With great interest I have read of your YouTube ordeal in your closely related post.
I've long since heard of claims at YouTube censorship thanks to the likes of @wolvoman80 and such - and I have to admit that I didn't take his claims as seriously as I should have.
Your shift to DTube does make a fair bit of sense, all things considered. Of course you are right in suggesting that the 7 day post rewards thing is a buzz killer (applying that revenue-restriction to Hollywood would mean that a 'lot' of movies wouldn't get made).
With this said, I would like to get your feedback on a relatively recent post of mine. I know that your financial finesse is well respected among your peers and figure that if anybody might be inclined to tear its various aspects to shreds then it'd be you (and its fading away into the night as I type so no, I'm not trying to be opportunistic). ^_~
Thank you for your indulgence and all the best with your new DTube path!
I went through your post and the ideas you suggested to help mitigate some of the "issues" faced by STEEMIT. The problem is that those tactics can all be relatively easily circumvented through the use of fake accounts. As for BOTs, what you also have to understand is that from the perspective of the STEEM blockchain, even STEEMIT.com is a BOT. I dug up this old comment of mine when the topic was brought up on another post last year. Hopefully it helps better clarify the situation:
I thank you kindly for taking a look through the post in question.
I admit that I had no idea that Steemit itself could be considered an elaborate bot built upon the STEEM blockchain.
That kind of frames the situation in a different light - that it might "simply" take a better bot to supersede the incumbent champion.
Thank you again.