Giving away $500 USD in STEEM!!! To one Person…

in #steemit7 years ago


For those that have been following the Steemit Quest For One Million we have crossed 1 Milestone thus far (200 followers) and are quickly approaching the 2nd only 23 days into the event; that being to achieve an account value of $5000 USD.

If you have not been following the Steemit Quest For One Million you may want too. You may also want read the original posting to understand the concept and purpose behind it.

Currently we are just above $4000 and it is likely that we will hit the $5000 milestone within the next 2 weeks or less. At which point $500 USD worth of STEEM will be given to one lucky follower; no strings attached.

money gift.jpg

So what do you have to do to get yours?

Simply follow, comment, be engaged, resteem and join the little family we are building over here with @pawsdog.

The next Milestone will be 500 Followers followed by an Account value of $10,000. At which point 10 percent or $1000 USD worth of Steem will again be given away.

When we finally reach our goal of $1,000,000.00 it will also be shared with the community and $100,000.00 USD in STEEM will be given away to the most loyal followers that made this journey possible.

There is no fine print, no catch, no vote buying or anything along those lines. This is simply a way of saying thank you for getting involved.

Simply following is not enough, you must be engaged, comment, resteem and generally be a likeable person that adds interesting insight or otherwise informative comments to the articles posted.

Progress is posted daily to #quest, check it anytime and come join the family.


There are 2 pages

Great post dude!
For new people reading, I just want to reiterate a few points in the original post... @pawsdog hasn't used any bots, or community support like MSP, he doesn't have any whale backers or a previously established audience, nothing that people feel they need to get ahead... all he's done is write quality and often hilarious content. That's it.

His articles are top notch, I've learnt so much about market trends, but his comments are where the true gold is as he takes the time and effort to help his followers out.

@pawsdog, I've been excited about this project because I think its going to be an important and inspiring case study for new people to the platform... and reaching that final goal could very well be used as evidence by mainstream media that hard work does pay off.

I never actually considered the continual steps back these giveaways would present to your account. This makes this journey all the more impressive.... there are all these competitions on the platform to win 5SBD that people are going crazy for.... and yet no one seems to know the biggest competition in town is right here. .. and you don't need to be good at anything to win.

I've resteemed but I've decided that I'm going to do a much better job at getting the word out.

LTC made the 4 Hour 7/21 upwards cross to break $250

Why thank you for your kind words.. Yeah it does seem kinda silly that people are going ape shit for 5 SBD.. but its marketing I think.. I run low key, most days and those that follow me will find me organically. NO BOTS.. actually correct that.. I tried to negate a randowhale downvote by sending .5 SBD to rando to upovte the article it downvoted.. didn't work.. so in truth I have never purchased a I was curious if the system accounted for that or if I could game it.. apparently they already thought of that work around... But yes.. All you have to do is be a good steemian, comment, participate and don't be a dick.. it's pretty simple..

Don't be a dick is excellent advice in life, not just Steemit. I wish more people followed it :)

Yeah, as simple as it seems so many can't abide by that simple truth..

Pawsdog is just so awesome. You are so on point aussie

I've been following you from the beginning - quite fascinated with your dedication on all of this... keep it up bud.

Thanks, it a ton of work, but I think it will pay off in the end and provide proof positive to others of what is or is not possible through the platform..

Nice giveaway! Activities like this are definitely a wonderful asset to the community. Happy Rio see someone being their milestones! Keep up the great work!

i use the 500 to buy equipment to better my content

Well it's good to have a goal, all you have to do is stick to it, and see it as having already occurred.. Your actions will then steer you in the direction that makes it a reality. Thank you for your comment..

i kinda have this fear but its good to be reminded to stick with it.

It is scary man... but what's the worst that can happen really? You're tough! You can punch it!

This is awesome! Excellent initiative! I had been wondering about how much harder it would be to have completely organic growth rather than using bots. I love what you are setting out to prove.

I've upvoted and will resteem (not that I have many followers yet). Thanks @aussieninja for spreading the word. We all benefit from an initiative like this.

keep up the good work


@Aussieninja is the man,.. thank you for your kind words.. I set out to prove we can do this without paying, or trying to manipulate the system..

If I had a bit more time on my hands I'd say I would race along side you and see how I could go at keeping up. Not that I'd keep up long... you have done A LOT of blogs already! I'm pretty sure you'll have this in the bag.

Never to late to start and see how it goes.. the first step is to take a step...

Wonderful idea. It's nice to drwam some thing. You initiated very creative compaign and the best thing ia its all about your and all steemians effort without doing any external effort like bot etc. I really admire your philosophy. To do some things big with your own idea is always joyful. Your journey is the source of inspiration and motivation to other steemians. All the best for your journey. May you attain more than your goals.

