As a mother myself,
I say: < Please extend my love to this loving mother>
As a community member,
I say: < There is Hope where there is a Heart>
As a Believer in the True Power of Nature,
I say: < Keep Fashia Noor SAFE from 'modern" chemical medicines!>Dear @husham,
Hello Dear Mother of Fashia Noor,
Love and Respect to you. Please know that Cancers DO NOT survive in a Ph Balanced Body. Have Fashia Noor,
- drink every morning on an empty stomach a glass of water with One teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in it (drink many glasses also throughout the day)
- Mum, please use Organic Turmeric (Curcumin) in everything you cook for your family...
Here's an article to read, husham, you might have to help with translation ;-)
I have screenshot your article and sent to fashia family .
+followed u :)Thankyou so much for comment @patriciakm.
NO sugar use organic local honey to sweeten, just as in the old days ;-)
There are other good natural rules to kill cancer and never get it back. One of these is to only eat fresh vegetable and fruit and nuts, this means giving up eating all Animal Meat and their milks as well. It can be done ;-)
There are many approaches, for example - fasting for 3 days - will boost the immunity system and help the body fight for itself. From where you are, finding a holistic doctor who will assess Fashia's specific needs would be a good idea.Dear @husham, after i had written to you, early my morning here, I have been thinking about Fashia all day. I forgot to mention
Very grateful for your time.
There is plenty of independent research (still available) on the Internet. Many independent researchers, doctors, pharmaceutical companies whistle blowers, investigative journalists, etc. have died for speaking out against Big Pharma and the CDC (Center for Desease Control).Anytime, @husham, if I can help with further information. But I believe you've got the idea; Beware of How Big Pharma... cancer is curable naturally.