemies :-)
How do we not have a MeepCoin yet. This is shocking.
Biagonic Token
What you want to be on Steemit ?
Wow maybe WetUltron ?
Ohh but consider also my big ego in the name of the coin :P
Thats why i called it Biagonic coin
Wow haha !
LOL!! Biagonic the Patelincho.
I know what you did there so, narwhal2 as your token name
Wow damm ...........get creative !
Ok coming soon
How you will like to be called in Steemit ?
.......... we say creative , be a idk bear , wizard ... anything
Amazing queen.... Nice to see you have your own tokens..... My name suggestion would be Patshares..... Or Baconage tokens.
Baconhale tokens....
Haha thank you lovley idea . What you want to be in steemit ?
very nice :)
Your a mermaid that's going to become a dolphin one day!
I am a duckling and ......... i wont be ever swan :)
Bacon Token, that rhymes perfectly we don't need to complicate it either!
I have posted some ideas like using Uber/Apple Stores/Fiverr, to promote Steemit. Please let me know your feedback.
Ok will chek
Good idea resteemed upvote :0)
Thank you you may have some tokens some day :)
I hope that you get a great name. If I can think of something I'll be back!
Thank you for visit :) I bet your submision will be really funny .
I'd consider you a dolphin right? Or maybe a big minnow?
...... consider me a duckling !
That works. Me too :) (That's what my girlfriend calls me anyway.)
Haha cute :)
KoiCoin - It's bigger than a minnow, but still not as big as a dolphin.
I want to be a Dory !
Haha! :-)
I couldn't remember what type of fish Dory was, so I looked it up;
"Royal Tang Tokens" sounds like a great name to me!
Ohh this is cool hehe :)
#happydolphin is here to support a bit. :-)
Wow thank you will get many of my future tokens !
I am here tonight make one about flower kenikir along with its benefits, please help you to help me share my post so that can be seen and in vote by your friend, if you want to do very thank you, just you hope me .... @ patelincho@patelincho
I chek your post ;)
It appears the Red Queen has had a relapse in memory and thinks she’s a minnow again. We will have to summon the walrus!
So she never forgets again a RedElectric coin will be put in her pocket so she will always remember that she is a Stingray.
Ha ha The Walrus is always here for me :) Good idea for name i love red !
lovely post. i will propose the ROYALWEALTH! the idea behind the name is to give everyone the notion that they have access to royalty when the have the token. this also speaks that the token is highly valuable
Ohh we all like to be Royals :)
yes certainly. when someone knows that he hold the prestige of a royal, he easily lets every other thing go. such token will make him/her work around 'PROUDLY' as a king or queen.
haha you know ..... my big EGO !
I distracted by the bacon.I will think of something later ☺
Every one are ............distracted from the bacon !
My proposal is...swancoin. because of the ugly duckling story you shared are now a swan!
Ohh haha yea cool idea :)
How do you think about FreaQueeCoin?
Cool idea :P
The madhatters coin.
Gool great for hatters :)
How about Bacueen!!!
Ha ha maybe .......... every one for the bacon !
I did not browsed all the comments so not sure if someone already said EgoCoins. :D
From minnow to Superstar.
And Steem ecosistem from ocean to Stage.
Haha cool !
Thanks. Instead of minnows, newbies will be called Extras. :P
Breakfastcoins. I'd like to be a Bacon Pancake please.
Ha ha cool :)
It'll be hard though, people will have the urge to always eat when using Steemit, all SBDs and Steems will go to food. :D
Haha is not the idea of use the token , read the full post :)
Hehe I did read it all. I just thought it would be funny if everything was about food, people may go hungry all the time.
I'd love some Steak-backed Dollars.
I like the idea of extra-terrestrial life in the form of the Solaris ocean. Tokens can be called SolarisCoin or SolarCoin=)) or Solaris PatCoin=))
Hmm i like the last one .......... you know my big Ego :)
I'm know :=))
Loved it! What cna i do to post is myself or you in Spanish.. we really yhink the same way i guess. i was thinking about this some days ago.. call Whale a Whlae is not fair! hahaha././
hahaha you're crazy! like it!