Thank you so much for your kind words... :)It's about helping the community and proving what this platform can or cannot do... :)

I like your approach and brilliant idea. All the best

This is a vissionary and well packaged progect. Much respect to the initiator.

Thank you.

Nice work and Good Luck reaching this goal. 2018 is your year for sure.

Thanks, same to you.. this year should be interesting..

This is an awesome idea. I'm looking forward to watching this grow and am glad @aussieninja resteemed this! Congrats on your quick success as well

I cant wait to share with the community

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That's a wonderful post.
I always upvote and follow you.

thank you..

Glad to find your group here on Steemit! Will be reading your posts because I heard from @aussieninja they are...

quality and often hilarious content.

Hmmm, that @aussieninja really seems to know what he's talking about.

Thanks and yes on occasion they are both..

This is progressing very nicely. Very cool. Guess I'm going to have to get a little more involved. Don't know. I think I'm basically eligible. Eh, well, maybe the nice guy bit will eliminate me. 🙃 Gonna resteem this one though, just in case. Good job, and good luck again. At very least this looks like a lot of fun!

Everyone is eligible, no idea why you would not be.. you meet the criteria.. 1) adds excellent insight and comments.. 2) helps lesser stemians 3) resteems... 4) is not a dick.. I would say your eligible for sure...:)

Cool idea. Glad I saw the resteem. I'll have to follow along and hopefully help on the journey.

Thanks, it seems to be progressing nicely and can't wait till we hit our goal.

First time I have seen this.
I am in!
I like people who don't act like dicks. :)

Same here, thanks for the comment..

This article is the first I've heard about your quest and I have to say, Shit Dude, I wish you the best of luck with this.

Living in a world with some pretty big changes coming our way, not that we haven't seen our share in the last 20 years but slowly job count will lower necessitating job creation in other field's, what your goal is, with a perk of becoming a

My favorite part will be all the people in two year's saying "there's no money to make in Steemit now, only the earlier joiner's had the chance to do it, I even tried to copy @pawsdog, wish I joined when he did".

Steemian's, it's time to make @pawsdog a million dollar investment, it's totally worth our while.
Yet again, all the best mate.

Same to you sir.. and for me it is about being able to give back to the community and help others out. I'm a purist in that way in that I really do want to try and help others, elevate them, and make them a success as well. I make most of my earnings through trading, so this is just a bonus and a way to really help others out in much the same way that someone once helped me out...

Your definitely on the right path, keep up what your doing and you'll do well here as your one of the most realistic and communicative guy's here. Have a good new year's bud.

You to boss, take care..

Wow! Congratulations on the rapid growth. Are you giving Steem away from your personal fund? It seems that giving Steem away will slow your growth.

Checking out your account now.

Not worried about slowing things down, more interested in helping others..

That is the exact thinking we should all imbibed,we should think we not i. Thanks sire!

I am so happy to say i am your follower,because i see your hard work hear.

thank you I appreciate it... :)

I'm very glad someone I follow resteemed this post! Not because of the chance at a large payout, but because I'm always interested in finding fun initiatives that are good for the platform like this one seems to be. I'm going to look into the Steemit Quest for 1 Million. It sounds like a fun goal.

I've recently helped start a new initiative called The STEEM Engine. We're pushing for the same goals as you. More engagement among members. So far we've been off to a blazing start.

I think you and this initiative would be a great fit to join our group, so I encourage you to check it out. I wish you the best in reaching your milestones! If I'm chosen for the prize, I'll use it to power up our group account, @thesteemengine in order to help more users and projects like yours.

Here's to the next few milestones! Best wishes, and I hope you'll consider catching the train with us.

That is really cool.. how do I sign up or get involved.. I'm good at writing, and curating but I lack in the technical nuances of discord etc.

Discord is pretty easy to learn. First, check out our intro post for more info about the group, and if you like what you see, you can join our Discord server here.

You'll find more instructions, plus we're around to help, so we can answer any questions you may have!

Sweet thank you

Power to the pawsdog! Woof!

It's a battle but we are making progress..

STEEM hits $100.

Woo hoo!!

Easy way out. ;)

I like that idea.. lol

I am so delighted been part of this community.

So am I and I think if we all work together we can make this a great place...

First time crossing on your profile. Would love following your progress.. and don't you think #quest is a bit overcrowded tag for your challenge?

Initially it was not, I was a one man show there.. then the spammers moved in.. I may add a numeric character in front to delineate from the rest.

Great iniative ! I am very fascinated by the pace of your growth.
For the re-steem part? If one would like to participate in the give-away, he has to re-steem this post and be engaged in general?

Did I get it right ?

Just be involved, comment, be a friend, don't be a dick, resteem the good stuff you like and join us on our march upwards.. That is about it, it's not specific to this post.. Its building our network and helping each other along the way.

I am totally in! For us, the minnows, helping each other is essential ! :)

I agree, thank you for your comments...

nice idea :)
I want to contribute even if it'll only help a little :)

Every little bit helps :)

This is awesome! Following you! :)

Sweet thank you...

With the way we are growing as a community in this group I trust we would meet the set goals. @pawsdog. I am so delighted to be part of your audacious vision.

Well I'm proud to have you on board...

as i am also quite new to steemit, i like the idea. upvoted, resteemed, followed!

thank you.. we shall see how it all plays out..

It's crazy how suddenly every big player is in a full community engagement mode, It's awesome to see this as it benefits both parties, and I certainly approve the gesture! Better than bots or delegations, simply sharing a slice of the wealth!

I agree, and I think it is a better way to help others and the community.

This quest is very interesting, I'll read up as I sense a lot of profitable knowledge here :) I just started posting myself so upping the value of work is most interesting.

No problem... I update it every day #quest so you are welcome to follow along.


Upped and resteemed. I completely respect the organic approach and will be taking that route myself from here on.

I tried the vote buying option a couple of times but have decided that it just isn’t worth it.

I think the only real way to succeed is to create good quality content and to genuinely engage with people. I’ve started to comment a lot more on posts and have even joined a couple of discord channels to communicate even more. And funnily enough, I’ve increased my followers by 20 in just one day.

Steemit is an amazing place if you treat it right. I love the “don’t be a dick” approach.

Thank you.. I think the only way to be a purist about the issue and test the site as it was originally intended is to be genuine about it and play the game as if I have nothing, no means, and can only succeed based on my efforts. This eliminates those from impoverished nations or less financial means from stating that you can only make money on steemit if you start with money in the first place.

I completely agree. :)

I Much respect for you’ve I’m also in the military Currently in AIT I love this post I’m new to this if you can explain how I can invest in to steemit with more of the military’s help, I have some things in mind that I’m going to be putting out to the steemit community
#millitary #Army #steemit #upvotethispost #millitaryfamily

Army? well thats almost a downvote as I'm a Former Marine (2336) EOD... joking.... Not sure what you mean by with the military's help?

Like as far as the military money the little bit that we can invest in something as far as steemit

Gotcha. well comment on my other posts and we can get to know each other and I'll help you out as best I can..

Awesome sounds So dope thank you

Awesome giveaway and goal. Thanx for helping build a community

Thank you for taking the time to comment... :)

Still learning the ropes here on steem. But I resteemed your post and agree that you have to build a community of like-minded people to make this work... not somebody just trying to get rich quick.

thank you, I'm glad you may benefit from it in the long run.. it will take time but I think we can get there together...

Personally, i would use the $500 worth of steem to power up...... That way my vote is worth more, that way the content i like gets more value added, that way the creator thinks "wow, people like my stuff. I will stay on steemit and keep creating great content"

Its no fun to make money unless you can take others with you 😉

I power up here and there but I cannot be in all places at one time. I would rather give it away to another steemian to do with as they please, maybe they can upvote content, or help out. Either way it is my way of saying thank you for getting involved.

Well well well, firstly, I love your name, I have my hot dog lying next to me right now. Secondly what a welcome change to the desperate, greedy and self involved people on the platform that are manipulating the system and somewhat challenging the intrinsically good ethos of Steemit. I have seen you somewhere on the platform before, i recognise your profile pic. Nice to 'meet' you, and your mate in your avatar. Thanks for your work in keeping Steemit full of the best kind of Steemians. Steem on @pawsdog, I'll be watching and participating where I feel I can contribute. @steemsausage

Hey thanks, I appreciate it.. I get involved in controversial topics from time to time and get down voted by whales on occasion so that may well be where you have seen me before.. lol.. I thank you for your comments and and going to keep on chugging along till we reach our goal.....

Hi @pawsdog, I have just found this post and will try to make sure I follow closely as I realized that having large numbers of followings have made me unable to follow some news unless I am logged online during that time the news comes to the newsfeed. Thanks for this effort, I believe I am among those steemians who have problem getting remuneration inspite of the efforts made. I am excited to see the results at the end of your great journey in the Steemit Quest For One Million. Have resteemed and upvoted, hope this can benefit the 1000+ followers in my list and generate the extra publicity that is much needed. Wishing you a pleasant day :)

thank you so much for your kind words and hopefully this is a community initiative that can benefit many stemians at some point.

You are most welcome @pawsdog, all the best in your journey. And kudos for this great community initiative.

Lets get there together... :) sorry for my short response earlier after you took the time to write such a nice comment. Was a bit of a hectic morning and I was off to get my yearly PET scan as a former cancer patient. So in a week or so the doctors will let me know if I have another year left. But again thanks for taking the time.

No worries @pawsdog, we will get there together. I am sad to hear about your past. I pray all went well with the check up and you will have a full recovery forever. Take care my friend, cyber hug from me.

:) same to you...

Fabulous post man .Thanks for share.

Thanks... :)

Great bro i will very much love to get engaged and aloso join that little family @pawsdog

Well all are invited... :)

You were one of the first people I started following when I joined steemit and you were only a few days into your quest for a million at the time. It's been fun to follow your progress and seeing your hard work paying off.

Why thank you and glad I have been able to entertain you.. and likewise have not made you angry and lost you as a follower... thank you for your kind words..

I'm rather slow to anger - you are going to have to work harder ;)

Well thats good.. I'm on the opposite side in real life and will in 99 percent of cases throw the first punch.. lol..

Different strokes for different folks haha. Younger me was definitely more apt to fight, but my discovery of certain "medicinal" plants had a very positive effect on what I considered worth getting worked up over.

I assume you are speaking of devils lettuce? Yes I can see how that would mellow a fellow out.. edibles especially and bring your thoughts to a new profound state of being..

That and certain fungi that complements it well lol

Hi I noticed this contest and was wondering if I could still join?
It won’t let me resteem this post but I’ll resteem another of your posts that I like if it’s all the same to you.
I noticed that you are into ta which I think is cool. I’ll be following your posts to reinforce some basics I’ve learned and hopefully pick up a few new thing along the way.

Never to late to join.. basic rules are in my comments above.. essentially be likable, add insight, establish a rapport with me and the other followers and don't be a dick.. pretty simple... really.. Read the parent to this which is linked in the article for more info on the premise behind it..

Nice! Following you now, man! =]

Thank you I appreciate it... :)

Thanks.... "_"

Congratulations on the rapid growth. Are you giving Steem away from your personal fund?

Hey my friend how are You? Please check my blog and upvote me, thank

And these are the types of comments that are


Before asking for something, how about giving something first. If you post or comment like this guy, just consider yourself out of the running..

Sorry for disturb You

No need to apologize, just up your game, join the family.. I would love to get to know you.. but don't come in just asking for something right from the start..

I upvote You and follow You why you talk like this

Because you came in asking for something while giving nothing and now your being confrontational . I will gladly check your blog, no worries there, and upvote anything good.. but when I see.. and the rest is just images you gathered from google.. I can't find the quality to your posts.. Yet you are soliciting me to upvote them. This I cannot do, as I feel they lack originality and really do nothing but dilute the content of other authors. If you are from Romania, write articles in your native language, I am certain there are others here that would like them.. You could find a niche.. but you are going to have to do better if you would like me to upvote your content.. Not being a dick but look at @aussieninja that is good content, or @tombort @deanlogic @cryptographic They work, they put in effort they deserve to be upvoted.. I do not need dead followers... or those that are trying to whore a vote from me... That said thanks for commenting back..

This site has so many possibilities its mind boggling! Just imagine how much good it can be for people who live where there isn't so many opportunities!

this is very true..

Hey dude, I realise it's more of a quest than a competition, but I mentioned you on the weekly competition update compiled by @artz. @artz seems like a really good guy and has helped me a couple of times so it might be worth establishing a relationship, looks like you're both pretty intelligently carving out your niche and helping the community in the process.

Sweet, I appreciate all the help I can get.. :)

Ah... this post has to be the most commented and most unvalued post on Steem. Congrats?

@cryptographic in to save the day!

I see that, he is the man.. I like his posts and his personality.. Seems like a solid dude.. @cryptographic.... follow him people.. He is a generous whale in the making.

Screen Shot 2017-12-29 at 10.46.07 PM.png

Good luck on your journey I hope to grow with you and keep up!
I have started a minnow pool If you would like to join you are all invited!


Thank you so much... I can't wait till we meet our goal...

Are you kidding me?am new here .so i have been missing alot huhuhu pls need people to work with really need to steemit big .one love..

Kidding? Not sure what you mean

You're gonna get there! My VP is fuming so I need to recharge, but I tossed you one! Congrats on your milestone! The snowball effect is real

We shall see, it seems to be rolling along..

That is indeed a great initiative buddy and it will be a great way to engage with one another .By the way congrats on the achievement of the 200 Followers ;)
Congrats to that lucky person in advance ;) who is gonna get the lucky gift from @pawsdog

thank you for your kind words.. This should be a lot of fun.. especially once the numbers begin to get quite large.... :)

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